People are inundated with surveys these days. Your car dealer, dentist, lawn service, cable provider and even the hotel you stayed in last night wants you to take time out of your day to complete their survey and help them improve. Most of us are way too busy to fill out all these ridiculous surveys so we just ignore them, unless we are really mad or extremely pleased. Companies that rely on this data are getting a false view of reality because only the extremely mad or ecstatically happy customers fill out the surveys.
There's a better way to predict customer loyalty without all these annoying surveys. FedEx is one of the first companies to figure this out. In this course you will learn how to develop a real-time daily metric that directly links to customer loyalty and costs very little to track. In fact, you probably have much of the raw data needed for this predictive analysis. Find out what airlines, hotels, and even utilities track to determine future customer loyalty.
Learning Objectives
- Explore the flaws in customer survey data
- Discover the reasons that customers are disloyal
- Identify the approach used to FedEx and other leading organizations to predict customer loyalty
- Explore alternative approaches for creating a Customer Aggravation Index
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No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course.
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