Did you know that there are words you can use that are more persuasive that will help you sell?  Words are just one of the tools of the persuasive sales professional.  You should use your credibility to enhance your persuasion.  You can learn persuasion strategies that will help your customers act and make buying decisions, which shortens your sales cycle. By learning the power of persuasion, you can sell more in less time.

There are simple and effective ways to incorporate more persuasion strategies in sales as you work with prospects and customers. All too often, sales professionals think all they have to do to persuade a customer to buy is to offer enough data. They think that will result in a buying decision.  In this course you learn why this strategy often fails and what to do instead so you can be a more powerful and effective sales persuader.

Learning Objectives
  • Explore how to use persuasion that is not coercive.   
  • Identify and use the components of a persuasive message.
  • Explore the role of emotions in customer decision making.
  • Discover how to enhance your credibility to be more persuasive.
  • Identify more persuasive words for you to use while selling.  
  • Discover the most effective proof to persuade prospects and customers.  
Last updated/reviewed: March 13, 2024

Included In Certifications

This course is included in the following Certification Programs:

17 CoursesEnterprise Selling Certification

  1. Sales Territory Management
  2. Selling Strategy: Before Prospect Contact Part 1 - Strategy Decisions
  3. Selling Strategy: Before Prospect Contact Part 2 - Selling From Strength
  4. Selling Strategy: Before Prospect Contact Part 3 - Developing Your Sales Process
  5. Selling Strategy: Before Prospect Contact Part 4 - How to Get the Meeting: Telephone Selling
  6. Rapport and Persuasion to Sell More and Shorten Your Sales Cycle
  7. Questions that Sell - The Simple A B C D Process
  8. Laser Listening: The Skill to Increase Business
  9. Power Persuasion Strategies: Influence a Customer to Buy
  10. Negotiating and Sales: Strategies and Skills to Close More Business
  11. The Sales Call Part 1: Preparation
  12. The Sales Call Part 2: Conduct a Successful Sales Call
  13. The Sales Call Part 3: Present and Reduce Objections
  14. After the Sale Part 1 - Create Satisfied Customers
  15. After the Sale Part 2 - Compelling Email Communication
  16. After the Sale Part 3 - Demonstrate Value
  17. After the Sale Part 4 - Effective Testimonials
1 Review (6 ratings)


Anonymous Author
I had never previously considered the emotions of my clients, only their professional behaviour. This also made me aware of my own emotions and language used.

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Power of Persuasion Strategies: Influence a Customer to Buy13:08
  Ethos - Credibility11:22
  Power of Persuasion Strategies: Influence a Customer to Buy12:02
  Power of Persuasion Strategies: Influence a Customer to Buy8:37
  Power of Persuasion Strategies: Influence a Customer to Buy full video45:09
  Slides: Power Persuasion Strategies: Influence a Customer to Buy Part 1PDF
  Slides: Power Persuasion Strategies: Influence a Customer to Buy Part 2PDF
  Slides: Power Persuasion Strategies: Influence a Customer to Buy Part 3PDF
  Power Persuasion Strategies: Influence a Customer to Buy Glossary/IndexPDF