The adaptation to mass remote working has created the new challenge of providing training to a physically distributed audience. To rise to the occasion, today’s professionals must possess the proficiency to effectively codify information and deliver training concepts virtually. Successfully training users via a virtual platform is an immensely valuable but elusive skill; ineffective virtual-prowess can easily lead to operational knowledge gaps, costly miscommunications, functional errors, and even workforce disengagement, resulting in a negative value.

This course is designed for professionals who want to increase their effectiveness at the vital skill of virtual training to impart business process know-how, engage meaningful participation, and promote user-confidence to execute business activities using training resources.

I teach practical knowledge to improve your ability and confidence to provide well-structured and helpful, user-centric training with the right amount of detail to engender audience buy-in and self-assurance. I share proven skills for delivering virtual training over the Zoom web platform, provide invaluable insight to optimize training materials, and reveal simple tips to create a synergistic training experience making your instruction stand out.

You discover proven knowledge to successfully prepare conceptual training for a remote audience. This provides a training development roadmap of useful materials that will magnify your efforts. From there, you identify the roles and responsibilities of training team members needed for seamless delivery. This information shares the key resources that will ensure you have the training production bases covered. Then, I teach you how to effectively execute your training, creating a value-added and pleasing experience for your virtual participants. Finally, I help you recognize common virtual training pitfalls and provide practical remedies to quickly boost your awareness promoting your overall virtual training success.

This course provides the information and insight to fast-track your ability to effectively structure and deliver training to a remote audience increasing your organizational value, elevating your professional profile while sharpening your professional advantage.

Course Key Concepts: Effectively, Plan, Training, Deliver, Zoom, “How to”.

Learning Objectives
  • Discover the preparation required to ensure a successful delivery.
  • Identify the people needed to support a smooth production.
  • Recognize the ways to execute an engaging experience for participants.
  • Explore the common pitfalls and practical remedies.
Last updated/reviewed: March 20, 2024
2 Reviews (18 ratings)


Anonymous Author
Terrific overview of developing and executing training via Zoom. Also includes numerous specific suggestions throughout.

Anonymous Author
Good step by step plan. Sometimes one needs to have it in front to succeed.

Course Complexity: Foundational

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to How to Effectively Plan and Deliver Engaging Training Over Zoom3:06
  Develop Key Materials and Perform Quality Check17:07
  Using Zoom Controls for Engagement12:37
  Common Pitfalls and Remedies15:00
  Course Wrap Up6:42
  How to Effectively Plan and Deliver Engaging Training Over Zoom1:33:46
  Slides: How to Effectively Plan and Deliver Engaging Training Over ZoomPDF
  How to Effectively Plan and Deliver Engaging Training Over Zoom Glossary/ IndexPDF