Affiliate Information
Earn significant and steady Income in the rapidly growing E-learning spacefor Professionals in Finance, Accounting, Internal Audit, Tax and Treasury

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Products that Earn Commission
- Corporate Sales: 20% commission (prices range from $99 to $250 per seat, up to thousands of seats per sale)
- Subscriptions: 20% commission on first year (full price is $199)
- Certifications: 20% commission (full price ranges from $399 to $599)
- Individual Courses: 20% commission (full price ranges from $24 to $400)

Affiliate Program
Join our affiliate program and earn by promoting our courses, certifications, course subscriptions, and corporate sales.
- Joining the affiliate program is free
- There are no limits to how much you can earn
- Our content focuses on professionals in the areas of corporate finance (not personal finance), accounting, internal audit, human resources, marketing, and sales
- Contact us to get started