One-on-ones are the most important tool you have to effectively manage and develop your employees, but for many leaders they are seen as a time waster and the first thing that gets cancelled when the calendar gets full. This course will reveal how to change your one-on-one meetings from something you dread to something you value and anticipate. We will first discuss three misconceptions and errors related to one-on-one meetings. Next we will explore the four elements of a successful agenda that will not only allow you to get the information you need to be successful but to more effectively guide your team to incredible results. In the third segment we will discuss the occasional performance focused one-on-one. This one-on-one allows your team members to know where they stand on performance, behavior and career development throughout the year. At the conclusion is a checklist for you to use to ensure your next 1:1s add value to both you and your boss.
Course Key Contents: 1:1, One-on-one, Meeting with Boss, Performance against schedule, Performance against success measures, 1:1 Agenda, Performance objectives, Employee value, Key accomplishments, Career development, Performance feedback, Behavioral feedback
Learning Objectives
- Discover the value that 1:1s bring to your leadership competencies and to your team’s project management skills
- Discover three common mistakes made in 1:1s
- Explore the four components of a typical one-on-one that can accelerate your management success
- Recognize the three components of the key project report segment of your 1:1 that will hold your employees accountable and enable you to course correct their work without micromanaging
- Discover the importance of occasionally focusing a 1:1 discussion on performance feedback and career development
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No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.
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