Your sales presentation is often the result of extensive research and multiple sales calls. Your job is to present your ideas and minimize customer objections so your customer wants to buy from you. Presenters who know their audience and make their ideas easier to understand are more likely to get the sale. There are key elements of your presentation that you need to know before you develop your presentation. Getting your ideas on paper without editing yourself is important so you can more easily create your presentation. You can use meeting logistics to your advantage to be more persuasive.
This program is designed for business professionals who are new to outside sales, those assigned to sales from other business functions, and business-to-business sales professionals who experience undesirable sales results. You learn to create and deliver more effective sales presentations when you apply the strategies in this webinar.
Learning Objectives
- Discover how to use a mind map to more easily create your presentation
- Recognize how to use visuals to your advantage
- Identify the signs of customer interest and boredom
- Explore the best way to take questions from the audience
Included In Certifications
This course is included in the following Certification Programs:
17 CoursesEnterprise Selling Certification
- Sales Territory Management
- Selling Strategy: Before Prospect Contact Part 1 - Strategy Decisions
- Selling Strategy: Before Prospect Contact Part 2 - Selling From Strength
- Selling Strategy: Before Prospect Contact Part 3 - Developing Your Sales Process
- Selling Strategy: Before Prospect Contact Part 4 - How to Get the Meeting: Telephone Selling
- Rapport and Persuasion to Sell More and Shorten Your Sales Cycle
- Questions that Sell - The Simple A B C D Process
- Laser Listening: The Skill to Increase Business
- Power Persuasion Strategies: Influence a Customer to Buy
- Negotiating and Sales: Strategies and Skills to Close More Business
- The Sales Call Part 1: Preparation
- The Sales Call Part 2: Conduct a Successful Sales Call
- The Sales Call Part 3: Present and Reduce Objections
- After the Sale Part 1 - Create Satisfied Customers
- After the Sale Part 2 - Compelling Email Communication
- After the Sale Part 3 - Demonstrate Value
- After the Sale Part 4 - Effective Testimonials
No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course. However, it is recommended to take the other courses in the series prior to completing this one.
Education Provider Information