The Management Income Statement is the single-most important financial report essential for the effective management of any organization. Often used to create a "common language" for the organization, it is used by managers in all functional areas--from first-line managers to the CEO and board of directors.
This course is specifically aimed at helping non-financial managers to read, understand and use the Management Income Statement as an important management tool. The course helps you become an intelligent consumer of your company's financial information, and enable you to be proactive with your Finance & Accounting team and articulate your reporting needs as manager.
This course covers:
- What a Management Income Statement is, and how to use it as a tool for running your business.
- Line-by-line review of what goes into a comprehensive, solid Management Income Statement.
- Other considerations to be aware of--including content formatting.
Learning Objectives
- Identify key elements of a typical Management Income Statement
- Identify how the Management Income Statement helps you make management decisions
- Recognize ratios and other metrics that allow you to gain deeper insight into your organization’s operations than what you can learn from the raw numbers by themselves
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No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.