One of the reasons why talented financial professionals do not advance within their organizations is because there is no one to succeed them. Effective Succession Planning mandates a proactive, deliberate process in developing a path to identifying a qualified successor to take over responsibilities.

This course offers a step-by-step process in developing a strategy for an effective transfer of responsibilities, well in advance of a promotion, to enable a seamless transition. The thorough completion of the exercises will ensure that the participant has a jump start in this process, and the promise of a bright future for the successor.

Course Series

This course is included in the following series:

7 CoursesManaging Your Career

  1. Why You Need to Compete in Your Career
  2. What is The Road Map to Career Success?
  3. Target Your Next Job: How to Develop Your Personal Marketing Plan
  4. Building A Great Corporate Resume
  5. Interview Essentials and Resume Writing Course
  6. Job Interview Skills Training
  7. Succession Planning
Learning Objectives
  • Recognize the importance of planning for succession
  • Explore how to address the objections to proceeding with the mission
  • Explore how to develop a seven step process to accomplish the mission
Last updated/reviewed: March 8, 2024
38 Reviews (164 ratings)


Anonymous Author
Covered some interesting points about planning for your replacement. Wish we had known this sooner as my boss could have used this as we planned for me to replace her at retirement. Now we are facing an Executive Director that doesn't believe in this process and maybe if we had used this we would have had more leverage in the succession process. He does not like to have anyone tell him what is best, it has to be his idea.

Anonymous Author
This course was inspiring as it made me think about how my successor's success would reflect on my own legacy. It is important to put pride aside and allow someone smarter than I am to take over and give fresh ideas.

Member's Profile
A bit lengthy but full of good structure in moving on with the succession process. Would like to pass this information along to others on the team before selecting my successor.

Anonymous Author
Great course, I thought it was for owner sucession not job succession but it was very informative and it is something that is useful when I will need to step aside in the future.

Member's Profile
Great insight provided. Good advice on expectations and hiring the person that is smarter than you. Functional teams input is another take away I didn't think of initially.

Anonymous Author
The facilitator is good. The topics are summarized and well presented. There is a lot of valuable inputs that everyone cam apply to achieve a succesful succession planning.

Anonymous Author
Very helpful that templates to be used in actual process were included. Would have rated as 5-stars as not clear that all exam questions covered, even after re-listening.

Anonymous Author
This was a well structured course regarding an important topic. There were elements that I had not previously considered so it was certainly worth the time.

Member's Profile
The emphasis in this course is more on finding the correct candidate than grooming one, but the steps given are clear and useful in that context.

Anonymous Author
Very well organized and presented in a way that can be used immediately. I think Mac did an excellent job with the flow and the presentation.

Anonymous Author
Interesting points on succession, makes you step back and evaluate your current situation. Templates provided will be useful.

Anonymous Author
Very good ideas to think about and like the exercises that are part of it that get you thinking about your own situation

Member's Profile
Liked the active work throughout and the personal experiences. Surprised at the importance of cross-functional teams.

Anonymous Author
The instructor brings up some interest points on succession planning and how to view it from a different perspective.

Anonymous Author
Succession planning takes time and effort - this course provides great templates and ideas to assist with the process

Anonymous Author
This course offers an excellent roadmap for how to think wisely and programmatically through the transition process.

Anonymous Author
course is interesting and is how things should probably be, but in the real world most often then not, it isn't

Member's Profile
Great reminder for professionals to think ahead for succession planning and practical steps to move forward.

Anonymous Author
This course was well developed and well presented and included real world insights shared by the presenter.

Anonymous Author
Succession Planning is critical in a dynamic environment. This is a great structure for me.

Member's Profile
I was expecting succession planning for a business owner, but this was an interesting topic.

Member's Profile
A high level outline of what you need to do in planning your own successor.

Anonymous Author

Member's Profile
Helpful resources and aids to go through the succession planning process

Anonymous Author
Great introduction to succession planning. Good points and presentation

Anonymous Author
The course was informative in providing steps to plan your successor.

Member's Profile
It would be helpful to see which question I got wrong on final exam.

Anonymous Author
Interesting course with detailed examples that were very helpful

Anonymous Author
Was a great course, I wish more people would use this approach.

Anonymous Author
Course fully met objectives. Well put together and presented.

Anonymous Author
Excellent concepts to consider for leaders at all levels.

Anonymous Author
Very practical steps to follow in planning for succession!

Anonymous Author
Good explanation of steps to prepare a succession plan.

Member's Profile
Picked up a couple of new concepts, but mainly review.

Member's Profile
Great course.

Anonymous Author
Nice review

Anonymous Author

Member's Profile

Course Complexity: Intermediate

Prerequisite: Finance leadership experience


Advanced Preparation: None


Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Succession Planning1:48
Succession Planning
  Succession Planning Defined 11:41
  Succession Planning Steps: 1 - 310:20
  Step 4: Scrub Applicants 13:04
  Step 5: Offer Package3:02
  Step 6: Orientation and Conclusion 10:46
Continuous Play
  Succession Planning49:41
  Slides: Succession PlanningPDF
  Succession Planning Glossary/IndexPDF