Taking this course will provide an overview of the essential elements of internal and systems controls. Special consideration is given to understanding risk, internal control frameworks, corporate governance, legal requirements, the role of external and internal auditing, and systems controls.

Topics include: 

  • Risks and Internal Controls
  • Internal Control Framework
  • Types of Internal Controls
  • Governance and the Board of Directors
  • Legal Compliance
  • Role of External Auditors
  • Role of Internal Auditors
  • Systems Controls
  • Security Measures

The content covered in this course provides a pathway to developing your analytical and critical-thinking skills and closing skills gaps in a variety of relevant topics. 

Learning Objectives
  • Explore risk and how internal controls can mitigate risk, and recognize the concepts of inherent risk, control risk and detection risk.
  • Identify the five components of the Committee of Sponsoring Organization's (COSO) internal control model.
  • Identify the Board of Directors role related to company operations and the shareholders.
  • Explore the internal control portions of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act.
  • Recognize the role of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) in providing guidance in auditing internal controls.
  • Explore the internal audit function and identify its scope.
  • Identify and recognize the internal control breakdowns and related risks that the internal audit function should report to management and the Board of Directors.
  • Identify and recognize the use of physical controls, logical controls, transaction controls, storage controls, and systems development controls.
  • Discover threats to information systems and ways to mitigate information security threats.
  • Explore the objective of a disaster recovery plan.
  • Explore business continuity planning.
Last updated/reviewed: March 23, 2024
261 Reviews (1318 ratings)


Anonymous Author
This was a good overview of Internal and System Controls. the instructor seemed knowledgeable and covered a lot of material. Some of the sections and information seemed to repeat itself and/or be out of order in some areas. For example, I missed some of the review questions after one section because I didn't remember it being covered in the module I'd just listened to, but a few modules later, the information was taught/discussed. Overall, this is a good course, but the order and info could be organized a little bit better.

Anonymous Author
A very comprehensive and informative course which served as a great review of key internal and systems controls. The instructor was engaging and effective in presenting content. The supporting materials were a bit more cumbersome to peruse through and reference along the way as there were separate files for each module. Nonetheless, I found the content helpful to reiterate and reinforce my overall competency in this arena.

Anonymous Author
Internal and System Controls OverviewInternal and System Controls OverviewInternal and System Controls OverviewInternal and System Controls OverviewInternal and System Controls OverviewInternal and System Controls OverviewInternal and System Controls OverviewInternal and System Controls OverviewInternal and System Controls Overview

Anonymous Author
I liked that this course taught me new information and material about the Internal Audit framework and how it works on wide scale business operations. I feel that this course will help better prepare me for my role in internal audit and allow me to be practical and ethical in my work.

Anonymous Author
Mr.Tom taught the course very vivid and detailed, and he cited many examples to explained the concepts, and what's more, he requested the quizs in the Intermediate courses so that we could test our grasp of the knowledge of the course. Thanks for his innovation about the course.

Member's Profile
This course had a lot of detailed information but still stayed focused on the main points of Internal and System Controls. I think this class is a great review if you already have some basic knowledge and if you have no knowledge it gives you plenty of information.

Anonymous Author
This course provides comprehensive and useful information about key elements of internal and systems controls. It suitable for the beginners and the experienced ones who want to review, update their knowledge either. The presentation is very clear and concise.

Member's Profile
This course was a good review of controls and the laws affecting internal control requirements. I would like to see more practical examples of internal controls to be implemented in the course of business, but felt several of these were covered as well.

Anonymous Author
The is a very informative course. The way in which the concepts are presented is helpful and it is easy to understand. The instructor was engaging and was able to keep this interesting. This course could be useful across many levels of an organization.

Member's Profile
I like the technical elements of this course. Thorough explanations of the concepts, and easy to follow slides. Liked the sections on internal audit value, and would’ve been even better if gone deeper into that area. Overall a good course.

Anonymous Author
Great course over Internal Controls in support to Financial Reporting. I was able to take away the key areas where external auditors must focus and the key reasons why. I would recommend this course to any entry level staff position.

Anonymous Author
The instructor is very good. He is very knowledgable of the subject matter. There’s a lot of valuable information and the presentation is very well organized. The materials used are also helpful and are outlined very well.

Anonymous Author
The information presented will be helpful in communicating with my team members and in discussions with internal and external audit. I was able to take away theories and terms that relate to my current responsibilities.

Member's Profile
This is an excellent refresher course that I would recommend. It is a good suggestion to keep the slide materials for future reference and is also great for recertification of the CPP. I highly recommend this course.

Anonymous Author
I really enjoyed this course. It contained very relevant information to my line of work. There are things that I will take back to my organization. There are areas that I feel we can improve in our internal controls.

Member's Profile
Internal controls play a part of every company, public or private. This course refreshed my memory of CRIME, SOXs and COSO. All very important tools to establish in a small company and maintain in a large company.

Anonymous Author
I do like the quizzes in between the lessons but I do not like the way many of the questions are worded with “not”. It is confusing for even the most experienced person. Strongly suggest rewording the questions

Anonymous Author
Excellent content. This course really did a good job at getting to the meat and potatoes of the content. The content, context, and multiple modes of representation they provide is highly effective and enjoyable!

Member's Profile
I enjoyed learning about the board of directors role in internal ad systems control. I also enjoyed learning about Sarbanes-Oxley and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Everyone would benefit from this course.

Anonymous Author
If you are looking to establish internal controls in your company or even update/ modify your existing internal controls, this is a great course to use as a tool in understanding what is needed and required.

Anonymous Author
Great overview of Internal Controls! Loved Tom's teaching style and the way he relates the material to the real world. I do wish it went a little more into the technical and physical security controls.

Anonymous Author
concise summary of the issues and framework for internal controls with some good examples. keeps out of the details so you can pick up the key tenets of required internal controls in an organization

Anonymous Author
Thorough review of the internal control landscape. Instructor is engaging as a presenter, even if the material contains a lot of heavy legal/compliance like content. Has a focus on public companies.

Anonymous Author
Definitely, I enjoyed taking this course. Great overview of internal and system controls. The bringing together of the different elements and how they interact was very thorough and well explained.

Member's Profile
This course provides a robust if didactic overview of internal controls. As an ex-auditor, I found it to be very familiar and useful to remind me of the importance and structure of internal controls

Anonymous Author
This course was an informative and interesting review of an important aspect of finance and accounting. The "real world" stories kept interest and each topic was laid out well. Highly recommend.

Anonymous Author
Awesome course with lots of detail from frameworks and legal requirements to the application of controls by cycle. Ties together the roles of staff, management, c suite, board and auditors well.

Anonymous Author
The instructor was very knowledgeable and informative. He was very thorough in his explanations. I knew a lot of the information and this was very much a refresher but in a good way.

Anonymous Author
Highly informative. This course will remind you and enhance your internal controls knowledge, digging back into basics and going more detailed into specific topics. Highly recommend

Anonymous Author
Good course, very detail about the internal control. The materials seem updated with the new information and would be useful for any personnel working in internal control department.

Member's Profile
This course provided a solid overview of internal controls, but I felt it was a bit disjointed. It could have been organized better with greater cross-referencing to other segments.

Anonymous Author
Internal and System Controls Overview is a great course. I learned a great deal about internal controls and its importance to a company, specifically a publicly trading company.

Anonymous Author
Great course on internal controls including topics like COSO framework, SOX, etc. Nice refresher on the different topics within the frameworks and management responsibilities.

Member's Profile
I think this course did a good job of informing its students of where internal control stipulations come from and what their implications mean in a real world context.

Anonymous Author
The course was easy to understand and rich in material. As a non-IT professional, I really appreciated how the systems controls section of the course was presented.

Member's Profile
This was a great review course for the control environment. Very easy to follow slide deck, many times these courses lack great slide decks. These decks were great.

Anonymous Author
I liked the exercises during the course. They helped me understand the content and remember it by practicing it. Beginner audits would benefit from this course.

Anonymous Author
Course was a good overview of internal control. I would suggest more content about some specific examples in order to fully understand the questions posed to us.

Anonymous Author
I think the instructor does a great job at not only explaining the information but makes the course interesting by using positive and fluctuating voice nodes.

Member's Profile
This was a great course. i enjoyed learning about specific internal control systems and how they are applicable to a company. Great material, easy to follow.

Member's Profile
Very well structured. The course materials provided a great overview of the topic and very clear. The pace allowed for a proper understanding of the topic.

Member's Profile
Great information on the Foreign Corrupt Practice and Sarbanes-Oxley laws. Also, the material is not long and tedious like some other courses. Great course.

Anonymous Author
This is my first course I am taking from Thomas and I am very happy with it. I feel like the lessons went much faster than they actually did. Great course.

Anonymous Author
Tom Coghland's presentation was very thorough. He touched on a lot of important topics and I highly recommend this class to both CMA and CPA candidates.

Anonymous Author
very useful and meaningful course. it's highly recommended to professionals to take this course. it covers all key points regarding internal controls.

Anonymous Author
Excellent overview of internal and system controls. This would be a great starting point for new internal auditors or risk & compliance analysts.

Anonymous Author
This is a good course about Internal Controls. It is laid out well and covers a lot of ground. The instructor is very clear and easy to follow.

Anonymous Author
This course provided a solid overview of internal and system controls. The facilitator provided good examples to illustrate the various controls.

Anonymous Author
Very comprehensive and a great course for both beginners and experienced auditors. There are really only 14 questions as 14 and 15 are duplicates.

Member's Profile

Anonymous Author
Very good refresher course and/or great for individuals wanting to know the basics. I'll probably keep the learning material as a reference.

Anonymous Author
Really like how the topics are broken down into separate presentations for review, makes the information much easier to digest and comprehend.

Anonymous Author
Enjoyed this refresher course on internal controls, including the types, as well as the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders.

Member's Profile
Great overview of internal controls. Not too much detail but just enough information to get us thinking about designing effective controls.

Member's Profile
This is a thorough and well structured course on internal controls. Certainly gave me food for thought. I can apply information to my work.

Anonymous Author
Course material was very helpful. Instructor followed the material written on the slides very closely. Good overview of internal controls.

Anonymous Author
This was the best course i have taken so far with the individual quizzes throughout the course really keeping me on track and interested.

Anonymous Author
This internal control and system controls overview was a good refresher for me on this area of high importance. Thanks for the content.

Anonymous Author
Course was great and very informative. The instructor did a well job with the information and was concise with the way he explained it.

Anonymous Author
Very useful content for day-to-day internal controls and procedures. Also useful information for when preparing for an external audit.

Anonymous Author
This course was especially helpful to me to find out more about the function of internal auditors as I have recently worked with them.

Anonymous Author
Good overview of risk and internal control systems. High level enough to cover a wide breadth of knowledge in a short period of time.

Anonymous Author
This is a really great overview because it covers a wide range of very interesting topics. It really helps you see "the big picture."

Anonymous Author
The course is well organized. The topics are covered in a constructive way and supported by the examples provided by the presented.

Member's Profile
Good review of the subject matter. Covers all essential topics related to internal control and provides a good overview of systems.

Anonymous Author
Great course, taught well and easy to follow. The quizzes in the middles of the course were great and kept me following the lessons

Anonymous Author
Course covers the basics on internal controls from various perspectives, including management, internal audit and external audit.

Member's Profile
Very thorough course regarding COSO framework and different types of controls. Important understanding for any internal auditor.

Anonymous Author
This is a great course if you would like to learn more about internal controls. I would highly recommend this course to anyone.

Anonymous Author
Great course! You will learn a lot about internal controls and how important they are. These reviews need to be really long...

Anonymous Author
Good overview of internal controls. There was a lot of material, but it was presented it in a way which was easy to understand.

Member's Profile
Good refresher course on internal controls, FCPA, and SOX ... did not have many systems controls questions in the test though.

Anonymous Author
The nuances of which responsibilities fall to the audit committee vs management vs auditors is always helpful to keep in mind.

Anonymous Author
List after list after list proved to be rather boring; some visual variety in the presentation would have helped tremendously.

Anonymous Author
This was a very detailed course and a good refresher of the responsibilities and types of controls businesses should have.

Anonymous Author
Excellent course that provides a refresher for CPAs on the importance and different types of internal control mechanisims.

Anonymous Author
Excellent course that presents an overview of the different components of an internal control structure within a Company.

Member's Profile
Though a few items may be slightly out of date, the information provided is still applicable and was easy to understand.

Anonymous Author
Course was good. The information on the 3 types of internal controls was good. However, I wish the slides were included.

Anonymous Author
This course covered a lot from both the finance and IT side of auditing. Really helpful! I recommend for new auditors.

Anonymous Author
I took this as a refresher and it was very good. Glad that this was packaged in such an easy to follow set of modules.

Anonymous Author
it takes longer to complete this exam because textbooks are segmented into 9 PDFs, so finding answers is time-consuming

Anonymous Author
Been a long while since I have reviewed Internal Control related topics - very effective reminder of all key elements

Member's Profile
Material was informational and engaging. Stated prerequisite requirements were appropriate and sufficient. Thank you!

Member's Profile
good Course on Internal controls, Risk assessment and Audit function. All accountant need to go through this course.

Anonymous Author
The course offered a nice refresher into Internal and System Controls and provided good examples to tie all together

Member's Profile
plenty of materials, quite a few of quizzes that help pass the final, pictures are used in the slides, great webinar

Anonymous Author
Great course! Easy to understand. The materials were quite detailed and made the final exam simple to work through.

Anonymous Author
The instructor was very effective in presenting the course work. The time allotted for the course was appropriate.

Anonymous Author
A very good introduction to Internal Control. Can serve as the basis for beginning to develop I/C's in a company.

Anonymous Author
This course covers a lot of relevant issues to everyday work. gonna take what i learned back to my organization!

Anonymous Author
Good overview of basic oversight functions. Test includes the same question twice - appears to be an oversight.

Anonymous Author
I felt that this course was good but a lot of content to process and could have been more concise in the points.

Anonymous Author
This course gives a good overview of the internal and system controls and gives some great examples throughout.

Anonymous Author
Good review of general audit principles. Currently non-practicing and it was a good way to keep up knowledge.

Anonymous Author
Good overview of basic IA principles. Quiz questions were worded a bit funky, but overall questions were fair.

Anonymous Author
This course is relevant to today's environment and is important when studying controls and how they operate.

Member's Profile
A very solid refresher on the history, functions, and details of internal control structures and activities.

Member's Profile
Really clear instructor, great slides, I like the mini quizzes throughout the course rather than at the end.

Member's Profile
Great content for overview on roles of external and internal auditors, and well as their responsibilities.

Anonymous Author
Good overview of internal controls. On the final exam, questions 14 and 15 appear to be the same question.

Anonymous Author
Very detailed class to help with understanding and information regarding internal control and other issues

Member's Profile
I liked the layout of the course and the review questions throughout. I feel like this was a good review.

Member's Profile
Very informative material about internal and system controls. as a CPA, this was a good refresher course.

Anonymous Author
The course satisfied my goals. Review questions may be increased. Some interactive features may be added.

Member's Profile
Good overview and refresher on responsibilities of management, employees, auditors and board of directors.

Anonymous Author
I've used illumeo for years to complete my CPEs. I've never had a problem with the material or the exams.

Anonymous Author
Good class to take for a refresher in internal control with good information on systems controls as well.

Anonymous Author
informative overview of internal controls. Enjoyed the refresh even though its been a while since audit.

Anonymous Author
Very good course on internal control, governance, roles of people inside and outside of the organization.

Anonymous Author
Very good and informative. Presented in a very good manner. This should prove helpful in my duties.

Member's Profile
Great presentation. Very detailed and informative. Good review of knowledge that is easily forgotten

Member's Profile
great course content, lots of information that needs to be considered, insightful and well presented.

Member's Profile
I found this course to be a good review of topics that I don't use in my day to day work. thank you.

Member's Profile
Excellent primer for internal control framework and necessity. Good use of examples in presentation.

Member's Profile
Lenght of the class is good and narrative clear. Good class about internal controls and governance.

Anonymous Author
Very detailed and helpful information is provided. Slides are extremely-well written and organized.

Anonymous Author
Nice course. Does a really nice job of tying in internal controls with a business' I/T environment.

Member's Profile
Challenging course. Good general overview. Nice set up with review questions after each section.

Member's Profile
Detailed yet simple to follow and understand. Helpful overview of the COSO framework for a beginner.

Anonymous Author
This is a good overview of internal controls, the COSO framework, and related concepts. Thanks!

Anonymous Author
This course was a bit hard to follow, but I like the concepts and feel like I learned quite a bit.

Member's Profile
This course is very in-depth regarding auditing responsibilities. Lots of good information here!

Member's Profile
Very good course for refreshing about internal and system controls in addition to COSO framework.

Anonymous Author
There was a lot of information covered. Although thorough, it was a bit overwhelming at times.

Anonymous Author
explained well concepts of audit and controls. good learning for people without audit background.

Anonymous Author
This was a very thorough course presented in a logical manner for the new or advanced auditor.

Anonymous Author
Tough course, good information for anyone in business accounting, greata content, will recommend

Anonymous Author
Good course covering a wide range of controls. Includes definitions, laws, real world examples.

Anonymous Author
Great way to test my knowledge for my incoming CPA board exam. Very meaningful and informative!

Anonymous Author
Course was extremely informative. Instructor was able to apply material to real life examples.

Member's Profile
This was an interesting refresher course. I look forward to more classes from this instructor.

Member's Profile
This was a good course on the topic of internal controls. It was a very good refresher for me.

Anonymous Author
The information presented in the course was very very beneficial and helped with passing the t

Anonymous Author
The course is good and very comprehensive. Well structured with detailed/clear explanations.

Member's Profile
The materials were somewhat dated. References were made to SAS 70 which is extremely old.

Anonymous Author
I think this was a good class but covered alot of material which made it hard to retain.

Member's Profile
Excellent course, overview of system controls - lots of examples, very clear and concise

Anonymous Author
This was a great course, was very informative and covered a lot of interesting content.

Anonymous Author
Very through review of system and internal controls. This refresher is always relevant.

Anonymous Author
This course covers a lot of topics in a short window with a reasonable level of detail.

Member's Profile
Materials are easy to follow and I liked having the review questions after each topic.

Anonymous Author
great sox introduction as well as refresher if you haven't been in involved in a while.

Anonymous Author
This was a good course. The content was good. It contained all the critical elements.

Anonymous Author
This session was incredibly helpful to understand the need for controls and procedures.

Anonymous Author
Great course! A very thorough review of internal controls that was easy to understand.

Anonymous Author
Good course interesting material. Tricky questions at the end. Got confused on a few.

Anonymous Author
Great course with good content. covered a lot of good material and was easy to follow.

Anonymous Author
This was a comprehensive course for controls overview and was appropriately thorough.

Member's Profile
The quiz and final exam are well orgnized to check what I understood from the course.

Member's Profile
Good comprehensive review of types of internal controls and system considerations.

Member's Profile
Overall, great in-depth knowledge and communication of the business topics at hand

Anonymous Author
Good instructor; just really hard content to stay on top of and pay attention to.

Anonymous Author
This course did a great job detailing the varying components of internal controls.

Member's Profile
Terrific overview of internal controls systems. Good breakdown of each component.

Anonymous Author
Very good refresher for CPE credits. Instructor used relevant examples in videos.

Anonymous Author
Good review of internal control framework for those who want to brush up on COSO.

Member's Profile
Excellent course covering all need to know areas of the different fraud controls

Anonymous Author
This ticked the boxes on knowing the basics. Businesses must protect themselves.

Anonymous Author
This course has a lot of great content. It was well organized and easy to follow.

Member's Profile
The course material explain the full scope of the IT and its relation to controls

Anonymous Author
Internal and System Controls Overview good course a minumm of fifty characters

Anonymous Author
Good overview of internal and systems controls. Covers a lot of different areas.

Anonymous Author
Great material presented in a way that is understandable and I could comprehend.

Member's Profile
I liked the overall format - small bits of information and then related quiz.

Anonymous Author
The course provide a comprehensive overview on internal and systems controls.

Anonymous Author

Anonymous Author
Very informative and useful session regarding Internal and System Controls.

Anonymous Author
Great course for beginners as it relates to governance and internal controls

Anonymous Author
Good overview of internal and systems controls. This was a refresher for me.

Member's Profile
The material was easy to understand and the instructor presented very well.

Member's Profile
A lot of good info in this course and explained very well by the instructor.

Member's Profile
Engaging presenter was easy to listen to. The material is very very basic.

Anonymous Author
Good review course about internal controls.. Some good pointers as well..

Anonymous Author
Great course, clear and concise, would recommend others to take this course

Anonymous Author
Very good overview of internal control policies requirements and procedures

Anonymous Author
Great content overall. Thorough and to the point without being overbearing.

Anonymous Author
This course is Very detailed and I recommend it for all internal auditors.

Member's Profile
Very good overview. Instructor was knowledgeable and easy to listen to.

Anonymous Author
Great course which covers what you need to know about internal controls.

Anonymous Author
Solid overview, will look for additional courses for more in depth topics

Member's Profile
Good presentation. Aligns with what I see in practice in my organization.

Anonymous Author
This course was beneficial to learn about internal and systems controls.

Member's Profile
This webinar was very educational. Thank you for allowing me to view it.

Anonymous Author
In-depth internal controls - who sets standards and alot of legal info

Anonymous Author
Great class. really enjoyed the review questions throughout the course.

Member's Profile
Great course that gives an easy-to-follow overview of internal controls

Member's Profile
Material was a good refresher and all managers should review annually.

Anonymous Author
the course was good and effective. learnt a lot. can apply in our work

Anonymous Author
I would recommend this course to any CPA working on their CPE credits.

Anonymous Author
This was helpful insight and provided a solid over view of the topic.

Anonymous Author
I'm not an auditor but this was a good review of important information

Anonymous Author
Really good overview of internal systems and controls and governance.

Member's Profile
good overview. there are two of the same questions in the final exam.

Member's Profile
Good review of internal control structure, requirements, and systems.

Member's Profile
This was a really useful course and covered a lot of related topics.

Anonymous Author
This was a very informative course covering many aspects of controls.

Member's Profile
Very interesting review. Covers the basics and was a good refresher.

Anonymous Author
The course was well laid out and easy to follow. The time flew by.

Anonymous Author
Well presented, easy to follow, not dull. Informative and relevant.

Anonymous Author
Very informative and insightful over a large amount of information.

Member's Profile
An excellent comprehensive review of internal and systems control.

Member's Profile
This course was comprehensive and a good refresher for me. Thanks!

Anonymous Author
interesting and logical ....... must to understand controls.......

Anonymous Author
Great Information, I enjoyed the class. Lots of data to remember.

Anonymous Author
This course was extremely useful and i highly recommend to others.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed this course and would recommend it......................

Anonymous Author
Great overview of controls. Nice refresher from exam study times.

Member's Profile
Gives a good review of ways fraud can happen and can be avoided.

Member's Profile
Solid course and received a lot of refresher info that was useful

Anonymous Author
Very interesting learning about the difference types of controls!

Member's Profile
Clear and engaging instructor. Well-written and thorough slides.

Member's Profile
Very informative and good real life examples - enjoyed the course

Anonymous Author
Very good overview; very good trainer. I recommend this training.

Anonymous Author
Very well done. The presenter explains the course material well.

Anonymous Author
Very good the info of the course. thank you so much Tom Coghlan.

Anonymous Author
The course provides a comprehensive overview of key concepts!

Member's Profile
Lots of detail, very good refresher course. Found it engaging.

Anonymous Author
clear, understandable speech. great examples. sufficient slides

Anonymous Author
The exam was hard but the content was good. thank you very much

Anonymous Author
Perfect review and insight into systems control good curriculum

Anonymous Author
Great course. Very informative. Slides are all over the place.

Anonymous Author
This was a good dive into Internal and System Controls Overview

Anonymous Author
very interesting class. I love learning about control systems.

Anonymous Author
Presenter was knowledgeable and course content was appropriate.

Anonymous Author
Provide completed perspective of internal and external control.

Anonymous Author
Well laid out. I liked the frequent quizzes during the course.

Anonymous Author
This was a very informative class. This is highly recommended

Anonymous Author
Very good course - with good level of detail and instruction.

Anonymous Author
The course was good, the last question was repeated 2x though

Member's Profile
this was a challenging yet effective course! I learned a lot!

Anonymous Author
A great review of the basics of internal and system controls

Member's Profile
The course was a helpful review. The slides were informative.

Anonymous Author
excellent course! good discussion of auditor's independence.

Anonymous Author
A great refresh course. I liked the straightforward nature.

Anonymous Author
Good in depth course with lots of information on the slides.

Member's Profile
Great review and oversight of internal controls. Thank you.

Anonymous Author
This. Is. A. Great. Course.

Anonymous Author
Good overall discussion of Internal and Systems Controls

Anonymous Author
Very detailed class on internal controls. Good refresher.

Anonymous Author
Great training with lots of new information for every one

Member's Profile
Great refresher on controls. Really easy to follow along.

Anonymous Author
Great content. Tough class but good well put together.

Anonymous Author
Very good course. Just the right amount of information.

Anonymous Author
well thought out and acceptable for cpe review purposes

Anonymous Author
I would like the pdf file all in one file. For review.

Anonymous Author
The was a well presented overview of Risk and Controls.

Anonymous Author
Great for those new to the concept of internal control

Member's Profile
Last 2 questions in the Final Assessment are the same.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed this course, and I found it very informative

Anonymous Author
Great information, presenting in an organized fashion.

Anonymous Author
Class was very informative. Instructor was very good.

Member's Profile
Clear and consice presentation of course materials.

Anonymous Author
This was a good course and helpful for a work review.

Anonymous Author
Great Course very straight forward and informational

Anonymous Author
Great course, well structured and great content!!!!!

Anonymous Author
Well laid out and logical - very easy to understand

Member's Profile
Informative without overkill. Enjoyed this course.

Member's Profile
Very brief and difficult to understand by students.

Member's Profile
The material was presented clearly and effectively.

Member's Profile
A large amount of information very well presented.

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course. However, it is recommended to take the other courses in the series prior to completing this one.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Course Questions and Answers1 Question
Member's Profile

Can you send this to me in PDF format - unzipped

Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Internal and System Controls Overview9:00
  REVIEW QUESTIONS: Risk and Internal Control quiz
  2 Internal Control Framework15:10
  REVIEW QUESTIONS: Internal Control Frameworkquiz
  3 Types of Internal Controls14:53
  REVIEW QUESTIONS: Types of Internal Controlsquiz
  4 Governance and the Board of Directors10:11
  REVIEW QUESTIONS: Governance and the Board of Directors quiz
  5 Legal Compliance14:20
  REVIEW QUESTIONS: Legal Compliancequiz
  6 Role of External Auditors13:40
  7 Role of Internal Auditors12:19
  8 Systems Controls12:56
  REVIEW QUESTIONS: Systems Controls quiz
  9 Security Measures and Wrap Up20:09
  REVIEW QUESTIONS: Security Measuresquiz
  Internal and System Controls Overview2:02:38
  Slides: Internal and System Controls OverviewZIP
  Internal and System Controls Overview Glossary/IndexPDF