This is part two of a four part Back to Basics in Corporate Finance series. This module focuses on two of the three common financial tools used in business - the balance sheet and the cash flow statement.  These two statements, used in combination, measure your worth by showing what you own, what you owe, and reconciling the changes in cash as it flows in and out of the business. Whereas managers in a business look mostly at the income statement, owners, bankers and investors prefer to look more closely at these statements when assessing the health of an organization.

Expect to learn:

  • What the return-on-equity, current, and the debt-to-equity ratios tell us.
  • Why you should join bankers and investors in the practice of looking closely at the balance sheet and cash flow statement.
  • What free cash flow is, and why it’s important.
  • What the three sections of the cash flow statement are, and what they show us.
  • What the difference is between equity and profitability, and why you should care.

Enhance your financial knowledge through examples and exercises using real numbers from well-known companies, as well as learning about how the dot-com bubble burst. Walk through financial statements and calculate ratios to understand the story the numbers tell us. 

Course Series

This course is included in the following series:

Learning Objectives
  • Identify the different sections of the financial statements
  • Discover if your company has enough money to invest and continue to grow
  • Explore the ratios to see if your company is using their resources effectively



Last updated/reviewed: March 22, 2024
25 Reviews (97 ratings)


Member's Profile
Excellent presentation and a good review or overview of the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement (depending on one's level of understanding of accounting). The final exam needs to have more questions based on concepts rather than examples discussed in one of the chapters.

Member's Profile
Great instructor and narrative and a good high-level overview of the various financial statements and how they are related. However 2 of 5 exam questions were specific to a company's ratios...that doesn't prove one's understanding of the concepts as much as their memory.

Anonymous Author
it would be easier to follow along without the flashes between classroom and speaker and screens.. but aside from the disjointed flow, the information is good

Member's Profile
Clear and simple with great examples. The course provides the general user of financial statements the basics. Recommend for all business users.

Member's Profile
I enjoyed your class. I especially liked the way you simplified the Accounting Equation to: Own = Owe + Worth. Thank you, Diane

Member's Profile
Very good. Like the finance spin and the partical real life application. Not the typical lecture type course. Engaging. Thanks,

Anonymous Author
For a short class this was excellent overview pointing out the relationship the income statement balance sheet and cash flow state

Anonymous Author
This is a great course for those new to accounting concepts, or for those who have forgotten what they learned in college.

Anonymous Author
An excellent review because was kept simple and practical. Key points stressed an practical analysis reinforced.

Member's Profile
The instructor made is very easy to follow. I found the course informative for beginners. It was easy to digest

Anonymous Author
Entertaining, effective review of the financial statements. Good for those with no prior accounting experience.

Anonymous Author
The presentation of this course is great! I found the instructor to be upbeat and easy to understand.

Anonymous Author
Excellent review for accountants who want to brush up on basic ratios used in financial analysis

Anonymous Author
Great instructor. Great basic or refresher course for the balance sheet & cash flow statements.

Member's Profile
Was easy to understand and anyone would benefit from this course, not just accounting folks.

Member's Profile
I really liked the instruction style. A good review of the basic financial statements.

Anonymous Author
The Balance Sheet/Cash Flow video was constantly stopping and starting again.

Anonymous Author
A great course to help anybody understand the basics and as a refresher.

Anonymous Author
It's such a great presentation with clear explanation and fun to listen.

Member's Profile
I really enjoy Joe Knight's teaching style and anecdotes.

Member's Profile
Presenter is excellent

Anonymous Author
A bit basic for cpe

Anonymous Author
Great Job!!

Member's Profile

Anonymous Author

Course Complexity: Foundational

No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course. However, it is recommended to take the other courses in the series prior to completing this one.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Assets, Liabilities, and Equity8:10
  Balance Sheet Analysis 7:36
  The Cashflow Statement 12:03
  Workbook: The Balance Sheet & Cash Flow StatementsPDF
  The Balance Sheet & Cash Flow Statements Study Guide/Glossary PDF