Work Conversations going wonky?

Tired of the ramblers, the interrupter & the mansplainers?

Scared of chatting in a post #MeToo World?

Did you know that menTeam Working Together and women both have the same goal in conversation but their natural methods can make one another feel disrespected and wind up alienating the other?

In this class we explore the natural communication styles of men, women and bosses and how they can go sideways. We discuss the role of the listener and easy remedies both the listener and the speaker can use when the conversation goes off the rails.

We explore the tough topics of 'mansplaining', intimidation, things that cause accidental disrespect, and the effect of #MeToo on the workplace.

If your business communications are frustrating you then this is the course for you. Bring an open mind and a willingness to experiment with new techniques in order to transform your business relationships.

Who Should Take This Class

  • Business people from individual contributors to managers and executives
  • Anyone who has butted heads with a co-worker
  • Anyone who has encountered women that ramble, men that don't listen or bosses that are short tempered
  • Men & Women who are confused (and scared) about how to communicate in a #MeToo world

In Secret Conversation Styles of Men, Women & Bosses you will learn:

  • How the communication styles of men, women and bosses differ
  • How to communicate effectively with the opposite sex and your boss
  • Mansplaining Explained
  • Common communication mistakes & remedies


"Powerful tips. I think Jenn has done an awesome job in defining what really happens in any office / corporate environment on a almost weekly basis. For anyone wanting to improve their communication skills in the work environment or elsewhere should start here.  Truly an eye opener."  
M Burney

"Very well thought out and presented in an easy to follow way. I really could have used this course 30 years ago."
R Couch

"Nice upbeat presentation regarding a soft skill subject (office personal communications). 1 to 2 minutes on mini-categories is awesome (e.g. how to deal with co-worker venting or your role as listener vs talker). The mini-categories with descriptive titles makes it easy for me to zip back in and review specific areas. No one else does this kind of training - and it is SOOOO NEEDED!"
B Dee

"Good to be conscious of the different styles of communications and the types of conversations that are needed. Very well thought out."

Learning Objectives
  • Recognize the 4 different conversation styles.
  • Understand and apply common remedies.
  • Avoid workplace conflict by changing your mind set or modifying your behavior in order to adapt to your co-workers and bosses conversation styles and mis-steps.
  • Learn the memory aids that will help you quickly and easily remember what to build relationships with your co-workers and your boss.
Last updated/reviewed: March 5, 2024
8 Reviews (36 ratings)


Anonymous Author
Excellent presentation and very informative, useful content. I immediately could relate to the scenarios and saw very helpful application of the suggested tactics in both professional and personal life. One of the "best" Illumeo courses I have taken.

Anonymous Author
At times, I considered abandoning this training session but I elected to stay the course and was pleased that I did. Not a reflection of the instructor, but there is a problem with completing module 25 and getting credit for completion.

Member's Profile
Excellent! Thought provoking. As the she went through the different types of communicating I could actually picture past and present supervisors and peers, even myself. Valuable information on email formatting and responses.

Anonymous Author
I really thought this course was spot on, totally one hundred percent the truth. Everyone should take this course, it teaches you the art of problem solving conversations and how to become a better listener for sure.

Anonymous Author
Ibteresting a out how to deal with interruptions and how not to intettupt. Shows some hints in other aspects as well.

Anonymous Author
great reminders of the difference in communication styles of men and women.

Anonymous Author
Good course on the different communication styles of men, women and bosses.

Anonymous Author
Incredibly helpful insight for understanding different conversation styles

Course Complexity: Foundational

Prerequisites and Advanced Preparation:

  • No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.
  • Come with an open mind and be open to trying new mind sets or new behaviors.
Assumptions & Not Covered
  • This course assumes the conversations are between normal, healthy people. It does not cover how to converse with narcissists, saboteurs, gas lighters or passive-aggressive folks.
  • This class does not cover how to converse in non-work situations (ie: with your spouse, partner or family)
Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
Introduction AND OVERVIEW
  1 Introduction to Secret Conversation Styles of Men, Women & Bosses1:14
  2 Secret Conversation Commercial 1:18
  3 Before We Begin1:35
  4 The Right Way To Converse1:31
  5 4 Types of Work Conversations-Intro00:38
  6 4 Types of Work Conversations-Disseminating1:57
  7 4 Types of Work Conversations-Problem Solving2:27
  8 4 Types of Work Conversations-Storytelling1:08
  9 4 Types of Work Conversations-Venting4:14
  10 How Men and Womens' Conversation Styles Differ2:05
  11 3 Mistakes Women Listeners Makes 2:05
  12 2 Mistakes Men Listeners Makes00:54
  13 How to Chit Chat Can Save Your Job9:10
  14 Remedies for Misperceiving3:20
  15 Remedies for Interrupting 3:57
  16 Remedies for Storytelling, Rambling & Not Listening3:15
  17 Getting What You Need In 15 Minutes or Less3:51
  18 #1 Skill You Need to Succeed in Business2:50
  19. Respect and Being HumblePDF
How Communications Go Bad
  20 Top 6 Ways Verbal Communication Goes Bad 10:27
  21 I'm Offended3:02
  22 Mansplaining 1013:05
  23 3 Mansplaining Techniques2:12
  24 Communication Deal Breakers1:46
  25 Business Communications in a #MeToo World3:15
  26 Tips for Men in a #Me Too World2:11
  27 Tips for Women in a #MeToo World1:37
Communication Style of Bosses
  28 Bosses Communication Style1:03
  29 Chatting Up the Big Boss2:37
  30. Communicating with Your Boss on EmailPDF
  31 Rule Followers vs. Risk Takers1:13
  32 Inside the Mind of a Boss1:14
Wrap Up
  33 Summary & The 10% To Remember1:12
  Secret Conversation Styles of Men, Women & Bosses 1:22:21
  Secret Conversation Styles of Men, Women & Bosses Glossary IndexPDF
  Secret Conversation Styles Worksheet PDF
  Secret Conversation Styles Lab Answers PDF