The topic of ethics is a critical part of today’s business environment.  Often, courses try to teach “what is wrong and what is right." However, those determinations can only be made by the individuals who are applying the theory.  Psychological theories outline multiple ethical theories.  Each has its own benefits and downfalls.  The ethical theory employed for decision making emphasizes aspects of an ethical dilemma important to the person.  Understanding the variations in the ethical theories can help professionals understand their control environment and the culture in which they are operating.

Psychology of Ethics Part 1 reviewed: Meta-ethical theories; Normative ethical theories – Consequentialism, Deontology and Virtue.  Each analysis included business examples.  This course reviews descriptive ethics and applied ethics and their application in business.

Course Series

This course is included in the following series:

1 CoursePsychology Behind Ethics

  1. Ethics and the Psychology Behind the Concept - Part 2
Learning Objectives
  • Explore the meaning of descriptive ethics and recognize its business application.
  • Identify the types of applied ethics.
  • Explore the various categories of business ethics.
  • Explore the various categories of professional ethics.
  • Recognize how descriptive ethics and applied ethics impact business.
Last updated/reviewed: March 5, 2024

Included In Certifications

This course is included in the following Certification Programs:

13 CoursesEthical Leadership Certification

  1. History of Ethics
  2. Ethics and the Psychology Behind the Concept - Part 2
  3. COSO 2013 Control Environment
  4. Today’s Corporate Ethical Culture - An updated course
  5. Managing Through Corporate Politics
  6. Real World Business Ethics Scenarios
  7. Relationship between Ethics, Morality, and the Law
  8. Impact of Ethics on Leadership
  9. Framework for Ethical Decision Making
  10. Keys to an Effective Code of Conduct
  11. Keys to Understanding Conflicts of Interest
  12. Whistleblower Hotlines - History and Regulations
  13. Whistleblower Hotlines - Effective Management
25 Reviews (107 ratings)


Anonymous Author
This course should be taken in conjunction with Part I. These concepts seem obvious (like consideration of multi-cultural environment when setting ethics for global company), but I saw actual examples when companies were not aware about such things. So systematic guidance on these issues is really useful.

Member's Profile
Fantastic class. In this and the previous class, Lynn explains the various principles behind ethics. As with her other classes, Lynn provides great examples. I like taking her exams because they make me think using the theories I just learned in class.

Anonymous Author
The most interesting part I found in this course was how descriptive ethics plays an important role in helping to create a more effective code of conduct, in an ever evolving and multi-cultured world.

Anonymous Author
The desire to have an ethics compels its satisfaction the more insistently the more persistently the loss of a person, whether it be obvious, whether it is hidden, grows to immeasurability.

Member's Profile
Fascinating subject matter! I'm looking forward to enrolling in Part 1. This course is very well organized to get much information into a 1-hour CPE class.

Member's Profile
This was an excellent, non-judgmental presentation. Fountain presents potential controversial topics and allows facts, rather than personal opinions.

Anonymous Author
Surprising presentation. I did not know there is such a variety of ethics theories and applications. Very interesting presentation. Suitable to all.

Anonymous Author
Good course - like the idea of splitting the course up into more manageable sizes and the example usage around theory to help knowledge bed in.

Member's Profile
Descriptive Ethics was more difficult to understand than the Applied Ethics because we see the applied ethics more in everyday life.

Member's Profile
This was course 3 in this ethics series. They where all great and Lynn runs a nice program. Huge ethics leaning opportunity.

Member's Profile
The course content was thorough and easy to understood. The instructor provided anecdotes to make the content more memorable.

Anonymous Author
I really appreciated Lynn's background and sharing personal examples to make the course more engaging to follow. Great job!

Member's Profile
This was a very informative presentation and also interesting - good examples of various ethical concepts were included.

Anonymous Author
Confusing course, need a psychology class prior to taking this course to fully grasp the lesson here.

Member's Profile
Very interesting concepts. Expanded the first two courses nicely and I found it very informative.

Anonymous Author
The information was easy to understand thanks to the presenter giving great examples of ethics.

Member's Profile
great course with good inputs regard ethics. Good training to refresh about ethics concepts.

Anonymous Author
Overall, this was a good course with a lot of interesting views and topics.

Anonymous Author
Good overview of the different frameworks/guidance that is applicable.

Anonymous Author
Good informational course, well developed, structured, and presented.

Anonymous Author
The speaker is amazing. I am amazed at her extensive knowledge.

Anonymous Author
A great overview of descriptive and applied business ethics.

Anonymous Author
well thought out and acceptable for cpe review purposes

Anonymous Author
Better understanding of types of Ethics in business.

Member's Profile

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course. However, it is recommended to take the other course in the series prior to completing this one.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction To Ethics and the Psychology Behind the Concept - Part 23:40
Descriptive & Applied Ethics
  Descriptive Ethics14:35
  Descriptive Ethics in Business2:46
  Descriptive Philosophers5:16
  Applied Ethics6:53
  Business Ethics10:35
  Professional Ethics8:12
  Using Theories in Business and Summary6:29
  Ethics and the Psychology Behind the Concept - Part 258:27
  Slides: Ethics and the Psychology Behind the Concept - Part 2PDF
  Ethics and the Psychology Behind the Concept - Part 2 Glossary/IndexPDF
  Review Questions quiz
 Final Examexam