Don’t lose one more prospective deal to sales objections. Learn to redirect prospects’ objections into conversations that leave no doubt in their mind to choose you. In this course we explain the four parts of effectively handling objections, leading to higher confidence and customer acquisition or retention.
Sales objections are part of sales. However the sales skill needed the most is the sales skill least practiced. Seven out of ten sales professionals, when observed in a conversation with a prospect, quickly conceded to a sales objections. This causes lost revenue for the company and lost commissions for the salesperson.
This course teaches you how to redirect prospects' objections, resulting in more sales, higher revenue for the company, and increased commissions for you.
Learning Objectives
- Discover why customers object.
- Explore how to gain insight into the four keys to handling customer objections.
- Explore why opening counters (i.e. “I understand”, “I apologize”) don’t work.
- Discover an easy method to diffuse the most difficult objections.
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No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course.
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