The Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE) No. 16, effectively replaced the former standard SAS 70 in 2010 as the authoritative guidance for reporting on controls at service organizations. Today, many service organizations have converted to the new standard and now have a SSAE 16 report, also referred to as a Service Organization Controls (SOC) 1 report.

This course provides an overview of SSAE 16 standards and the approach to compliance reporting on controls at service organizations as well as the responsibilities of those organizations being audited. We also discuss:

  • Outsourcing and risk
  • Terms and definitions
  • Why SAS 70 was replaced with SSAE 16, and the key differences between the two

You also learn about the three SOC reporting options and two types of reports, with emphasis on the SOC 1 report. Also covered:

  • Various sections of SOC 1
  • How to write a description of a service organizations control environment, as well as managements written assertion
  • How to derive value from the reports to evaluate service organizations services
Learning Objectives
  • Discover and differentiate between the three types of SOC reports
  • Identify and name the components of a SOC 1 report
  • Discover and compose a management assertion letter to include with the service auditor’s opinion
  • Recognize and effectively describe the service organization’s “system” 
Last updated/reviewed: March 9, 2024
31 Reviews (119 ratings)


Anonymous Author
Great description of the SOC 1 report requirements & customary contents. Well-organized presentation with clearly-worded (albeit lackluster) slides, providing a good amount of detail without being overwhelming. The presenter was easy to understand and seemed to be very familiar with the topic. Although she was a bit monotone, my interest was held throughout and I gained knowledge that'll be very helpful in my job.

Member's Profile
It is pretty detailed and I leant a lot. I will recommend this to my colleagues. The exam and quiz are beneficial, but I will recommend that the exams are a little more, like having 30 questions. I also recommend that there are 5 questions quiz after each video to test the subject of that segment

Member's Profile
the course was straight forward and well laid out, the time allocated was productive. However, I would suggested well dictating, the presented can make more emphasis on topics and subtopics to allow learners follow through with making notes

Member's Profile
Excellent course. Within the short time the instructor has explained the SAS 60 and SSAE 16 standards and the juice of all types of SSAE reports. This truly demonstrated her skills and experience. Kudos!!!

Member's Profile
I really liked the careful breakdown and explanation of the various components of the different types of SOC reports. The speaker was very clear and organized in her presentation.

Anonymous Author
The course provides an overview of SSAE 16 and SOC reporting. I would recommend this course to anyone that has a service organization or has a third party service organization.

Anonymous Author
appreciated going through each SOC report type and levels of the report from opinion assertion description of controls and section five additional information.

Anonymous Author
Great overview of how we got from SAS70 (1992) to SSAE16 (2011) as well as the differences between Type I and type II exams and the 3 types of reports.

Member's Profile
I liked the course, the only problem I am having is if the two parts of the "understanding soc 1 reports" videos are the exact same video

Member's Profile
This is a giod course to provide users of Soc reports appropriate background detaild. Slides provided a great deal of content.

Member's Profile
Information provided in the instructor's comments was not necessarily included in the presentation materials.

Member's Profile
One of the presentation sections was not included, but rather a repeat presentation of the previous section.

Anonymous Author
very detailed explanation of SOC 1 reports. It was a little repetitive at times, but very informative

Anonymous Author
This course was a wonderful introduction to SOC 1 Reports. I indeed gained some valuable knowledge

Anonymous Author
It was an interesting course and explained about the SOC report and the various types quite well.

Anonymous Author
This is a refreshing course. Nothing surprised me. Beginners will learn a lot from this training.

Anonymous Author
Lots of information provided, very easy to follow, good break down of steps and sections.

Member's Profile
good information and pace from the presenter. relevant information regardig the topic

Anonymous Author
I think I would have gotten more out of this course by simply reading a script ....

Anonymous Author
This course was very helpful in understanding the components of a SOC 1 report.

Anonymous Author
Good course providing an overview of SOC reports. Slides were very useful.

Member's Profile
Interesting course with good descriptions of different components of SOC1

Member's Profile
Great overview of the history and need for service reports. Thank you!

Anonymous Author
SSAE 16 SOC 1 Guide for Service Organizations is an excellent course.

Anonymous Author
covers knowledge about the SOC1 report. great course!!

Member's Profile
Very thorough course with good real life references.

Anonymous Author
Easy to understand.

Member's Profile
Useful info!

Member's Profile
good course

Anonymous Author

Member's Profile

Course Complexity: Advanced

Prerequisite: Overview of service organizations


Advanced Preparation: None


Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
Guide to SOC 1 Reports
  Outsourcing and Risk4:11
  SAS 70 to SSAE 166:59
  Understanding SOC 1 Reports26:08
  Understanding SOC 1 Reports (Continued)25:15
  Course Conclusion 4:03
  SSAE 16 SOC 1 Guide for Service Organizations1:13:41
  Slides: SOC 1 ReportsPDF
  SOC 1 Reports Glossary/IndexPDF
  Table of ContentsPDF