We all should look to spread joy but there is a special breed of people whose very essence is to radiate joy. They can’t help themselves. It’s in their DNA. Over the years, I’ve noticed and encountered these individuals who radiate positivity.

I’ve studied the impact that Joy Spreaders make on organizational cultures. These special people breathe life into others, delight in the presence of customers and amplify the potential of their team. And beyond providing just warm fuzzies, these individuals have a profound impact on organizational cultures and can have enough of an effect on the bottom line to make the stodgiest, play-deprived bean-counter sit up and take notice.

There has been a wave of new job titles and roles to help provide an engaging workplace – Chief Happiness Officer, VP of Culture, Director of Fun. A Joy Spreader effectively makes those positions moot because they are the personification of all of those roles put together. Are they a bit unorthodox? You bet! Deadlines? Admittedly, they are not the best…but Joy Spreaders are gifted at accepting us, making us feel safe, secure and welcome, and putting us in a position to succeed. I don’t know of too many organizations that would pass on that.

This course will help you identify, appreciate, encourage, and retain these unique individuals.

Course Key Concept: Joy, Culture, Positive, Engagement, Life IQ, Neil Ihde, Fun.

Learning Objectives
  • Identify the various characteristics of Joy-Spreaders.
  • Discover the unifying theme amongst Joy-Spreader signatures.
  • Identify the positive impact Joy-Spreaders have on organizational cultures.
Last updated/reviewed: March 6, 2024
14 Reviews (65 ratings)


Anonymous Author
This course is of value to anyone who wants to learn how to be a "joy speader". Even if this is not your innate personality type, you can learn how to emulate some of their traits. These people are important for keeping co-workers inspired and engaged and this course can help you be more like them.

Anonymous Author
It was refreshing not to just be lectured at, the instructor used several stories to deliver the content. I recommend people taking the Myers-Briggs test prior to this course, it does help to know your own strengths & weaknesses before understanding others.

Member's Profile
This was an interesting course and a good perspective of how we need to have uplifting people in our work environments. In my opinion, more people should have motivational skills.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed this course, as I have recognized these Joy spreaders in organizations that I have belonged. I will make it a point to recognize and appreciate their efforts.

Member's Profile
I am a huge fan of Mr. Ihde! I recommended him to speak at my company. Really awesome content and I feel understood and empowered.

Anonymous Author
Fun course to take. Instructor's presentation of this topic was unique and extremely educational. Would recommend.

Member's Profile
I appreciated the insights into how joy spreaders think and how we can encourage them and also emulate them.

Anonymous Author
This is a good course that has to do with the power of positive thinking to affect the overall organization.

Anonymous Author
This was a awesome course. it really drove home why Joy Spreaders are needed in the corporate world

Anonymous Author
Reaffirming the power of Positivity! Great explanations on why we are drawn to Joy Spreaders!

Anonymous Author
Enjoyable course with a lot of examples on how important it is to bring joy to the workplace.

Anonymous Author
Great informative lesson, interesting examples too which help bring the lesson to life

Member's Profile
Such a nice topic to discuss on how Joy Spreaders impact Corporate America.

Anonymous Author
Fun course from a superb speaker on people and what makes them tick.

Course Complexity: Foundational

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Joy Spreaders3:32
  Characteristics of Joy Spreaders6:46
  Meet The Joy Spreaders17:35
  Joy Spreaders Personalities15:28
  Why We Need Them in Our Organizations15:52
  Joy Spreaders1:02:47
  Slides: Joy SpreadersPDF
  Joy Spreaders Glossary/IndexPDF