In many ways, Policies and Procedures are the lifeblood for an organization - they are the most effective way to communicate and legislate company policy, regulations, best practices, morals, standards, direction, and more.  However, policies and procedures are ineffective when improperly managed. 

In this course we outline a number of best practices related to policy and procedure management, to ensure that:

  • Policies and Procedures are easily located and searchable in one centralized repository.
  • Policies and Procedures can be edited, reviewed, and approved by the appropriate individuals, in one location.
  • The most current version is live, while all historical versions are maintained.
  • Employees or departments only see content that is targeted for them.  Notifications and reminders can help ensure employees take action on their document in a timely manner.
  • All employee metrics are recorded - such as who has read or signed off on a policy - to protect the organization from penalties and ensure employee accountability.
  • Metrics and reports are easily viewable, breaking down data to show where further action or attention needs to be placed.

Intro Video Transcript

Best Practices to Policy and Procedure Management, Distribution and Tracking By Bobby Bateman Hi, and welcome to best practices to policy management, distribution and tracking. The goal of this course is to teach you everything you need to know before embarking on a policy and procedure management SAFA process. Whether that is developing one on your own in-house, or searching for an existing tool. Given the nature of PNP management, I’m going to assume that you’re planning on instituting an electronic software solution. As many of the best practices require an online or software solution as you will see in this course. My name is Bobby Bateman. I’m a Senior Account Manager at Compliance Bridge, and I’ve been working with organisations for almost six years to better help them manage their entire policy and procedure management process. I’ve had discussions and worked with clients from dozens of industries, most commonly healthcare, government, finance, non-profit, retail and legal. I’ve worked with clients as small as three employees, to well over ten thousand, and this time I’ve come to identify the main areas that organisations struggle with, their pain-points if you will, along with the features and ways to address and resolve these pain-points. We will also discuss some major business outcomes and goals that you will receive from this proper policy and procedure management. This information is what I plan to share with you today. Before we get started, let’s read a working definition of policies and procedures so we can be sure we’re on the same page throughout this course. So what are policies and procedures? Quote: “A set of policies and principles, rules and guidelines formatted or adopted by an organisation to reach its long-term goals and typically published in a booklet or other form that is widely accessible. Policies and procedures are designed to influence and determine all major decisions and actions, and all activities take place within the boundaries set by them. Procedures are the specific method employed to express policies an action in day-to-day operations of the organisation. Together, policies and procedures ensure that a point of view is held by the governing body of an organisation is translated into steps that result in an outcome compatible with that view.” End quote.
So given this working definition, you can see in many ways policies and procedures are in the essence are a life blood of an organisation. They can be the single-most effective way to communicate effectively, from management, down to the entire organisation and have that vision and goals of the managing body and part it on the day-to-day operations of the organisation. As the definition states, they are effective way to influence and determine all major decisions and actions with the organisation’s long-term goals in mind. So we are going to talk about policy and procedure management today, however, there’s a number of other different foul types or different business documents that can also apply. And when I say policies and procedures throughout this course, many times I’ll just PNPs or policies or just procedures, but typically I’m talking about the overall policies and procedures management process. This course can also apply to various document types, such as: 1. Training Materials 2. New Hire Forms 3. Tests or Surveys 4. Contracts 5. Client Documents 6. Company Manuals 7. And More... Really any type of business document can apply and be used by this management process that we are going t o show today. Chapters Start at the table of contents, so this presentation we’ve broken up into four sections. 1. First we will go over the four main business goals relating to policy and procedure management, and this will be a little more high level. Discussing the main outcomes you want at an organisational level. These are the four main questions a seed level person might ask before embarking on policy management. 2. Second we’ll go over the common challenges organisations face relating to policy and procedure management. Here we’ll get a little more into the weeds. What are the on the ground operational challenges organisations face when tasked with policy and procedure management? What are the actual issues that prevent an organisation from adequately solving this process? Insuring that PNPs are effectively communicated and utilised throughout the organisation, almost all of these pain-points are felt by organisations at some level or another before they properly implant a policy management solution. 3. Third, we’ll cover the main features and workflow items that are necessary to meet those common challenges. This is the how-to portion of the course. How do you build a policy management solver? What parts are needed for a comprehensive and robust solution? And lastly, we’ll wrap up the course and re-examine the business outcomes related to policy and procedure management. What will your business look like when you properly have a management process in place? As you’ll see, these are directly tied to the business goals we’ll lead off with. We’ll also sneak in a good workflow slide here in the end to show you good policy management flow, to sort of tie the entire course together.

Learning Objectives
  • Define clear policy and procedure management goals and objectives.
  • Identify common challenges organizations face regarding policy and procedure management.
  • List the features necessary for a system to adhere to the best practices in policy and procedure management, as well as additional features that may be useful depending on various workflow needs. Including:
    • Features to manage the back end workflow, from document creation, edit, review / approval / collaboration, publish, review, revision, and archive.
    • End-user interaction; reading, testing, and acknowledgement of documents.
    • Tracking and reporting on all end-user metrics, such as who has viewed, tested, and acknowledged document.  Include piece to manage these metrics.
  • Outline some business outcomes after properly implementing the best practices in policy and procedure management.
Last updated/reviewed: March 13, 2024
30 Reviews (132 ratings)


Anonymous Author
This course provided a comprehensive overview for effectively managing organizational policies and procedures, including many useful considerations for administering. Such a well-rounded course, coupled with excellent supporting materials! Highly recommended for anyone with responsibility for overseeing these activities in the workplace!

Anonymous Author
This was very in depth of what a policy and procedure system and software could look like at a company. This webinar is useful for large organizations. Not as relate-able if you work in a small business environment.

Member's Profile
This was a great training! The "12 Challenges" checklist helped me rate our current P&P process. Also, the Business Outcomes goals provided necessary perspective for our current P&P process review.

Anonymous Author
Great course in this area with some really good tips to think about. This also gives a great template to think about what a policy software solution should have before going with that option.

Anonymous Author
Well laid out valid reasons to document Policies & Procedures with clear comprehensive steps on how to manage, distribute & track especially when there are possible legal ramifications.

Member's Profile
My organization has been struggling with it procedures for developing, updating, distributing and training on policies and procedures. There were good ideas here.

Member's Profile
Course covers a lot of good points to remember when implementing P&P policies. Guidance is definitely for system based to capture all of the proposed to dos.

Member's Profile
This course is useful for building policies and procedures. It was informative and illustrative. Overall rating, it was good and beneficial.

Anonymous Author
Great course, more applicable to larger businesses, but also applies to smaller businesses living is less robust technological environment.

Anonymous Author
This was an effective, easy to follow overview of why to have a policy management system and what such a system might look like.

Member's Profile
I already knew most of what he taught. There were a few things I learned. He was well organized and he knew his topic well.

Anonymous Author
Refresher and interesting course. Nothing surprised me. This will be beneficial to everyone irrespective of position.

Anonymous Author
Way too basic. More like a marketing slick for a document management application that the sales person provides.

Member's Profile
Every topic was well covered and included examples. Employees would really benefit from a process like this.

Anonymous Author
Course is relevant for those wanting a high level overview of policy document creation and publishing.

Anonymous Author
Very detailed slides. Maybe a bit busy, but at least they contain ALL the information in the course.

Member's Profile
Lot of concepts covered within short time. Very practical information. Thank you very much.

Member's Profile
Good foundation in some elemental practices and procedures needed to prevent certain risks

Member's Profile
A good high level explanation of the benefits of documenting policies and procedures.

Member's Profile
Course was difficult and I struggled a lot. In the next time I will prepare better.

Member's Profile
This course was establihed in the right time. I am glad, that I choose this course.

Member's Profile
I had thought it might have a bit more information around the policies themselves.

Anonymous Author
good information and reminder of how P & P can save a company from liability

Anonymous Author
Good indication of best practice for policy and procedure management.

Member's Profile
Great course that compliments one of my current job tasks.

Anonymous Author
Presenter was thorough and course content was appropriate.

Anonymous Author
Good course full of information and very educational.

Member's Profile
Good ideas and structure.

Member's Profile
Great course!

Member's Profile
Great class

Course Complexity: Advanced

Prerequisite: Previous experience in policies and procedures


Advanced Preparation: None


Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Policy and Procedure 5:15
Policy and Procedure: Goals, Challenges, Features
  Goals of Policy and Procedure Management6:40
  Policy and Procedure Challenges13:46
  Policy and Procedure Features22:41
  Outcomes & Conclusion5:17
  Slides: Best Practices to Policy and Procedure Management, Distribution, and TrackingPDF
  Best Practices to Policy and Procedure Management, Distribution, and Tracking Glossary/IndexPDF