We have all been there...rushing at the last minute to complete the reporting financial pack for the Board. Making sure that all the figures add up, are consistent, appear in the right place and balance, and that the analysis is complete with every receipt and expense line analyzed against budget and last year. We look to see that the tables are complete, dates are correct, and tie up all of the other ends so the pack can be distributed on time to the Board.

We go through all this drama and stress every month or quarter only to have the Board wave through the financials as approved without asking any questions, at least serious questions in our view. Why?

Why? Very often it’s because we forget what the purpose or objective is in reporting. We forget it’s about communicating a message to the Board about how the organization is performing against what we said it was expected to do now and in the future.

This communication involves both financial and non-financial information presented and distributed in a way that informs and educates others so they can make informed decisions confidently if required.

Therefore reporting to the Board is not about accuracy of historical information. It’s not about showcasing the output of the latest technology. It’s about COMMUNICATION.

In this course, I set out how and what to communicate to the Board taking in the likely composition of a Not for Profit (NFP) Board. I also challenge some of the traditional ways that finance professionals view this work.

Learning Objectives
  • Discover how Not for Profit (NFP) reporting includes more than just the numbers.
  • Identify that reporting is about communications.
  • Recognize the audience you are communicating to.
  • Discover the traditional reporting package is not what's needed.
  • Explore the way to report and the report's content. 
Last updated/reviewed: March 28, 2024
9 Reviews (30 ratings)


Anonymous Author
read the slides, very introductory, so it's good if you want that. I expected a little more description of what ratios or charts to provide.

Anonymous Author
The information presented was relevant to the topic. However, more examples should have been provided to give more heft to the presentation.

Anonymous Author
thought the presenter should of had shown some examples rather than talking through the slide presentation.

Member's Profile
It was interesting and relevant. It was just a little difficult for this TX girl to understand his accent.

Member's Profile
The slide show did not include much detail. Better reporting examples would be helpful.

Anonymous Author
it was a nice high-level overview of things to consider when reporting to an NFP board

Anonymous Author
Good layout to introduce the concept, but would prefer more examples and visuals.

Anonymous Author
Basic introduction to reporting to the board of a non-profit organization.

Anonymous Author
I had a hard time understanding the teacher's accent.

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to How to Report to a Not-for-Profit Board9:19
  Communication Not Technology3:21
  Know Your Audience 2:44
  What to Report8:37
  Data Visualization 3:37
  How to Report to a Not-for-Profit Board27:37
  Slides: How to Report to a Not-for-Profit BoardPDF
  How to Report to a Not-for-Profit Board Glossary/IndexPDF