

The information contained herein is for informational purposes only and is not legal, tax, financial nor other professional advice or counsel. The information may or may not reflect the most current legal, tax, financial, professional or other developments and, accordingly, it is not promised or guaranteed to be correct or complete. Additionally, as laws vary from state to state and are constantly changing, only a lawyer or other certified professional can provide users with specific advice to rely on. Illlumeo is a publisher of general information and not professional advice; Illlumeo is not a law firm, accounting firm, financial advisor or other professional organization with expertise to provide specific advice on a particular topic. Illlumeo is not a substitute for an attorney's, accountant's or similar professional's advice. If you desire or require professional advice, please consult a qualified provider who is licensed in your state. Illlumeo and its users (including users who provide content that is available on the website) expressly disclaim all liability in respect to actions taken or not taken based on any of the contents of this website. You agree that under no circumstances will Illlumeo, its affiliates, or any professional listed on the website (including but not limited to any webinar speakers, course instructors, or blog writers on the site) be responsible for (1) any information contained on or omitted from the website(s), (2) any person's reliance on any such information, whether or not the information is correct, current or complete, (3) the consequences of any action you or any other person takes or fails to take, whether or not based on information provided by or as a result of the use of the site, (4) any person's satisfaction with any professional, whether relating to that professional's competence, diligence, or otherwise, (5) the results of any advice given by or representation from any professional, or (6) the delay, failure or refusal of any professional to respond or consult to you.

You agree that you understand that the professionals who participate in the Service are not affiliated with, employed by or agents of Illumeo. Although Illumeo may require Members, speakers and instructors to provide basic information about themselves to Illumeo (for example, information about the jurisdictions in which they are licensed and information about areas in which they practice and consider themselves competent and knowledgeable), and although Illumeo does rely upon and pass on this information to Users for their use, Illumeo does not separately verify this information and makes no representations as to the qualifications of any Members, speakers and instructors . You are encouraged to investigate or perform your own due diligence concerning Members, speakers and instructors and their qualifications. No listing of any Members, speakers and instructors on this website, and no information of any kind or answers provided by any Members, speakers and instructors , constitutes an endorsement, recommendation or referral of any Members, speakers and instructors . Some Professional Members will receive compensation or must make payments to Illumeo in order to become a Members, speakers and instructors of Illumeo or in order to answer any questions by Users on Illumeo's website.

This website is not intended to create, and does not create, a professional-to-client relationship including but not limited to attorney-client, auditor-client or any advisor-client relationship, and are not subject to standards or requirements of confidentiality and/or privilege associated therewith, nor does it ensure confidentiality between you and Illumeo or between any of its users, and you should not act or rely on any information in this website.

However, if a professional-to-client relationship does arise through any Services, the scope and duration of any professional-to-client relationship or representation between the Professional Member and client arising through an exchange of communication via the Services is limited by the subject matter and nature of the exchange. The scope of this limited professional-to-client relationship or representation extends only to the substance of the submitted question. The Professional Member is under no duty to further investigate, follow-up, review, pursue, take further action, or to continue to represent the client. The duration of such professional-to-client relationship or representation is presumed to end as soon as the responding Member provides the last answer or follow-up communication in the exchange. You acknowledge and understand that in limited circumstances, Illumeo may be required or permitted by law to disclose such communications. Furthermore, Illumeo shall have the perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive right to use, reproduce, modify, edit, translate, publish, perform, display, post, transmit and distribute your questions, comments, and/or the corresponding answers without compensation to you, for internal or external purposes, alone or as part of other works in any form, media, or technology, whether now known or hereafter developed and to sublicense such rights. Unless you affirmatively elect not to disclose your identity when you submit content through the Service, Illumeo will publicly disclose your identity with your questions or comments.

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For more information please see the Illumeo User Agreement.