Sampling is an important method for determining the extent of testing controls, testing compliance, and tests of substantive details. It allows the auditor to apply procedures to less than 100% of the population yet extend results to project likely conclusions about the entire population. This module will describe the proper process for both attribute testing and variable sampling in financial statement and compliance audits.

Major Topics:

  • Types of sampling and sampling risk
  • Differentiating statistical and nonstatistical sampling approaches
  • Attribute testing for tests of controls and compliance
  • Variables sampling for substantive audit assurance when performing tests of details
  • Determining sample sizes in a compliance audit in conformance with Uniform Guidance


Learning Objectives
  • Discover and discuss generally accepted audit requirements related to sampling applications.
  • Recognize and differentiate attribute testing for tests of controls or compliance from sampling for substantive assurance in tests of details.
  • Explore and explain special considerations related to testing in compliance audits performed in accordance with Uniform Guidance.
  • Identify common sampling-related audit deficiencies.
Last updated/reviewed: March 17, 2024

Included In Certifications

This course is included in the following Certification Programs:

13 CoursesAudit Training Certification - Level 2 - Experienced Staff

  1. Fraud Risk - Complying with Minimum Audit Requirements
  2. Best Practices for Identifying and Evaluating Audit Risk - Linking Risk to the Detailed Audit Plan
  3. Testing Internal Controls - Exploring Strategies for Verifying Operating Effectiveness
  4. Inquiry and Research - Improving Critical Audit Skills
  5. Auditing Investments - Understanding Risks and Procedures for the Most Common Investments
  6. Auditing Accounts Receivable - Focusing Procedures for Testing Existence and Valuation
  7. Auditing Liabilities, Including Long-Term Debt - Addressing the Risks of Completeness, Classification, and Disclosure
  8. Substantive Analytic Procedures - Strengthening Evidence to Satisfy Audit Objectives
  9. Sampling - Avoiding Common Mistakes on Financial Statement and Compliance Audits
  10. Desired Traits of a Star Performer - Visualizing How to Become an Exceptional Staff Auditor
  11. Professional Requirements for Assurance Providers, Including Independence - Understanding Critical Code of Professional Conduct Concepts
  12. Accounting Update - Hot Topics for Preparing Current Period Financial Statements
  13. Auditing & Attest Update - Hot Topics for Current Period Audits and Other Attest Services
5 Reviews (28 ratings)


Anonymous Author
Not the greatest from this instructor. I go to and gain a better understanding in 1/3 the time. Concepts were over-complicated and not so efficiently explained; slides did not match speaker's explanations, and speaker's explanations rarely provided greater understanding over what was written on the slides....

Member's Profile
very comprehensive. Like it. Much more comprehensive than others. effective presentation of material and use of time

Anonymous Author
Helpful and useful and very analytical. Useful information for deciding on an audit plan.

Member's Profile
Very informative and well presented, enjoyed the practical examples

Anonymous Author
Though the content is complex, this course was well-presented.

Course Complexity: Foundational

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.
Designed For: Accountants responsible for applying sampling methods on a financial statement or compliance audits.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Learning Objectives for Sampling1:18
  Attribute Sampling14:45
  Attribute Sampling Cont'd13:29
  Variables Sampling14:18
  Case Study-Documenting the Sample Size and Results10:18
  Evaluating Results-Substantive Testing9:53
  Compliance Auditing12:48
  Compliance Auditing Cont'd10:21
  Sampling - Avoiding Common Mistakes on Financial Statement and Compliance Audits1:41:48
  Slides: Sampling - Avoiding Common Mistakes on Financial Statement and Compliance AuditsPDF
  Sampling - Avoiding Common Mistakes on Financial Statement and Compliance Audits Glossary/ IndexPDF