One-on-ones are extremely important meetings with your boss that allow you to align, collaborate and connect. But if done poorly they can end up being a time waster and be the first thing that gets cancelled when the calendar gets full.

We will first discuss several misconceptions and errors related to 1:1 meetings, including who owns the agenda, and what to focus on for the discussion.

Next we will explore the four elements of a successful agenda that will not only inform your boss but manage their perception of your value to the organization. In the third segment we will discuss the occasional performance focused 1:1. This 1:1 allows you to know where you stand on performance, behavior and career development at key points throughout the year. At the conclusion is a checklist for you to use to ensure your next 1:1s add value to both you and your boss.

Course Key Concept: 1:1 One-on-one, Meeting with Boss, Performance against schedule, Performance against success measures, 1:1 Agenda, Performance objectives, Employee value, Key accomplishments, Career development, Performance feedback, Behavioral feedback

Learning Objectives
  • Identify the purpose of 1:1 meetings
  • Discover four common mistakes made in 1:1s
  • Recognize that sharing your key accomplishments is not about bragging
  • Recognize which of your projects/activities are most important to discuss in 1:1s
  • Discover the importance of occasionally focusing the discussion on performance feedback and career development
Last updated/reviewed: March 19, 2024
172 Reviews (863 ratings)


Member's Profile
Interesting course. I’ve often struggled with 1x1’s and this course gave me a few takeaways that I can use to make them more productive.

Anonymous Author
Professor Fergusson - This is my first course with you, I enjoyed your teaching style. What you covered in this course is real and I have experienced both ends of one on one with my bosses. Thank goodness, the dreaded ones are in my past. And now, I truly enjoy and always look forward to my one on one with my current boss because we are constantly talking and collaborating. Therefore, no surprises!

Member's Profile
Great course that provided insight to what I was missing. Owning 1:1s instead of my boss was a surprise at first but made total sense after finishing the course. Carlann also helped me realize that I needed to align my 1:1 discussion points to the company's most valued key objectives, not my own.

Member's Profile
The outline and slides were simple and easy to follow. This is a very helpful course for starting off in any job in an entry-level position. The suggestions Mrs Fergusson stated will help a young employee gain confidence in such meetings and forge a path for a successful career development.

Anonymous Author
I recently attended the 1:1 course and it was a good experience! The content was well-structured and highly relevant. I gained valuable insights and practical skills that I can immediately apply to my work. Highly recommend this course to anyone looking to enhance their expertise in this area!

Member's Profile
Carlann provides very useful, common sense insight on one-on-ones and gives one the tools to optimize these meetings for the betterment of your career development, building of the relationship with one's boss, and team's alignment with company values and strategies. Loved this course.

Anonymous Author
I learned a lot about what should be included in a one on one with your boss. I currently participate in one on one in a group setting and we tend to go of course most time. Now I know what to expect and how I should handle a successful one on one with my boss.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed this course, especially the advice related to feedback. Talk about your overall performance and greatest accomplishments and continued development. I usually focus on status updates, but will be more cognitive to the other feedback as well.

Anonymous Author
I think this was a great topic to create a course for. I had been doing one on ones with my boss and direct reports but didn’t think I was doing them correctly or getting the most out of them - this course definitely helped from both perspectives.

Member's Profile
The images on the slides seemed irrelevant in many cases. My favorite was the Argentinian rabbit running past the Brazilian turtle. Great cartoon, but I have no idea how it could have related to the topic. Bullet points may have been more effective.

Member's Profile
The class was very informative about the importance of one on one meetings. They are beneficial to both the employee and employer by letting each party know where they stand, what is expected, any help that is necessary before the review is given

Member's Profile
The course was Awesome! it had a lot of valuable information that provided insight I have not thought about previously. It also provided a different perspective on things that I thought we a bad approach, but it turns out it is a good thing.

Anonymous Author
I found this course very interesting and insightful for me. Manager 1:1s has been a pain point for me for a while now, and this training gave me a lot of useful insight I'm excited to incorporate into my regular 1:1s to unlock hidden value.

Anonymous Author
Carlann is a great speaker and knows her material. This is a great course for anyone who has a boss. The main take-a-way for me is as an employee, you own the 1:1 agenda. I plan to prepare for my next one-on-one. Thank you, Carlann.

Anonymous Author
This course was very informative and practical. She identified so many areas that we fall short on when having 1 on 1 discussions. Easy, practical advice to implement. She provided great real life examples as well. Great course!

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed this class and thought it had many good ideas to help facilitate valuable feedback from my boss. I also plan on taking the One-on-one with your Employees so I can understand how I can be a better mentor. Thanks!

Anonymous Author
Excellent detailed out approach to having 1 on 1 meetings with manager. Each step fulling explained as to benefit to me, my manager and the company. Definitely will employ this approach with next 1 on 1 with my manager.

Member's Profile
Great summary of effective one-on-one meetings with good outlines for avoiding ineffective meetings. It's good to stay informed but owning the agenda and sticking to the outlines will help ensure effective use of time.

Anonymous Author
This course was a good reminder that the employees owns the 1:1s and a lot can be accomplished by having them, including showing how you have performed successfully and setting a pathway for future accomplishments.

Anonymous Author
The course provides helpful tips to having a successful and meaningful meeting with managers. The presentation was easy to understand and the course gives easy to follow and practical steps to use in our jobs.

Anonymous Author
Very helpful and useful. One on ones are something our team has started to do fairly recently and this gives a better perspective on what we should be trying to accomplish during these meetings.

Anonymous Author
This gave me a bit to think about. I have been treating one on ones with the people I supervise as if I own the agenda. I can definitely do a lot better at letting them drive the discussion.

Anonymous Author
This was good for anyone who manages projects to help to decide what to talk about to your boss & how often. However it listed out a high level outline, but I would have liked more examples.

Anonymous Author
I found that the instructor had a fun demeanor and provided excellent material that was not only informational but had checklists, action items that I can immediately put to use in my career.

Anonymous Author
This course gives great advice of how to best handle one on ones and it gives great ideas of how to improve mine. I learned who takes responsibility for their own one on ones and the agenda.

Member's Profile
I liked the advice on having an agenda and focusing the conversation. I also like the advice to discuss successes and accomplishments and talk about solving problems versus complaining..

Anonymous Author
I strongly recommend to anyone who is concerned about what to discuss one their one-on-ones. The class was informative and gave me a different view to look at how to discuss my one-on-one.

Anonymous Author
Overall, I really enjoyed this course on One-On-Ones with Your Boss, as it was a good reminder of the purpose of the meetings and had great tips on how to improve your existing meetings.

Anonymous Author
Great topic and very helpful! Topics suggested will make one on ones very efficient and meaningful to both boss and staff. This should be a requirement for both staff and managers to take.

Anonymous Author
Enjoyed the class and I see why the one on one with your boss is important. Accomplishments need to be recognized and behaviors and attitudes expressed to help further the career path.

Anonymous Author
Turns out I've been doing my one on one's all wrong! Very helpful information to improve the productivity of one on one meetings as well as how to use them to advance your career.

Anonymous Author
Great. Very usufull to prepare for 1 on 1. Learned to own the agenda and create agenda for better use and focus on the meetings. Helps keeps everyone on track and goal oriented.

Anonymous Author
The course provided an insightful outline in creating a 1-1 environment with your leader. Understanding the benefit of the 1-1 and how to separate it from a performance review.

Member's Profile
Good to know the purpose of 1:1, the mistakes or misconceptions of having 1:1 now corrected and recognizing the importance of 1:1 on performance feedback and career development.

Member's Profile
Very useful in identifying topics for the routine agendas. I intend to incorporate this information not only for myself with my own "boss" but also to share with my own staff.

Anonymous Author
The supporting material slides pdf differs significantly from the video presentation. It looks like the video was updated and the slides were not updated to match the video.

Anonymous Author
Carlann was very clear and concise when giving examples. The course was a good course to take for reducing 1:1 anxiety and giving a better understanding of what to discuss.

Member's Profile
These are great topics to review periodically. A good refresher course or a good beginner class for those newly in a management role. I found the class informative.

Anonymous Author
This course was helpful with tips on how to effectively hold 1:1s with your boss. Even as someone who thought I was doing it well, there were still great tips within!

Anonymous Author
It is well presented with a logical flow of information. It doesn't focus on how to master the routine but more so on how to have a stellar 1:1! Thank you Carlann.

Member's Profile
Educational video and great tips. The video had great information about one on ones with your boss that I definitely agree on. Overall, it was a great course.

Anonymous Author
Overall pretty good, but would like to hear perspective on what you can do if your boss won't have one-on-ones with you, and/or are disengaged / never followup.

Member's Profile
The topics discussed in this course are likely well known for more experienced professionals. I believe this course is best suited for younger professionals.

Anonymous Author
Good course, especially for new managers. This course helps to outline 1-on-1 with team members and what should part of those discussions and what should not.

Anonymous Author
The course is good. It provides key points to remember on doing one-on-one sessions. The time allotted is about right and the topics covered are good,

Anonymous Author
I found this course very helpful in identifying ways to make better use of one on ones with my boss and to maximize the value I can provide to the company.

Anonymous Author
I thought this course was very interesting and helpful. I thought the instructor explained the topic very well. I would recommend this course to others.

Anonymous Author
The discussion on one on ones was a good tool to prepare for my current work situation. There are good ideas and processes to utilize in these meetings.

Member's Profile
good course for a structured review with 1:1's. It brings up goods points for the employee to talk about whether they are brought up by manager or not.

Anonymous Author
This course was a great in helping my understanding of one-on-one meeting with my boss. The instructor was very effective in presenting the materials.

Member's Profile
Well organized presentation that gives lots of practical tips on how to be more effective in One-on-One meetings with your boss. Excellent course.

Anonymous Author
I wish I would have had this class when I was starting my career. It would have been very helpful. Well presented with good examples. Thank you.

Anonymous Author
This course is not only a great refresher of the value and format of effective 1:1s, but, offers great tips to share with my Staff. Well done.

Member's Profile
Helpful reminders and practical tips. Good amount of information in a reasonable amount of time. Effective slides and presentation skills.

Anonymous Author
Great insights! The concepts presented are very easy to implement and I expect will have a positive impact on how I do 1:1s going forward.

Anonymous Author
As a new manager, this was a great review of what I should be doing to make sure I maintain good communication and working relationships.

Anonymous Author
I like that the presentation broke down the different types of meetings you will have with your boss and how to prepare for each of them.

Anonymous Author
Overall content pretty good. Would have preferred to see more visuals or a bit of video demonstrating one on one meetings-do's and don'ts

Anonymous Author
Great course - well thought-out materials and organization. Thought it was very relevant considering less face time due to the pandemic.

Anonymous Author
Solid course. Good information to follow and utilize for success throughout your career regardless of your level in an organization.

Anonymous Author
great course. i rarely have formal 1 on 1 with my mgr, but this course gives me perspective and tips on how to structure the meeting.

Anonymous Author
This is a great course to take - it is practical, insightful and the instructor is engaging and provides fun presentation materials.

Anonymous Author
Multitude of specific, actionable ideas with broad applicability. Regrettably, downloadable slides have less than what presented.

Anonymous Author
Helpful reminders about the benefits of 1:1 meetings. Intentionality is key, and this is a course that does promote this posture.

Anonymous Author
I recommend this course. It make some great point and 1-1 meeting are very important to make sure everyone is on the same page.

Anonymous Author
Straight and to the point. Provided valuable context on what to discuss during one-on-ones and how to discuss my own performance.

Anonymous Author
Helpful insights and reminders on how we need to own our own careers by regularly obtaining feedback and by driving perceptions.

Member's Profile
I enjoyed this course. Has some useful and actionable information. Will certainly apply this going forward. Good length as well.

Anonymous Author
I thought this course was useful in how the instructor explained the typical agenda as well as the performance based agenda.

Anonymous Author
I just had my one-on-one and saw this course after - interesting to compare what I did to what I should have done. Thank you.

Anonymous Author
It is an interesting course and provides simple advice that anyone can implement during their one-on-ones with their manager.

Member's Profile
This was an amazing course, I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to improve their one on one meetings!!!!!

Anonymous Author
Instructor presented information in a clear and systematic approach. Course will show you that 1:1s are not all about you.

Member's Profile
1:1s are a weekly occurrence in my work and this contains great content for what should be addressed in these meetings.

Anonymous Author
concise, practical, quick list of important reminders for effective 1:1s, whether you are a boss or a direct report.

Member's Profile
1:1 meetings can be a little difficult and this training provides great insight on how to make them more valuable!

Anonymous Author
A terrific course that provided a lot of great reminders of the importance of 1 on 1 meetings with your manager.

Member's Profile
easy, interesting and insightful. I would recommend you to take it if you plans to move up to the manager level.

Anonymous Author
Great course - I plan to take the other course mentioned "Mastering your one-on-ones with your employees" next.

Anonymous Author
Very informative. Included ways to bring back the skills to your own 1:1 with examples and the why behind them

Anonymous Author
Excellent overview of how to have effective 1:1s. The instructor presented an simple but effective framework.

Anonymous Author
Excellent ideas on how to structure one on ones with your boss and what important items should be discussed.

Anonymous Author
Very good course - points out items which can make or break a 1:1. Lots of common sense, but an eye opener.

Member's Profile
This course gave me a new perspective on what the important parts of my one on ones with my boss should be.

Anonymous Author
This course provided valuable advice on having one-on-ones. I will be implementing these tips going forward.

Anonymous Author
Super helpful course. Never really thought about one-on-ones this way so found the course to be very useful.

Member's Profile
Great presenter!!! Flowed well, positive upbeat presentation style, and helpful and practical information.

Anonymous Author
This was a great class that gave me some important tips that I hadn’t previously considered. Very useful!

Member's Profile
This course content was delivered in a simple and clear manner. The tips are easy to understand and apply.

Anonymous Author
Informative and provided greats tips on how to successfully approach 1-on-1 meetings with your superiors.

Anonymous Author
I thought this course had excellent content, was well put together and stuck to the course description.

Anonymous Author
This course is a helpful reminder of the steps to take during a one on one. I also liked the checklist.

Anonymous Author
Great course, great content, would recommend this course to all CPA licensees that are looking for CPE

Anonymous Author
Thought it was good material. It didn't give advice for bosses who like to take over the conversation.

Anonymous Author
This is a useful course to transform one-on-ones into powerful tools to boost work and career growth.

Anonymous Author
The course offers great suggestions for how a 1:1 meeting can contribute to career building success.

Anonymous Author
The course was very informative and gave me good insight for my next one on one with my supervisor.

Anonymous Author
This course was organized well and clearly and concisely got the information across to the student.

Anonymous Author
this was good reminded me of a course i had back in grad school or somehting tlike that...........

Anonymous Author
This was a very well prepared presentation and reminder of making 1:1 successful and productive.

Member's Profile
I really enjoyed the way Carlann handled this topic. I look forward to taking more of her courses.

Member's Profile
I was horrible at 1:1's so I signed up. Learned a few key details that should help going forward.

Anonymous Author
great course, good refresher for the importance of communication and transparency in today world

Anonymous Author
This was a high level refresher course that covered the importance of one on one's with a boss.

Anonymous Author
This course is practical and relevant for everyone. Good reminder that you own your own career.

Anonymous Author
This helps me out immensely as I am one of those dreaded one on one meeting people. Thanks.

Anonymous Author
The course was very informative. It was clear and easy to follow. I learned a lot from it.

Anonymous Author
Good review of the importance of One-on-Ones and what to include to help drive your career.

Anonymous Author
Great course. Great instructor. A lot of useful material packed into less than 45 minutes.

Anonymous Author
Great job. Thanks for the information. It is informative. Great questions. Great professor.

Anonymous Author
Practical & helpful content. I liked the way the content was organized in the slide deck.

Member's Profile
I found this course very helpful. I am saving the slides to refer to them in the future.

Member's Profile
Clear, effective instructor. Good tips. Digestible length with solid real-life examples.

Member's Profile
Really great advice! I need to spend some time updating my agenda for the next meeting!

Anonymous Author
Good points on taking ownership of the agenda during one on ones and not being passive

Anonymous Author
This was a great course with quality real life examples...............................

Anonymous Author
i like that this course is very tangible and actionable. Something i can really use.

Anonymous Author
This course has made me more confident about when having one on ones with my boss.

Member's Profile
This really made me think about what I should be trying to get from these meetings!

Anonymous Author
These are all very useful tip that will surely incorporate into my future meetings.

Anonymous Author
Good training course, efficient presentation of information and succinct approach

Member's Profile
Useful course both professionally and personally. Instructor had great delivery.

Anonymous Author
Contains some helpful information when trying to schedule time with management

Member's Profile
very good course. the examples from the real world were helpful and insightful

Member's Profile
I enjoyed the course and the instructor. I will use this information at work.

Member's Profile
Interesting course and will help in future to discuss projects with management

Anonymous Author
Very good course, I am now ready to brag about my awesome skills in my 1 on 1

Member's Profile
great course- really helpful information. Directly relevant to my day to day

Anonymous Author
very clear and thoughtful advice on improving 1-on-1s and meetings in general

Member's Profile
Was Great to get additional insight on discussing my accomplishments in a 1:1

Anonymous Author
Good course! Thanks for providing this material! I’m glad I sign up for it!

Member's Profile
Simple topic but great ideas to master the one on one time with your boss.

Anonymous Author
The information presented in this course was very useful and well-presented.

Member's Profile
Great course! Straightforward and helfpul for me ahead of year end reviews!

Anonymous Author
Great course, clear and concise, would recommend others to take this course

Anonymous Author
What could be more important than mastering your one-on-ons with your boss?

Anonymous Author
Great suggestions. I'll need to incorporate some of these into my meetings.

Anonymous Author
This was a helpful course and had many good tips. The slides were helpful.

Member's Profile
Surprised to learn about how helpful the "follow-up" portion is to 1:1s.

Anonymous Author
Course was a good reminder on ways to approach my 1:1. Helpful content.

Member's Profile
Fun class...good use of slides...can apply what ive learned right away!

Anonymous Author
good insight for when I have my one on one with my bosses in the future

Member's Profile
Great overview on how to conduct 1-on-1s! I would recommend to anyone.

Member's Profile
Der Kurs gibt wichtige Einblicke beim Verhalten beim 1 zu 1 Gespräch.

Anonymous Author
I liked that I was able to learn skills to help progress in my career

Member's Profile
Course provides insights to better structure and improve your 1on1's

Anonymous Author
Excellent information to allow preparation for one on one meetings.

Anonymous Author
Excellent! I only wish I had taken this course early in my career.

Member's Profile
I passed the test the first time with 100%, and it said I failed.

Anonymous Author
The Mastering Your One on Ones with Your Boss was very beneficial.

Anonymous Author
Awesome course. Extremely helpful at any stage of your career.

Anonymous Author
Liked the concise information provided w/examples. No dislikes.

Anonymous Author
Helpful perspective on how to approach meetings with a superior

Anonymous Author
Not much original or useful information here. Waste of an hour.

Member's Profile
Love the course. Clear instructions and actionable learnings.

Member's Profile
Course gives new perspective into the value of one-on-ones.

Member's Profile
the narrative is clear and concise, and hit upon key issues

Anonymous Author
Presenter was knowledgeable and course content was thorough.

Anonymous Author
A How to guide for one on one meetings. Very informational!

Member's Profile
Very nice matter for self improvement of managers to learn.

Member's Profile
Very informative and pragmatic coaching on 1:1 with boss.

Member's Profile
Provides good guidance on what to discuss for one on ones.

Anonymous Author
very helpful! the narrator provided very helpful insight.

Anonymous Author
The slides were presented well and were easy to follow.

Member's Profile
It was helpful and hope to use it in future one on ones.

Anonymous Author
Good course and great reminders for one on one meetings

Member's Profile
good overview on mastering meetings with boss/employers

Anonymous Author
no thank you. no thank you. no thank you. no thank you.

Member's Profile
Nice content, clear and concise which is appreciated.

Member's Profile
Many good tips and practical suggestion in the course

Anonymous Author
Robust discussion of keys to having effective 1:1's.

Member's Profile
Good solid reminders of the benefits of 1 on 1s.

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Course Questions and Answers(2 Questions)
Member's Profile
Member's Profile
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
Introduction And Overview
  Introduction to Mastering Your One-on-Ones with Your Boss3:18
  Common Mistakes11:34
  The Typical Agenda11:30
  Your Influence3:09
  The Performance Focused Agenda10:44
Continuous Play
  Mastering Your One-on-Ones with Your Boss42:50
Supporting Material
  Slides: Mastering Your One-on-Ones (1:1s) with Your BossPDF
  Mastering Your One-on-Ones (1:1s) with Your Boss Glossary/IndexPDF
Review And Test