Hello and welcome Excel fans everywhere to our heavyweight event!
In one corner, with an impressive 20-year career, introducing the reigning champion of lookup functions, VLOOKUP. In the other corner, quickly gaining popularity with users, a recently introduced powerhouse, SUMIFS. Both functions have their unique ins and outs and situations in which you would prefer one over the other.
In this course, we’ll witness an epic battle between these two Excel heavyweights and watch these rivals go head-to-head using real-world examples and a full explanation of each. Who will win? Join us and find out…
Learning Objectives
- Explore the arguments of the VLOOKUP function
- Identify the SUMIFS function arguments
- Recognize the differences between these two functions
160 Reviews (500 ratings)
No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course.
Great course!
One question = Isn't the last final exam answer incorrect? I thought VLOOKUP would only find the first value, not the sum of all values, so I picked the second answer, but the course says that the first answer was correct.
If the lookup value is found on multiple rows in the lookup range, what does the function return?
Should have chosen
Both SUMIFS and VLOOKUP return the sum of all matching rows
VLOOKUP returns the related value of the first matching row, and SUMIFS returns the sum of all matching rows
Neal...hmmm...thanks for the heads up. The correct answer is "VLOOKUP returns the related value of the first matching row, and SUMIFS returns the sum of all matching rows." I'll have to investigate the exam in this LMS. Thanks for letting me know!