This is the third of a multi-part series following the structure of my book Auditor’s Guide to IT Auditing which follows the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) Certified Information Systems Auditor qualification syllabus.

The whole series takes the aspiring IT auditor from the basics all the way through to advanced concepts and techniques for conducting professional IT audits.

Both the book and the courses have proven of major assistance to auditors for the Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) exam as well as Part 1 of the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) examination of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA).

Part 3 of the series covers the Risk Management of the Audit Process, Audit Management, Managing the Information Systems (IS) Relationship, Gathering Evidence, and Audit use of Statistics.

Course Series

This course is included in the following series:

5 CoursesAuditor's Guide to IT Auditing

  1. Auditor’s Guide to IT Auditing – Part 1: Technology Underlying Modern Computer Systems and the Role of IT Audit
  2. Auditor’s Guide to IT Auditing – Part 2: Risks Within Today's IT Systems and Fundamental Audit Concepts
  3. Auditor’s Guide to IT Auditing – Part 3: Primary Audit Controls and Roles
  4. Auditor’s Guide to IT Auditing – Part 4
  5. Auditor’s Guide to IT Auditing – Part 5
Learning Objectives
  • Identify the major primary controls over the Audit Process and recognize an appropriate structure for the Information Technology (IT) Audit function
  • Identify potential roles for the IT audit specialist
  • Identify Evidence sources
  • Explore the fundamentals of Statistical Sampling
Last updated/reviewed: March 19, 2024
31 Reviews (130 ratings)


Member's Profile
Very informative lesson on sampling techniques and the role of statistics in auditing. This course was more technical in nature than the others in the series, and required close attention to the material. Excellent information on sampling and relevant to more than just IT audting.

Anonymous Author
The "Auditor's Guide to IT Auditing" is likely a comprehensive document tailored to a specific organization or industry, so it's essential to refer to the original source for detailed and up-to-date information

Anonymous Author
Good course but got a little to technical when explaining statistical sampling...not sure if I'll be able to apply this part of the course in a practical and efficient manner.

Anonymous Author

Anonymous Author
This course provides a good understanding of judgmental selection and statistical sampling and the benefits and detractions of both methods of testing.

Member's Profile
A little long-winded course but yet very informative. The course also highlights the importance of why you need calculus back in the school days.

Anonymous Author
this course provides a good refresher on the statistical sampling methods and sample design, as well as where they fit in the audit structure.

Anonymous Author
This is a great course for those new to audit concepts, or for those who have forgotten what they learned in college.

Anonymous Author
Course provided more focus on sampling techniques. More information on other IT audit techniques could be useful.

Anonymous Author
This review could be considered a Statistics course review. I thought it would be more related to IT audits.

Anonymous Author
The course is very informative and structured. It is a good refresher to audit sampling methods.

Anonymous Author
Very Good course of the auditor's guide to IT auditing- part 3 Primary audit controls and roles.

Anonymous Author
The course is very informative and structured. It is a good refresher to audit sampling methods.

Anonymous Author
Good course, however the review questions and final exam bear little resemblance to the slides.

Member's Profile
This training is highly technical on sampling methodology. Beginners will gain a lot from this.

Anonymous Author
Course was average. The quality/wording of questions is very poor. Please improve the quality.

Anonymous Author
Unlike the first two parts of this course, the exam was relevant to the material presented.

Anonymous Author
Good and interesting course. Great review of sampling, most of which I had forgotten.

Member's Profile
Exam questions only distantly correspond to material presented in training.

Anonymous Author
Good IT refreshers for auditors. Would recommend before completing IT audit.

Member's Profile
This session was valuable to learn the value of proper statistical testing.

Member's Profile
Thanks for this course. I enjoyed it. I think others will enjoy as well.

Anonymous Author
It's a great course. Final exam requires you to really study the course.

Anonymous Author
Well structured and concise. The presentation was clear and relatable.

Anonymous Author
Great course and provided good detail on the various types of sampling.

Anonymous Author
Excellent course and in-depth coverage on many topics, like sampling.

Member's Profile
illumeo is the best way to fullfill CPEs. thanks again

Anonymous Author
This course was better than the first two. Thanks.

Anonymous Author
Good review on audit sampling.

Member's Profile
Good refresh on sampling.

Member's Profile
Clear and concise.

Course Complexity: Advanced

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Auditor’s Guide to IT Auditing – Part 31:38
Systems and Software
  Computer Systems Exposures 15:11
  Software 13:07
  Evidence and Statistical Sampling Advantages 14:20
  Statistical Sampling Disadvantages 9:03
  Sample Design 12:44
  Sample Sizing and Selection 9:49
  Tolerable Error 8:51
  Size, Application, Regression Analysis 7:47
Continuous Play
  Auditor’s Guide to IT Auditing – Part 3 1:32:28
  Slides: Auditor’s Guide to IT Auditing – Part 3PDF
  Auditor’s Guide to IT Auditing – Part 3 Glossary/IndexPDF