In this course we discuss why a company would want to engage in strategic or long range planning, and how all planning and budgeting activity is critical to guiding the really important decisions that help companies define their future. We look at examples and case studies of successful long term planning, and then move into how to structure a planning team and develop a viable, relevant plan from scratch. Finally we look at ways to manage the activities that determine whether the plan’s goals actually get met.

Learning Objectives
  • Recognize why strategic planning goals are typically not met – by most companies, even those who may have planning systems in place. 
  • Identify and engage the right mix of collaborators to ensure the plan has relevant input and broad acceptance by those who will implement it.
  • Recognize the 7 things you must do before you start strategic plan development for the planning process to be effective. 
  • Identify the key characteristics of the goals outlined in the strategic plan.
  • Discover the 5 management monitoring actions you must take to ensure your plan stays on track.


Last updated/reviewed: March 4, 2024
6 Reviews (25 ratings)


Anonymous Author
This was a nice overview of the strategic planning process - something we've been thinking a lot more about at my company. Will definitely keep some of the headlines here in mind.

Member's Profile
Enjoyed learning the non-financial steps needed to plan a budget. It will assist me in including other viewpoints from non-financial departments in my budgeting process.

Anonymous Author
This was awesome. If new with budgets, another viewing would be beneficial. This was awesome. If new with budgets, another viewing would be beneficial.

Anonymous Author
Useful information presented in an organized manner. I liked that the presenter shared experiences and clear examples.

Member's Profile
Very basic. Was hoping for more substance of the planning process since we are more advanced at my organization

Member's Profile
Excellent presentation on importance of Strategic Planning in the organization.

Course Complexity: Intermediate
  • There are no course prerequisites. However the material will be most meaningful if you have held a position on the management team of a growing company, or if you’ve been involved in operational planning or budgeting in your company at any level. This is particularly true for small to mid-sized companies whose planning culture has not been fully developed, i.e., the company has no strategic plan or has one but doesn’t manage to use it effectively.  
  • If you currently serve in a management position in a privately owned company, get a copy of all your company’s planning documents – its budget or financial plan, operating plan, strategic plan, by whatever name they are called – and read through them. In the process decide for yourself if you believe the company’s activities are guided by well thought out long-range goals and objectives. Either way you decide, you are then ready for this course. 
Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Strategic Planning -Taking your company beyond next year's budget1:16
  Why planning doesn't work4:28
  Strategic Planning in Perspective7:47
  Long-Term vs. Short Term2:30
  Getting Started12:17
  Developing Your Plan5:05
  A strategic plan for everyone5:44
  Making Your Plan Work3:35
  Accountability reporting2:30
  Strategic Planning -Taking your company beyond next year's budget Full Video46:53
  Slides: Strategic Planning – Taking Your Company Beyond Next Year’s BudgetPDF
  Strategic Planning – Taking Your Company Beyond Next Year’s Budget Glossary/IndexPDF