Studies continue to show that employee engagement in the workplace remains low- around the 30% range.  Low levels of employee engagement have a negative impact on achieving organizational goals, and create a workplace that does not encourage high performance.  During this session, we answer the three key questions of employee engagement:  1) What do we know from evidence-based science?  2) How can I apply that science to increase my personal level of engagement?   3) How can I improve the engagement levels of others?  This course introduces a new model based on positive psychology practices, called the AD-FIT%TM model, that you can apply immediately.

This course provides leaders at all levels with an introduction into the science and practice of employee engagement.  Any manager or leader with a growth mindset can apply this course content to lead individual, group or organizational change in your business.  This content has been distributed to thousands of leaders in governments, private and nonprofit organizations, as well as individuals.

The content of this course is gleaned from thousands of our leadership consulting clients since 1997, and the presenter’s dissertation research on positive psychology.  The goal of this course is to introduce leaders like you to world-class techniques so that you gain competitive advantage.


Learning Objectives
  • Recognize key variables that influence employee engagement.
  • Discover how to measure employee engagement.
  • Identify how to increase individual employee engagement.
  • Identify how to develop organizational employee engagement.
Last updated/reviewed: March 23, 2024
39 Reviews (135 ratings)


Anonymous Author
This course was very poorly structured. The slides rarely matched the message at hand and in fact the most important slide (in my opinion) “E is for Engagement” was located on the Handout pdf only. The beginning and ending of each section was the exact same recorded message of 30-60 seconds. I did not hear any true practical application ideas to improve engagement. That could be due to the fact that he doesn’t stay on topic and can go on many different tangents without having the ability to explain how those tangent thoughts correlate back to the topic at hand. Which does not help the viewer to stay engaged at all. In fact I fully admit that I fell asleep and had to re-watch the last section of “How do I help others” which still left me questioning “How DO I help others be more engaged”?

Member's Profile
There was very little to be learned if anything at all. I was disappointed in not finding any concrete measures to increase employee engagement (i.e. Does handing out donuts every Friday increase employee morale? What about on Mondays? If we serve whiskey at the workplace, would employees complain less about their salary?)

Anonymous Author
There is repetition of some content which, at first, is confusing to those familiar with other Illumeo courses. However, it becomes evident that this repetition is meant to reinforce a couple key actions that can be taken to make a measurable difference in employee engagement. Hooray!

Anonymous Author
While this course served as a great refresher, it also provided several insightful statistics to further demonstrate the impact that a highly-engaged workforce has on the business. Good supporting materials were provided to reiterate key concepts presented in this course as well.

Anonymous Author
I am always looking for ways to increase employee engagement, and this lesson helped give reasons why it is so important, which will help when attempting to get all leadership on board with changing the company culture.

Anonymous Author
I thought this would be an easy refresher course, but I actually learned several things as a result of taking this class. The instructor did a wonderful job of explaining the importance of engaging our workforce.

Member's Profile
The information was great and very useful. The presenter seemed to use the course as an advertisement for his services, which is not bad, but sometimes distracting to the material being presented (in my opinion).

Member's Profile
The information provided in this course was quite useful. Engagement is obviously important but this course provides evidence as to why it's important and the impact that it can have on the organization.

Anonymous Author
I'm sorry but I learned very little about engagement. The course was poorly structured and the closing of each section was repetitious. Frequently the charts did not match the message.

Anonymous Author
Tone of class was not interesting. Will probably not look for other classes with this instructor. Now that I see that he is a PhD it seems right that he presented more like a professor.

Anonymous Author
Very informative, presenter did an awesome job but would have appreciated more slide with information the presenter was sharing to aid in following the presentation better.

Anonymous Author
I'm walking away from this course without a single idea on employee engagement. Parts were very repetitive. Very scientific and not true practical application ideas.

Anonymous Author
Great view point on how to increased productive of your employees. This course really helped me to apply ways to be a better manager. Thank you for this presentation.

Anonymous Author
Wow. Not what I was expecting or really looking for. i don't think my idea of employee engagement is the same as Dr. Gray's idea of employee engagement.

Member's Profile
Doug provided good insight to today's work culture and employee expectations. I enjoyed listening to him speak; he kept the topic light but interesting.

Anonymous Author
Nice course. But this course seemed to be more of an advertisement for the instructor's consulting business. Nonetheless, helpful material was shared.

Anonymous Author
This was good material, but I was not anticipating such a scientific dive. I think if I would have anticipated this, it would have been higher rated.

Member's Profile
Great model to focus on a goal to improve both employee performance and satisfaction. Other People Matter is an excellent mindset to have.

Member's Profile
Good information, but too much repetition of the same exact words in each section. More self promotion than I usually see in these courses.

Anonymous Author
Different type of class. Was more of a psychology class and a bit new age thinking then your standard corporate CE class.

Anonymous Author
This presentation was a little hard to follow. Reliance on familiarity with some of the material kept me somewhat focused.

Member's Profile
Video included repeated parts. I'm not sure if this was intentional or not, but I saw the introduction several times.

Anonymous Author
Good ideas but a little too repetitive on some of the topics. seemed a little dated as well on the examples.

Anonymous Author
This course is complex to understand in terms of how to address employee engagement on a practical level.

Anonymous Author
Interesting course with a good instructor. Appreciated the research behind the information.

Member's Profile
Not what I expected in an employee engagement presentation, but very powerful and practical

Anonymous Author
minimal view of a very important aspect of modern methodologies used in today's business.

Member's Profile
This course was very boring and I do not believe that I learned anything of value.

Anonymous Author
Interesting material to increase employee engagement with some useful techniques.

Member's Profile
The course was short but introduced new concepts that are vital for any Manager.

Anonymous Author
Good resources and useful CPE course. Fairly quick to run through and helpful.

Anonymous Author
Great overview of How to Increase Employee Engagement by Doug Gray on Illumeo

Anonymous Author
Good information, well structured and presented ways to improve engagement.

Member's Profile
Good visuals and mathematical formulas to calculate employee engagement.

Anonymous Author
I found this course engaging with helpful ideas to use immediately

Anonymous Author
Great course to increase employee engagement within the Company.

Anonymous Author
brief and to the point, key takeaways which could be memorized

Anonymous Author
This course was very help and make some interesting points.

Member's Profile
There are some interesting concepts in this course.

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Please print out the handout before viewing the video section of this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction on How to Increase Engagement4:11
  Where Are We Now?14:09
  How Do I Help Myself?9:30
  How Do I Help Others?16:49
  How to Increase Employee Engagement Full Video54:32
Supporting Materials
  Slides: How to Increase Employee EngagementPDF
  How to Increase Employee Engagement Glossary/IndexPDF
  Handout: How to Increase Employee EngagementPDF