There are seven key approaches to ensuring that your message is clear, concise, reaches its target audience, has its desired impact, builds your reputation, represents the passion you bring to the situation, and connects you with your audience.  These approaches also have the added value of reducing anxiety of speaking in public, helping remove “writer’s block,” and helping you efficiently communicate and build trust.

Communication is now central in this age of social media where there is so much communication that most of it gets lost in the “noise” that is out there.  Short, effective emails must be the standard in the future, but even those will be replaced by shorter text messages.

This course also covers how to give directions so they are followed and how to get your message through the right channels so they are most effective.  Every manager, CEO, accountant, nonprofit leader, and consultant always needs to improve how they communicate. This course provides some key tools to help achieve these goals.

Learning Objectives
  • Explore how to build trust and relationships through communication.
  • Identify what is holding you back from being a more effective communicator.
  • Discover what other people are looking for in communication.
  • Recognize whether your communication has been successful in obtaining the result you wanted from the communication.



Last updated/reviewed: March 24, 2024
58 Reviews (275 ratings)


Anonymous Author
This course provided a great overview for anyone in the workplace who is looking to enhance the effectiveness of their communication and presentation skills, particularly when the stakes are high. The instructor effectively presented key concepts as well as sharing a multitude of tips, tricks, and best practices to consider when refining these skills. The supporting materials were helpful and reiterated key concepts covered in this course. Nicely done!

Member's Profile
This was one of the best courses I have taken on Illumeo. The presenter does an amazing job of delivering the information because he is an expert in the subject and very experienced in communication and presenting. I am looking forward to applying the skills in this presentation in my job and with my team.

Member's Profile
I absolutely love this instructor. The content is so relevant to what is happening in business and the world right now. Finally an intructor that is cutting edge and not teaching us the same ting we could have learned 10 years ago.

Anonymous Author
I loved the two-way aspect of communication. It does take a lot of preparation and organization to communicate effectively. However, it also takes confidence in your own credibility and humility to really succeed. Great course.

Anonymous Author
I believe younger people and those who lack experience with public speaking would greatly benefit from this. Learning about listening and understanding the audience is what can separate decent public speakers from the great ones.

Member's Profile
Very enlightening. I particularly enjoyed the sections about building trust with the audience, the Psychodynamic concept, the leadership model, and the focus on requesting feedback for continuous improvement. Well done!

Anonymous Author
This instructor does a great job covering and reminding us that communication is not necessarily what we give but is the message and information that others receive and that we should seek to know our audience.

Anonymous Author
The speaker was very effective and informative about proper communication at all levels of people and size of groups. I enjoyed his style of teaching and will look for additional classes by this instructor.

Anonymous Author
I am confused about whom this presentation was designed to benefit. There were a few good points among many details that did not seem relevant to improving my own communications and presentations.

Member's Profile
The presenter gave commonsense practices for communicating and giving presentations. Besides a few stories, most of this training could be gained by just briefly reviewing the slide deck.

Anonymous Author
Excellent content and presenter. He brought up things I had not thought of before, including the communication being what is perceived by the audience, not just the message given. Thanks!

Anonymous Author
The course is helpful and the presentation is well organized. The presenter provided a lot of valuable tips. This course is very useful and therefore highly recommended.

Anonymous Author
I found this to be insightful. I feel better equipped to present in a meeting. The course was clear and concise with a few real life examples to paint a better picture.

Anonymous Author
I gained insight and knowledge that I can apply immediately from taking this course. Anyone who needs to communicate and have a message understood would benefit.

Anonymous Author
I think the course concentrated on the communications part rather than the presentation part but all points were relevant in addressing issues with an audience.

Anonymous Author
Obvious the speaker had a great handle on the topic. I have gave many successful presentations and still learned from this course on how to do even better!

Anonymous Author
Communication is an important process for every organization and effective communication ensures great benefits to the entity, in general overall improvement.

Member's Profile
Good course, I have to admit I am nervous about speaking in large groups, but this course gives some very good pointers to remember and try-out the next time.

Anonymous Author
I liked the realism of the presenter. I think this course would benefit people who have minimal to no experience presenting information to any size group.

Anonymous Author
I likely the very clear communication on the various point by the presenter. I believe it would have been better to see the presenter as well as the slides.

Anonymous Author
I thought this course was very interesting and helpful. I thought the instructor explained the topic very well. I would recommend this course to others.

Anonymous Author
The course presented good ideas and concepts. It would be helpful to include ways and examples of how to implement the ideas and concepts presented.

Anonymous Author
It is a great reminder to always sit and actively listen to others as that is the key to good communication. Great topic and great presentation.

Anonymous Author
Thorough and logical presentation with excellent examples. Many excellent points to use when conversing one on one, to small or large groups.

Anonymous Author
This course was great, made me think about the way I communicate completely differently. Recommend to anyone who gives presentations often.

Member's Profile
I appreciated the delivery of the course content and subject matter details. This information will be useful for future presentations.

Member's Profile
Instructor is very knowledgeable and experience. The skills presented in this course are very useful for introvert accountants.

Anonymous Author
the lesson was pretty thorough. i wish there were more examples or templates especially when presenting or leading a meeting.

Anonymous Author
Puts the communication definition on its underbelly meaning it is a lot different than you expect. Listen more than speaking.

Anonymous Author
Great presentation to explain the types of communication and micromanagers. I hope the micromanagers realize who they are.

Anonymous Author
I thoroughly enjoyed this course! I will use the tips provided during this course to help me in my upcoming presentation.

Member's Profile
This courses information was good. The presenter knew his topic, the slides didn't appear to be professionally done.

Anonymous Author
Very helpful course on how to communicate effectively and make sure you understand what your audience requires.

Anonymous Author
Excellent course on improving communications skills and presentations, with practical examples and insights.

Anonymous Author
Good material. Good information. Presented well and will be put to use in future meetings. Enjoyed.

Anonymous Author
A little short it would be better to do it deeply in order to a better understanding of the subject

Anonymous Author
The course does a good job in providing an overview of what it takes to communicate effectively.

Anonymous Author
A great review of what communication really is. Highlights ideas that are not intuitively known.

Anonymous Author
really like to tip of know your audience and culture limitations. I had to google CYA.... lol

Anonymous Author
It was a good overall presentation of communicate strategy for one on one and presentations.

Anonymous Author
The course was direct to the point. I believe everyone would get something from this course.

Anonymous Author
This course helps to communicate with various audiences and to make the meeting meaningful.

Member's Profile
Lots of good nuggets and takeaways to help my future communications and presentations.

Anonymous Author
This was a very good presentation. Excellent teacher who explained very well.

Anonymous Author
information presented was pretty rudimentary and was actually a little boring.

Anonymous Author
Liked the main message, some good examples, nothing super surprising in it.

Anonymous Author
Top hat and monocle like on the mr peanut - good job.......................

Anonymous Author
Overall this was a good course, not much more to say about that..........

Anonymous Author
Pretty basic but it did the job and helped remind me of some things.

Anonymous Author
Course is relevant and well presented. Good information for everyone.

Member's Profile
the pdf download is too wordy, made me lost. i think video is better.

Member's Profile
Very helpful with new information on delivering presentations.

Anonymous Author
offered alot of information. Next presentation will be a breeze!

Anonymous Author
Good course, presented and explained well. Easy to follow.

Member's Profile
I will definitely recommend this course to my co employee

Member's Profile
Enjoyed this presentation. Very informative and engaging.

Anonymous Author
This course was very helpful and I recommend for others

Anonymous Author
Perfect, not too long and direct with good examples.

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Improving Communication Skills and Presentations2:22
Section 1
  Defining Communication11:09
Section 2
  Best Practices in Communication - Individual Level11:01
  Best Practices in Communication - Individual Level (con't)3:12
Section 3
  Best Practices in Communication - Organizational Level10:40
  Best Practices in Communication - Organizational Level (con't)11:18
Section 4
  Best Practices in Presentations6:45
  Improving Communication Skills and Presentations59:48
  Slides: Improving Communication Skills and PresentationsPDF
  Improving Communication Skills and Presentations Glossary/IndexPDF