Paying employees in compliance with federal and state wage and hour laws doesn’t just happen. It takes knowledge, planning and careful execution. From the time an employee is hired until the day the employee terminates regulations must be followed regarding the timing and issuance of his or her paycheck. It starts the day the employee is hired by determining if there are any notices concerning payday that must be furnished or personal notices that the employee must receive concerning their pay amounts and deductions. It continues until the final check is cut and deciding whether or not vacation pay must be included. There is also a vast amount of regulations in between those two events. The decisions on paying employees is not just made when a company is founded or merged or acquired but it is something that must be constantly monitored to ensure company compliance with changing regulations and technology.

One example of this type of on-going decision making concerns the means by which the company pays its employees. Is the company currently using paper checks but feels it could be more efficient and cost effective to require direct deposit or paycards? Can this be done legally is the question put to payroll.

Even areas as simple as employee paystubs can cause concern. What must a paystub include or does the employer even need to provide one? Can the employer force an employee to receive an electronic paystub instead of a paper one? These are frequently asked questions by employers that need answers.

And, of course, the one area that is always in constant flux from new legislation and court cases is whether or not vacation pay must be paid out when an employee terminates. Can the employer still follow their current policy or does it need a new one for certain states?

This course focuses on the above questions and more as we focus on paying employees from the time they are hired until the date they terminate.

Course Key Concepts: Payroll, wage payments, paydays, terminating employees, paying employees, paychecks, direct deposit, paycards, paystubs.

Learning Objectives
  • Recognize the frequency of wage payment rules.
  • Explore the paystub regulations state by state.
  • Discover the required or permitted lag time between closing the payroll and distributing the check.
  • Identify the payment methods permitted by state laws including cash, check, direct deposit and paycard.
  • Explore the requirements for paying terminating employees including whether or not to include accrued vacation pay.
Last updated/reviewed: March 6, 2024
71 Reviews (265 ratings)


Anonymous Author
The course was very informative and covered a number of key payroll items from pay cycles, paystubs, PTO's and state law. I've learned a number of things that relates to payroll and have a better understanding of issues payroll staff faces. It's always great to receive your paycheck on time, however there's a lot that payroll folks needs to away aware of, so that the company is not breaking the law.

Member's Profile
This was a great course. The instructor provided a lot of great info on when, what and how to pay employees. The supplemental information is extremely helpful for employers who pay employees in different states. I appreciate the charts, lists and break outs of how different states have different standards for method of payment, frequency, rules upon term, etc.

Anonymous Author
I was completely surprised by the specificity of the questions on the final exam. Why would you ask questions of laws by state rather than general questions to test knowledge. Memorization of laws by state is not only an unlikely occurrence, but is also not likely to provide benefit to the majority of indiviudals taking this course.

Anonymous Author
This course is a good reminder of the importance to stay abreast of each state's requirements where you have employees working. Payroll is more complex than most people realize. Ensuring compliance could be a full-time job for a multi-state employer.

Anonymous Author
Great refresher course with excellent supporting materials to augment presentation. Vicki presented content in an engaging and easy-to-understand way. I'll definitely retain the supporting materials for ongoing and future reference.

Anonymous Author
This was a good course about paying employees. I feel like it concentrated a lot on different state laws which might have been more addressed in a multi-state payroll course. The instructor is very clear and informative.

Member's Profile
This course is a refresher for those who already work in payroll and a very informative course for those who are interested in payroll. This class gives a brief overview on how the states pay their employees.

Member's Profile
Excellent review of many hot topics in the world of payroll and compliance. It’s always helpful to stay up to date. Very much appreciated as this takes a lot of time and research to find these answers.

Member's Profile
The course was interesting though it was done in 2018, I am interested to see if there has been any changes to payroll laws. The Instructor was very effective in presenting the course materials.

Anonymous Author
Thank you, this course was great. I felt like it covered everything necessary and provided me with the tools to pass the exam at the end. Overall I would recommend this to a colleague.

Anonymous Author
This course provided an excellent overview of how and when to employees.The instructor presented content in an engaging manner, and the supporting materials were relevant and concise!

Anonymous Author
Course was very informative on a state level. Knowing the laws for that states you are paying employees in is necessary to ensure you are paying employees appropriately.

Anonymous Author
Vicki has the best courses! She is engaging and the material/notes provided with the course is always great. I wish District of Columbia was included in the information,

Member's Profile
I enjoy Vicki's presentation of payroll related courses more than any other presenter. She always presents in a clear and understandable manner. She just makes sense!

Member's Profile
The course was good but the questions on the final exam, asking questions by state was not, in my opinion an appropriate assessment of payroll from start to finish.

Anonymous Author
very informative course. Lots of differences in states which makes this difficult to do without hiring someone to advise on these things if in multiple states.

Anonymous Author
Very informative. Lambert keeps it interesting with true life experiences she's faced while working for various companies. Exam questions are tricky

Member's Profile
Great course. I only wish the info was more recent. The course dates back to 2018 and we are approaching 2022. The material really needs to be updated

Member's Profile
Overview of state regulatory policies for method of payment and timing on payment to terminated EEs is very nice. I found the refresher very useful.

Anonymous Author
This is a good basic overview of federal and state payroll laws. I liked the state by state charts in the handouts. They will be good for reference

Member's Profile
Great course. Another item to hold onto for the handouts. This provides a wealth of knowledge and information. Also great for recertification.

Member's Profile
Vicki Lambert is an engaging presenter. I have enjoyed all of the classes I have taken and have gained applicable knowledge from the content.

Member's Profile
Good refresher on payroll rules. I would recommend this class to anyone who wants to take a quick review of essential payroll rules.

Anonymous Author
Great overview of state payroll laws. Instructor further elaborates a specific state requirement with an example - this is helpful.

Member's Profile
Love Vicki Lambert's webinars. She keeps our attention. This is a great webinar for understanding key factors in paying employees.

Anonymous Author
I had so much fun taking this class, it was a great refresher course. Vicky always has great examples that are easy to understand.

Anonymous Author
State specifics are very necessary to understand and being aware of, and this course goes over a lot of state specific details.

Anonymous Author
Material concentrated much on differences in state requirements and at times presentation and material was slightly confusing.

Anonymous Author
Very clear and concise learning objectives! Ms. Lambert delivers again on her concise and easily understandable instruction!

Anonymous Author
Good review of basic payroll processing. I've been doing payroll for 21 years and was still able to learn a few new things.

Anonymous Author
The instructor made what could be a confusing topic very interesting. She provided state-specific information as well.

Anonymous Author
This course provided a lot of insight regarding state specific laws. It was a little overwhelming taking the final.

Anonymous Author
great course, always enjoy Vicki Lambert and any class she leads. The content was great and easy to understand.

Member's Profile
This was a good refresher course for me. I've taken other courses by Vicki, she is a very effective instructor.

Member's Profile
great topic, nice wording, easy to understand, pictures are used in the slides, examples are explained well.

Anonymous Author
Very informative and educational. Every person should know about this as it applies to all of the workforce.

Member's Profile
Pay! That is why we have Payroll, knowing the methods of paying employees, when to pay employees is key.

Anonymous Author
Good course. Helpful for all levels of payroll professionals and human resource professionals alike.

Anonymous Author
This class can be somewhat confusing because of all the different states requiring different things.

Anonymous Author
very informative course on payroll, addresses many of the different laws that states have adopted.

Member's Profile
Learned a lot of very useful information. Love this instructor, she is amazing and well versed.

Member's Profile
It would be good to know what year this presentation was created as things change over time.

Anonymous Author
This course provides a good explanation of the components of paying an employee correctly.

Member's Profile
Very informative. Would be a great course for companies that handle multi-state payrolls.

Member's Profile
The Charts and graphs that break all the information down are a very useful reference.

Anonymous Author
This was a good course to review state pay frequency terminations and methods of paying

Member's Profile
Always informative and easy to follow. Gave specific information or state regulations.

Anonymous Author
Liked the course. Questions on specific states laws in the quiz were a bit confusing.

Member's Profile
Another great course from Ms. Lambert! She is very knowledgeable with payroll laws.

Member's Profile
Great course and awesome content. Definitely great to be aware of the state laws.

Anonymous Author
Great review of topics. Always good for keeping up with much needed information.

Anonymous Author
This webinar contained good information that I use on a regular basis for my job.

Member's Profile
State and federal laws can be tricky but very informative. Great instructor

Anonymous Author
Great course I would recommend. As always love her courses Thanks Vicki!

Anonymous Author
Great course for basic state payroll rules. Good for basic level employees

Anonymous Author
Really helpful and interesting course. I never knew the states vary greatly

Member's Profile
This course provides great detailed information on state payroll mandates!

Anonymous Author
The course contained a lot of useful information and was presented well.

Anonymous Author
Great course. Very detailed and the state charts are always helpful.

Member's Profile
This was by far the best course I have taken. Love this instructor.

Anonymous Author
I found particularly interesting the section regarding paycards.

Member's Profile
great course, content and material, informative , great Q and A

Anonymous Author
Good information regarding the differing payroll laws by state.

Member's Profile
Great essential information provided for payroll professionals

Member's Profile
It was unclear if the materials have been updated since 2018.

Member's Profile
Thank you for this course. I enjoyed it and learned a lot.

Anonymous Author
Good review course. Vicki's courses are always informative.

Anonymous Author
Good refresher course. I will use it for training at work.

Member's Profile
Vicki's courses are clear, appropriate and relevant.

Member's Profile
Excellent course, great information and instructor.

Anonymous Author
This was a great review of payroll law by state.

Course Complexity: Foundational
No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.
Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Paying Employees from Start to Finish and Everywhere in Between4:18
  Payroll Notices and Statements13:36
  Tracking Hours Worked11:06
  Payroll Frequencies10:02
  Methods of Paying Employees13:00
  Paying Terminated Employees11:14
  Deducting From Wages - Part 125:08
  Deducting from Wages - Part 28:52
  Paying Employees from Start to Finish and Everywhere in Between 1:26:02
  Slides: Paying Employees from Start to Finish and Everywhere in BetweenPDF
  Paying Employees from Start to Finish and Everywhere in Between Glossary/IndexPDF