This course begins by comparing the formula-based reports we built using SUMIFS in previous courses to reports using PivotTables. We dig into the details between these two report types so that you are comfortable applying them to specific scenarios.

This session is really fun because we create two versions of many reports, one version with formulas and the other with PivotTables so that you are comfortable replacing formula-based reports with PivotTables when appropriate.

Course Series

This course is included in the following series:

4 CoursesPivotTable Essentials

  1. PivotTable Essentials
  2. How to Use PivotTables instead of Formula-Based Reports
  3. PivotTable Conclusion and External Data Introduction
  4. Using PivotTables and PivotCharts to Prepare External Data
Learning Objectives
  • Identify the three PivotTable report layout formats
  • Discover the operator that causes Excel to create absolute structured table references
  • Recognize the difference between calculated fields and calculated items
Last updated/reviewed: March 18, 2024

Included In Certifications

This course is included in the following Certification Programs:

9 CoursesExcel for Professional Applications Certification

  1. Excel Shortcuts Training: 5 Top Productivity Boosting Shortcuts
  2. Excel Training: Skills for Better Workbook Design
  3. Excel Training: Boosting Proficiency with Selected Shortcuts (PC Version)
  4. Excel Training: Mastering Fundamental Functions - IFERROR, IF, List Comparisons and More
  5. Excel Training: Tips for Improving Data Validation, Error Checking, Reporting and Other Performance Obstructions
  6. PivotTable Essentials
  7. How to Use PivotTables instead of Formula-Based Reports
  8. PivotTable Conclusion and External Data Introduction
  9. Using PivotTables and PivotCharts to Prepare External Data
26 Reviews (87 ratings)


Anonymous Author
Amazing course. Explanations are clear, the supporting files are what makes this course so effective. I learned a lot eventhough I have been using pivot tables for some time. Now, I can make a better job in less time. I highly recommend this course to anyone!

Anonymous Author
Another great course by Jeff. His explanations are very clear which is especially valuable when the material gets complicated. Following along with the workbook exercises is critical. I will definitely be returning to this course.

Anonymous Author
This gets pretty repetitive and Jeff goes very fast, so if you are new to pivot tables, you don't really want to start with this one. He does a great job showing some more advanced methods of pulling data out of tables.

Member's Profile
A thouroughly thorough course on a deep excel subject. I feel very prepared now and highly recommend. It just took me a good bit longer than the state course time, as I wanted to learn this well. Scored 100%! :)

Member's Profile
How table col and table range reference change from relative to absolute when filled right using fill handle or fill command was a tip really cool and something I look forward to use in my work.

Anonymous Author
Intense with a lot of material to cover, but a great deal of useful info. Many ways to manipulate both formula tables and pivot tables to set up very efficient excel projects

Anonymous Author
Excellent overview of the topic very well presented.I wish the presentation materials were more substantial for later reference, but the practical examples were excellent.

Anonymous Author
Mr. Lenning is a very knowledgeable Excel instructor. The course is very hands on but Mr. Lenning moves through the exercises very quickly so you need to keep up!

Anonymous Author
I've used pivot tables for a long time and didn't realize that the calculated field and calculated item functions existed. Will be very beneficial going forward.

Member's Profile
The class showed me how to do some things in a different way than I had been. I can now use pivot tables to display data in much more user friendly way.

Member's Profile
Great course for someone new to pivot tables. Fast paced. Requires more than the estimated time. Must work examples to get the most out of this course.

Anonymous Author
Great visual presentation of side by side formula based vs pivot table based approaches to same desired result. Well explained examples.

Member's Profile
good course

Member's Profile
A really sophisticated course on building reports using both pivot tables and formulas. Has the usual Lenning brisk pace. Recommended.

Anonymous Author
This was a great course for showing the value of Formula based Reports and Pivot Table Reports in there respective functions.

Member's Profile
great excel course, moves a bit quickly at times but the ability to stop and go back allows this to work. Great course.

Anonymous Author
Another great course by this instructor! I find it especially helpful to complete the exercises as I watch. Thanks!

Anonymous Author
Excellent presentation. Learned much in a short span of time. Instructor presentation and narration is commendable

Anonymous Author
This course provides a lot of pivot table examples. Jeff is very knowledgeable and explains the process well.

Anonymous Author
Good explanations on various pivot table options with examples so you can actually practice the exercises.

Anonymous Author
Really helpful to see the side-by-side presentation with Formula based reports vs Pivot table reports

Anonymous Author
The instructor is very knowledgeable and is very good at providing and demonstrating the information

Anonymous Author
informative course about the benefits of using a pivot table and the options available

Anonymous Author
Instructor is very knowledgeable and presents information in a well organized manner.

Member's Profile
This course is very well presented. Easy to understand and lots of exercises.

Member's Profile
This course was really helpful! Thank you so much.

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course. However, it is recommended to take the other courses in the series prior to completing this one.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Chapter 11: Report Type Comparison Part 19:38
  Chapter 11: Report Type Comparison Part 212:28
  Chapter 12: Options8:06
  Chapter 13: Report Layout and Design11:39
  Chapter 14: Multiple Value Fields18:47
  Chapter 15: Calculated Fields15:50
  Chapter 16: Calculated Items9:31
  How to Use PivotTables instead of Formula-Based Reports1:25:59
  Supporting Files:How to Use PivotTables instead of Formula-Based ReportsZIP
  How to Use PivotTables instead of Formula-Based Reports GlossaryPDF
  Review Questions quiz
 Final Examexam