This course covers a three step process that businesses can follow to uncover opportunities to improve cash flow and profitability. 

In Phase 1, a process is laid out to analyze the seven cash drivers of any business, comparing the company to itself as well as its industry peers.  Phase 1 ends with the business knowing exactly where to focus their scarce resources to drive improved financial performance. 

Phase 2 (covered in depth in a separate, 1-hour presentation) establishes the value of the business to understand how value is created and to have a measuring point for future improvements. 

Phase 3 forecasts the next three years so the business can see how making small improvements can have a profound impact on the future health of the business. The 3 Phase process provides a business with a complete “Business Performance Review” which equips the CFO to provide financial leadership to the business they serve.

Learning Objectives
  • Explore how analytics can be used to identify opportunities to improve financial performance.
  • Explore how to monetize and prioritize each opportunity so scarce resources can be applied to the greatest opportunities.
  • Recognize the importance of forecasting in communicating with the organization the need to make changes.
  • Identify the steps in a Benchmarking program to implement change.
Last updated/reviewed: March 20, 2024
4 Reviews (21 ratings)


Anonymous Author
Analytics to determine where a company should focus its efforts to enhance profitability and cash flow, thereby increasing the market value of the business.

Member's Profile
Nice presentation of basic concepts.. It provides tool for growth

Member's Profile
Good visuals to describe the topics being discussed

Anonymous Author
Very useful course --well presented

Course Complexity: Intermediate

Strong background in finance or accounting with clear understanding of financial statements and their requirements.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction o Using Fiscal Analytics to Identify Opportunities to Improve Cash Flow & Profitability9:47
  Income Statement Review 13:43
  Balance Sheet Review 7:15
  Estimating The Fair Market Value 3:50
  Projected Financial Statements 7:15
  Bench Marking 4:25
  Course Summary 6:35
Continuous Play
  Using Fiscal Analytics to Identify Opportunities to Improve Cash Flow & Profitability 52:51
  Slides: Using Fiscal Analytics to Identify Opportunities to Improve Cash Flow & ProfitabilityPDF
  Using Fiscal Analytics to Identify Opportunities to Improve Cash Flow & Profitability Glossary/IndexPDF