Any student of ethics should understand that concepts surrounding ethics are based in philosophy. For individuals, the ethical theory they employ for decision making emphasizes aspects of an ethical dilemma which is important to them. Understanding the variations in the ethical theories can help professionals understand their control environment and the culture in which they are operating. In addition, understanding ethical philosophies will assist in directing personnel to the most ethically correct resolution per the guidelines within the ethical theory. This understanding will assist in evaluating and acknowledging ethical behavior in the workplace.
The field of ethics involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior. Philosophers divide ethical theories into four general subject areas: meta-ethics; normative ethics; applied ethics; descriptive ethics. This course focuses on meta-ethics and the three categories of normative ethics which include:
- Consequentialism
- Deontology
- Virtue
Course Series
This course is included in the following series:
1 CoursePsychology Behind Ethics
- Ethics and the Psychology Behind the Concept - Part 2
Learning Objectives
- Identify the purpose of ethical theories.
- Explore the theory behind meta-ethics and its application in the workforce.
- Identify questions related to meta-ethics.
- Explore the theory behind normative ethics and the variations in the sub-philosophies within this theory.
- Consequentialism
- Virtue ethics
- Deontology ethics
- Identify questions that relate to normative ethics.
- Recognize examples of normative ethical behavior.
- Explore the use of ethical theories in business.
Included In Certifications
This course is included in the following Certification Programs:
13 CoursesEthical Leadership Certification
- History of Ethics
- Ethics and the Psychology Behind the Concept - Part 2
- COSO 2013 Control Environment
- Today’s Corporate Ethical Culture - An updated course
- Managing Through Corporate Politics
- Real World Business Ethics Scenarios
- Relationship between Ethics, Morality, and the Law
- Impact of Ethics on Leadership
- Framework for Ethical Decision Making
- Keys to an Effective Code of Conduct
- Keys to Understanding Conflicts of Interest
- Whistleblower Hotlines - History and Regulations
- Whistleblower Hotlines - Effective Management
33 Reviews (128 ratings)
No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course.
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