Prospecting for new business is as necessary as breathing. Without a steady stream of new clients, a business will suffocate. The most difficult part of the sales process and often the least liked by sales people is Prospecting. Whether it’s a cold call, a warm call or a referral, Sales people need to connect with decision making buyers (the Gold). Getting that first appointment is key to keeping your pipeline full and closing more sales.

This course shows you the logic and the steps needed to become more successful at Prospecting. You will discover some of the tools that are available to make your job easier. You will learn a Sales Process that is both fun and rewarding. You will be jazzed when you see your open rate on emails increase and the growing ease of getting to the decision makers. You will also learn a bit about time management and how to create a winning discipline.  

Learning Objectives
  • Discover new techniques to reach decision makers
  • Explore free and subscription based technology to make your job easier
  • Discover a proven Sales Process that is easy to remember and follow with repeatable success
  • Explore how to make more appointments and open more doors.
Last updated/reviewed: March 7, 2024
Course Complexity: Intermediate
  • It’s helpful if you use Salesforce and LinkedIn but not necessary.
  • You need access to the internet and to be both curious and eager to find the gold nuggets in your industry- people and companies who want to buy from you.
Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Profitable Prospecting – “Finding the Gold”5:54
Finding the Gold
  Non-profit Research3:51
  SEC Demo & Email Lookup Tools4:56
  Zoominfo and Contact Capture2:17
  Google and ASCII1:43
  LeadFerret & Email Format Lookup2:11
  Track and Trace1:37
  ReadNotify Mechanics3:51
  The Sales Proccess7:07
  Sample Email & Email Mechanics5:06
  Time Management & Conclusion5:13
  Referrals 1:36
  Bonus Material4:12
  Profitable Prospecting – “Finding the Gold”49:34
  Slides: Profitable Prospecting – “Finding the Gold”PDF
  Profitable Prospecting – “Finding the Gold” Glossary/IndexPDF