This course reviews budgeting considerations for Not for Profit (NFP) organizations with a focus on voluntary health and welfare nonprofits that generate contributions as their main revenue source.

Learners will understand the importance of the role of the board, upper management, and department managers in creating a budget that moves the mission of the organization forward and becomes a living document that drives decision-making throughout the fiscal year.


We discuss budget terminology as well as key issues managers should look out for in the budget creation process. Lastly, there is be a walkthrough of a sample budget spreadsheet template which is included as a resource to this course.

Learning Objectives
  • Recognize the role of the board and its oversight responsibilities in the budgeting process
  • Identify the steps needed to build a realistic, manageable budget
  • Identify the common issues that Not for Profit (NFP) organizations face in a typical budgeting cycle
Last updated/reviewed: March 17, 2024
15 Reviews (56 ratings)


Anonymous Author
This course doesn't go too deep into the subject matter. However, I still found it to be a useful guide since we are in the process of setting up a support function for our new head of Philanthropy. I would have liked the course to be a little peppier --it was a bit slow.

Member's Profile
This course was organized to give a nice step by step plan on how to budget for any volunteer organization. It is very simple, so more for beginners than anyone whose done any kind of budgeting.

Member's Profile
The instructor is clearly passionate about NFP budgeting and accounting best practices and the information is relevant to real life NFP accounting work

Anonymous Author
Good overview on budgeting. Provides insightful tips and best practices for accounting staff, as well as board governnance/oversight considerations.

Anonymous Author
This was a nice overview and reminder of key concepts. It's a useful refresher even for those of us who have done plenty of budgets.

Anonymous Author
Includes a lot of the foundation aspects of the budgeting process. I like how it covers the process from different perspectives.

Member's Profile
I appreciate the downloadable template example applying indirect costs in a multiple-program budget.

Anonymous Author
It was a nice overview. A couple of the test questions didn't correspond to what was on the slides.

Anonymous Author
Instructor was distracting and rambled... Not much organization in the flow of the discussion.

Anonymous Author
Meaningful discussion for NPO Budgeting! I failed on the exam once but I survived.

Anonymous Author
Good overview of process. Good for new finance or managers to a budget process.

Anonymous Author
Useful info for my NFP role to help with ensuring good budgeting process.

Member's Profile
Adam is a great presenter and the information was clear and concise.

Anonymous Author
This course provides a good summary of NFP approach to budgeting.

Anonymous Author
Very well done. Like the hamster charity example.

Course Complexity: Foundational

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course, but completion of the other courses in this series is recommended.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Course Questions and Answers( Questions)
Member's Profile

I am really confused on where the exam result can be found. I tried to click on "Course Syllabus", but to no avail.

Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to NFP Budgeting Basics4:31
  NFP Budgeting Concepts12:53
  Best Practice Steps To Budgeting Process9:14
  Staff Budgeting Activities6:53
  Determine Direct and Indirect Costs9:55
  Management Review of Draft11:58
  Common Pitfalls17:45
  Program-Based Budget Builder: Instructions9:36
  NFP Budgeting Basics 1:23:47
  Slides: NFP Budgeting Basics PDF
  NFP Budgeting Basics Glossary/IndexPDF
  Wallace Foundation Program Based Budget TemplateXLSX