Identifying difficult people...that’s the easy part.  Dealing with them?  Well, that’s a different story.

Hoping and wishing that things will somehow get better hasn’t worked. You need tools and strategies to deal with the stressful, emotional, and difficult interactions that occur.   Keep your cool.  Take a deep breath.  (And maybe even bring a mirror to take a look at yourself.)  This course teaches practical, everyday skills to deal with difficult people.

Learning Objectives
  • Identify characteristics of difficult people
  • Recognize certain personality or emotional traits associated with “difficult people"
  • Explore the rationale behind the behavior of difficult people
  • Identify effective coping techniques to deal with difficult individuals
Last updated/reviewed: March 12, 2024
265 Reviews (1139 ratings)


Anonymous Author
I liked the way the information was distilled into an actionable and repeatable approach to dealing with difficult people. This is an area where improvement is always welcomed and needed and this course allows me to practice these skills in a way that I can recognize different behaviors, understand what is possibly behind the behaviors and either help coach and improve the team member or address and transition the team member.

Member's Profile
This is so useful in everyday life and reminds us that we never know what's going on with someone else. Unless we can step back, gauge how we operate to our "own personal preferences", start looking for the reasons behind why people do what they do, and work to head off misunderstandings then things can and will go wrong. This course really helps you to deal with the little issues before they become big ones!

Member's Profile
I always enjoy Neil's classes and how he teaches. His storytelling always makes the class fun and engaging. I love how simple the concepts always seem when he breaks things down. Difficult people are tough to deal with and work with, but, we always have the choice to deal with it and control ourselves, or, we let ourselves get affected by the negative emotion. But, the choice is ours.

Member's Profile
This course was informative and presented in a professional manner. Neil keeps the listener engaged by talking about real life scenarios. I thoroughly enjoyed this course and would recommend it. In particular the subject about deflecting is the most interesting, we all have employees that like to complain. I tend to ask people how their day is going if they start out by complaining.

Anonymous Author
I like the conversational approach. Some of the Q&A there is no support in the materials, which would be helpful takeaways. I think this topic would be better suited to have additional structure and take-away materials with role-plays and other guidance as this is a pretty standard impact on most environments, as stated in the presentation.

Anonymous Author
Overall I think this is a great course, a lot I have heard over and over. I would like to see a course, how to deal w/t difficult people when their behavior is hidden or covered up by Sr. Mgmt./Leadership... how do we fix that problem. I totally agree that the heavy lifters continue to make up for those that slack or are just hard to deal with.

Anonymous Author
This course was like listening to a very interesting podcast. The instructor was very engaging, interesting and offered a lot of insight that was not necessarily very obvious. I took this course because I need to fulfill my CPE credits, but I would have listened to this course in my free time regardless, as I found it to be very, very well done.

Anonymous Author
Neil offers great information in this course! A great reminder from Neil that is humbling is that you yourself are a difficult person (to someone), so this course gives 360 feedback on ways to deal with difficult people as well as tactics you can use to be less difficult. Definitely worth listening to and the supportive material is helpful!

Anonymous Author
I recently attended the "How to Deal with Difficult People" course and it was a good experience! The content was well-structured and highly relevant. I gained valuable insights and practical skills that I can immediately apply to my work. Highly recommend this course to anyone looking to enhance their expertise in this area!

Anonymous Author
Great real-world examples. The diagram of Behaviors is very interesting and useful to understand where individuals would stand and consequently help to interact with them accordingly to reduce conflict. Not only any client-facing professional would greatly benefit from this course, but even for day-to-day interactions!

Anonymous Author
I love this presentation! Yes we encounter difficult people and sometimes we are the difficult people. It is always great to be aware and learn how to deal with them and this presentation have great advice on ways for us to get better in not only dealing with difficult people, but to make sure we don't turn into one.

Anonymous Author
I wanted to find more practical solution to how to deal with difficult people, because there true are some coworkers around my work place, and sometimes I want to help them, while sometimes I was a little afraid of them because I did not want to spend more time on them. Thanks for Mr. Neil' great work.

Anonymous Author
I really enjoyed this course. I have taken similar course topics in the past that have not kept my attention, but I was kept interested throughout the entire presentation. This course approached the topic much differently, and I thought brought a lot of good insights and suggestions within the content.

Anonymous Author
Great course and super speaker! I laughed at times because the situations Neil described are so close to home in all that I encounter at work. He offers great ideas on how to handle people who are sometimes dealing with more than the current problem being brought before you at work.

Anonymous Author
Great reminders on how to control one's response to the actions and words of difficult people. I appreciate the focus on remaining calm and positive (or at least neutral) in response to unacceptable behaviour, as well as taking personal control over exposure to the difficult person.

Member's Profile
This course is helpful for all levels of employees and even outside of the workforce. It helped me reflect on my own faults and evaluate how I can be a better manager and employee while helping to lead a positive environment and shift focus from one difficult individual.

Anonymous Author
I feel that this course is applicable to all stages of everyone's career. People are the common denominator in all work situations. Knowing how to interact with others and understand why certain behaviors are the way they are, ultimately leads to a successful career.

Member's Profile
This course was very helpful. It gave me great insights on how to deal and understand a "difficult" client or customer. We don't always understand why they're so angry and ready to fight someone but this helps us better diffuse the situation should it arise.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed that the speaker explained that positive behaviors can become difficult when they get bigger. I was hoping for more practical strategies when dealing with superiors who like to talk down to their employees, but overall I enjoyed this course.

Anonymous Author
Overall a good course. I didn't agree with every recommendation but it was a different view point that was worth hearing. Easy to follow and the information stuck. Hope to take away a few nuggets and apply to the "difficult" people I have in my life.

Anonymous Author
Interesting strategies presented, and particuarly important to be self aware of how one may be the difficult person in a situation. Only criticism I had was that some suggestions are not practical to be used in a professional environment with adults.

Anonymous Author
There are various helpful tips provided regarding dealing with difficult people. The topics presented is very interesting and is helpful as we encounter this type of people wherever we go. It will be nice if the speaker is more lively in presenting.

Anonymous Author
The course provides a good overview of strategies to use when dealing with difficult people. It also encourages you to alter your behavior in order to best deal with difficult people. The instructor presented the material well and was engaging.

Member's Profile
Instructor chose "Storytelling" to explain difficult people behavior.There is no magic bullet single solution in dealing with them but behavioral changes in yourself or get them out of your life or mind and this course helps in successive steps.

Anonymous Author
The course was very effective and provided great insight into how to deal with difficult people. It can be hard to deal with difficult people, but the steps provided in the training provide a great foundation for managing the potential stress.

Member's Profile
Excellent course for various levels of staff and leadership. Good primer for self-reflection and improving the workplace. We all have that “one difficult individual” who can be a challenge, but this course teaches strategies for success.

Anonymous Author
Good overview of working with different types of people in the workplace. Sometimes it's hard to follow these rules as the difficultly can sometimes be with your boss. But you should still try to implement this, everyone should be respected.

Anonymous Author
This course was very informative and offered great tips on dealing with difficult people. The instructor did a very good job at presenting the information. I will be using many of these tips in the future when I deal with difficult people.

Anonymous Author
This is one of the most helpful courses I have taken because it touches on an interpersonal level that extends outside of the workplace. The instructor did a great job of presenting the information and giving real life examples.

Anonymous Author
Excellent material and presentation here. Working with numbers does not help us improve our people skills. This course offers perspective on how to interact effectively with difficult people- something we can all benefit from.

Member's Profile
Great content. Succinct and very on point. Very helpful to have a reminder on how we can be a) more positive b) deal with difficult individuals and c) become more self-aware of how we may, at times, be the difficult individual.

Anonymous Author
The course provides a great overview on how to deal with difficult people. The instructor provides tangible examples of 1) how to look within first, 2) how to understand difficult people, and 3) how to best work with them.

Member's Profile
Its great course especially for managers but also for general interactions in daily life. Its a fact of life that conflicts are inevitable and learning how to resolve them is essential for improving our quality of life.

Member's Profile
Very helpful and engaging. I definitely found techniques that will assist me in dealing with a very difficult co-worker. Like it stated in the webinar it all starts with me and only I can control how I respond.

Member's Profile
This course is absolutely relevant in daily life. I appreciated the instructors teaching techniques and examples tied perfectly to the subject matter. Loved hearing stories of his kids and parenting style.

Anonymous Author
Great course and the instructor made the content really interesting along with some great pointers on how to handle these kinds of situations. I also appreciated the points made about looking inward as well.

Member's Profile
Practical examples provided to deal with difficult people. I like the reminder that we will not change someone quickly so much have methods to address the behavior but manage through it for the time being.

Member's Profile
This was a more thorough course than other courses I've taken in the past on the same topic. I appreciate the notion that we have to start with ourselves when it comes to dealing with difficult people.

Member's Profile
Very helpful course. I learned a lot about how to deal with difficult people. I would recommend this course to anyone who deals with difficult people in their personal life or their professional life.

Anonymous Author
Neil simplifies dealing with difficult may not be easy to do, but his steps were clearly presented. As one who may be "difficult" to some others, I liked that he said start with yourself.

Anonymous Author
This a very good course to take. It makes you really think about prior interactions with staff and prepare for future ones. This is something that you deal with everyday at work and outside of it.

Member's Profile
Course was very inciteful and full of helpful tips. Most the tools in this course I have used in my experience as a professional but there was some I did not know about. Overall, a very good course.

Anonymous Author
I thought this was a really fun course with a lot of useful tips. There were stories included in the presentation which helped me visualize and understand how to actually put the ideas into motion.

Anonymous Author
Very easy to follow - liked the obvious - problem solving equals complainers? Difficult people would probably get a lot of info from this, but it would be hard for them to understand and accept.

Member's Profile
I really enjoyed listening to Neil, and I think everybody who works in an office should listen to what he has to say. It really helps you to see things and handle things in a different way.

Member's Profile
I liked how practical this course was, not just in the workplace but it's relatable to everyday life. Highly recommend to anyone who wants to improve their communication/people skills!

Anonymous Author
Great strategies to deal with difficult people in a logical and reasonable manner. It was also good to hear about why people may appear to be difficult and why conflict could arise.

Anonymous Author
The instructor's stories were ones I could relate too and I really liked that he pointed out that we need to start with ourselves and realize people might see us as a difficult person

Member's Profile
I enjoyed the illustrations offered in this course along with the practical tools. I felt that this course had a lot of principles based on research and great nuggets to take away.

Anonymous Author
Well laid out analysis of dealing with difficult people. Provided good examples stating benefits and hazards of dealing with or not dealing with difficult persons. Good insights.

Anonymous Author
I felt offended by the implication that only people with invisible disabilities or mental disorders are difficult to work with. This perpetuates the stigma around such disorders.

Anonymous Author

Anonymous Author
Good tips in dealing with difficult people. Material also provides insight on why some people are difficult which could help you in learning how to work with such individuals.

Anonymous Author
Interesting quote "It is a fact that if you combine people, a common environment, and enough time there will be conflict. It is a not a possibility, but an inevitability"

Member's Profile
This is a fun course with some great reminders on the options we have when dealing with difficult people in our work environments. The area of problem solving was excellent.

Anonymous Author
Wish I would have taken this class a year ago, it would have helped me with a difficult situation. Everything describe during this class was an exact mirrored situation.

Member's Profile
There was some good information here, but overall it was simplistic and some of the stories and examples detracted from the point he was trying to make (the tennis one).

Anonymous Author
Great course, great job, thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous Author
I found it interesting that people can be categorized into perfectionist, controlling, approval seeking, attention-getters based on their intent, behaviours and focus.

Anonymous Author
The course was well structured and helped me understand the subject matter at the appropriate level. I will use what I learned during this course to perform my job.

Member's Profile
Great course! Really appreciated the suggestions and I believe I will find them very useful for incorporation into interactions in my personal and professional life.

Anonymous Author
Great course. I found it useful the real life experiences and examples that make it easy to apply to one self. I would recommend this to every manager out there.

Member's Profile
Topic is relevant and current to my environment. It is indeed that I cannot change other people but I can control my reaction towards others action. Thanks a lot!

Anonymous Author
I work in a very blue collar industry and it seems like interpersonal conflict pops up by the hour. This is a good course for dealing with difficult coworkers.

Member's Profile
This course provides excellent insights and develops practical examples of how to deal effectively with situations involving difficult people or personalities.

Member's Profile
Incredible teaching on self awareness and how to handle your self in the workplace. I thought the professor was very insightful and the lesson was fun. Thanks!

Anonymous Author
The instructor is knowledgeable and easy to listen to. I walked away feeling like I learned new things that I can apply in my professional and personal life.

Anonymous Author
The course was interesting and gave food for thought. I leave the course, however, not really understanding how I can implement the strategies given here.

Anonymous Author
Simple advice on how to deal with challenging people. Some parts of the model could have used more explanation, or grounding in psychology, in my opinion.

Member's Profile
Great course with many real world examples to better relate on how to deal with difficult people. I think this should be a required course for everyone.

Anonymous Author
Course content was insightful, relevant and provided strategies in understanding and dealing with co-workers or family members in a constructive manner.

Anonymous Author
Interesting presentation from an effective presenter. Good tips and strategies for manager and non-manager alike. Weave in more work-place examples...

Anonymous Author
I liked the tone of the course. Since you probably don't want to leave your job, set some boundaries and try to improve the situation within reason.

Anonymous Author
Very interesting and applies to both personal and professional life. The examples were helpful as well as solutions and step-by-step action guide.

Anonymous Author
I like the chart that was presented in this course regarding where certain behaviors can lead up to if it becomes too much. Great course overall!

Member's Profile
This was a pretty straightforward course that provided some insights and techniques for dealing with people that I will likely use in my career.

Member's Profile
This is very useful in every day work places and even in helping to ensure that you yourself are not the difficult person. Very well presented!

Member's Profile
I work with a mainly with clients, and this course was very helpful in understanding on how to deal with people when they are being difficult.

Anonymous Author
There were great reminders and refreshers in this course. I have taken a similar course that was an all day and I learned just as much here.

Anonymous Author
The course was very interesting. It brings to mind more people I know than just the ones I immediately though of when I began the course.

Member's Profile
While the majority of the content is common sense it's an excellent review. I enjoyed the speaker's examples of real-life situations.

Anonymous Author
A great reminder to stop and listen and be proactive rather than reactive to difficult people. Life story examples were very relatable.

Anonymous Author
Class was very interesting and the techniques provided were very helpful. The teacher clearly has expertise and passion for the subject.

Member's Profile
This is a great course if you want to learn how to deal with difficult people. This course offers great examples and easy to understand.

Anonymous Author
This was an easy listen; Neil has a great delivery. Will be trying some of these suggestions with one of my co-workers in particular.

Anonymous Author
This course was a good introduction to interacting and working with difficult people. The instructor provided useful coping strategies.

Anonymous Author
A good class on managing difficult behavior so that it doesn't get in the way of achieving personal and company goals in the workplace

Anonymous Author
This course definitely offers good insights on how to deal with difficult staff members. Presenter did a very good job on elaborating.

Member's Profile
Basic introduction to dealing with difficult people - good when combined with other offerings along the same vein. Good tools to use

Anonymous Author
I thought this course was helpful in understanding that just ignoring the issue can make the problem so much worse in the long run.

Member's Profile
A good course providing some insights into difficult people, how to deal with them in different environments. Overall a helpful aid.

Member's Profile
Very spot-on with real-world situations and solutions. Serenity prayer and starting with you (i.e me ) were my two big take-aways.

Member's Profile
It is good to know how to deal with difficult people in the workplace before it happens, so you aren't caught in a bad situation.

Anonymous Author
Always good to understand a difficult person or at least try. I like the strategies presented in dealing with difficult people.

Anonymous Author
I really liked this presentation, particularly the real world examples including the situational behaviors and learned lessons.

Anonymous Author
Very good instructor that offered more insight than was provided on the slides alone. Really enjoyed his examples/case studies.

Anonymous Author
Course was good. However, it would’ve been better if it had been longer and more in depth. Total course time was 56 minutes.

Anonymous Author
I liked the part in this about giving yourself 3 things to complain about a day. Really helps improve the overall environment.

Anonymous Author
Good overview of dealing with difficult people. Appreciate the reminder that we always need to start with ourselves first.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed this class and apply the principles learned to the work environment and is helpful in understating others as well.

Anonymous Author
Very nice course. The course gave me a chance to reflect myself and to think of new ways to interact with difficult people.

Member's Profile
A really informative course. It provides actual scenarios with applicable solutions on how to handle difficult individuals.

Anonymous Author
This was a good, high level course on identifying difficult people which offered a variety of approaches to managing them.

Anonymous Author
Thank you Neil for this very interesting course with references many real life examples and stories. I really enjoyed it!

Member's Profile
Neil is a very enthusiastic speaker and made this course very easy to follow with his clear and digestible illustrations.

Member's Profile
Very good presentation. Although most of the information is common sense, so many people don't have any. Good platform

Member's Profile
I liked how the professor gave real world examples that were understandable and relate able to demonstrate his points.

Member's Profile
Loved this class and the instructor. Great examples offered and great solutions presented for dealing difficult folks.

Anonymous Author
The course was helpful in determining how to deal with difficult people in both professional and personal situations.

Anonymous Author
I previously attended a "Difficut People" seminar but this had much more positive ways of dealing with the situation.

Anonymous Author
Great examples and explanation by the instruction. The examples were relevant and addressed the specific situation.

Anonymous Author
The human element can be so confounding. This course provided practical techniques for managing human interactions.

Member's Profile
This class was very informative and easy to follow and understand the key issues in dealing with difficult people.

Member's Profile
Although reasonably interesting, the presentation seemed disproportionate between time spent and usable takeaways.

Fantastic course for work and home life. I actually had my teenage son listen with me. Lots of great strategies.

Member's Profile
Great insight into how to be a better communicator when dealing with uncomfortable situations and difficult people

Anonymous Author
I wish I saw this training at my previous job. What a good, straightforward approach to managing the situation.

Member's Profile
Instructor's background in psychology was very helpful in explaining techniques to deal with difficult people.

Member's Profile
A lot of this course is common sense, but it reinforces the best strategies for dealing with difficult people.

Anonymous Author
Engaging presentation. Lots of understandable concepts and practices that can be applied immediately at work.

Anonymous Author
I really like this course. The instructor gave a lot of good hints on how to deal with a difficult person.

Anonymous Author
High overview of difficult people. I wish the class provided new strategies on dealing with difficult people.

Anonymous Author
Excellent course. Every individual is certain to work with difficult people at some point in their careers.

Anonymous Author
Enjoyed this course! Great ideas and tools for dealing with difficult people and maintaining self-control.

Member's Profile
I am going to find all of Neil's courses and complete them - he is so insightful and gives great examples.

Anonymous Author
This was a very engaging training that had a lot of examples that I could relate to and thus, learn from.

Anonymous Author
The course is very informative and gives practical and useful advice in how to deal with difficult people.

Member's Profile
Great instructor. Good content and nice review of points to remember when dealing with difficult people.

Anonymous Author
Common sense advice. Would prefer more business environment examples versus a lot of personal examples.

Anonymous Author
This course covered some great information, and it had a little humor mixed in, which was a nice change.

Member's Profile
Very useful content, would recommend to those who have to deal with difficult people on a regular basis.

Member's Profile
Great course. It went beyond definitions to provide workable solutions. Loved the real life examples!

Anonymous Author
This was a very interesting course with easy to implement strategies for dealing with difficult people.

Member's Profile
I felt this course had some good tools and points but examples and personal stories were long winded.

Anonymous Author
This course was very easy to understand and helped me learn how to better handle difficult situations.

Member's Profile
was a quick but good course reminding us on how to work with difficult people in the work envrionment.

Anonymous Author
There is a lot of applicability in what is covered in this course to what you will experience in life.

Anonymous Author
Good advice on how to deal with difficult people including what to say and how to handle a situation.

Anonymous Author
The delivery and style of this presenter made the material entertaining, while also delivering value.

Member's Profile
Presented with amazing clarity and examples were very appropriate in aiding understanding of concept

Anonymous Author
Interesting real life examples, tips can be used beyond work life into private relationships as well

Anonymous Author
This was an excellent course. The examples were quite relevant and helped to reinforce the concepts.

Anonymous Author
Topic is relevant and has become more common since the pandemic. Good information and suggestions.

Member's Profile
What great program. Neil keeps it simple and to point. Skills are generated. I liked the course.

Member's Profile
This course was so helpful! Dealing with people, especially difficult people is part of every job.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed the course & found it to be thought-provoking. I would listen to more of Neil's lectures.

Member's Profile
Material was presented in a very clear and understandable way that was enjoyable at the same time.

Member's Profile
Good course. Very applicable to the everyday work environment especially when teams are involved.

Anonymous Author
great course and its good to focus on self and improving skills to manage difficult personalities.

Member's Profile
Great class on how to deal with difficult people. Should be able to use this in my current role.

Anonymous Author
Engaging presentation with real life examples made it easy to follow and apply to the real world

Member's Profile
Excellent content. I would encourage the instructor to speak less monotone for a 5 star rating.

Member's Profile
Good overview of dealing with difficult people. I appreciated the personal stories and insight.

Anonymous Author
this was insightful and will help me handle difficult people a little differently in the future

Member's Profile
i would like to see more like this, personality strengths and weaknesses, understanding people.

Anonymous Author
The instructor is engaging and knowledgeable. Examples and illustrations used were excellent.

Anonymous Author
It is more of a self development material. Not sure how this counts towards the CPA CPE hours.

Anonymous Author
Enjoyed the course, provides some good strategies for coping and an opportunity for reflection

Member's Profile
Very informative and engaging video, its good to know how difficult people can act these days.

Member's Profile
It was really good course.I recommended this course to be taken by all working professionals.

Anonymous Author
Definitely enjoyed the presentation. Enjoy the methods of how to deal with difficult people.

Member's Profile
Good quick overview of dealing with different types of personalities and how it can go wrong.

Anonymous Author
Good course to understand perspective and tactics to use in the day to day work environment.

Member's Profile
Very practical suggestions to manage difficult people, things that you can easily implement

Member's Profile
Course covers helpful techniques to deal with others. Delivery was effective and engaging.

Anonymous Author
Great course! I found the information valuable and will definitely use it in the future.

Anonymous Author
Overall this was a good course... the removal of difficult people in the workplace.......

Anonymous Author
Very insightful discussion, with respect to our own behavior and the behavior of others.

Member's Profile
Neil uses good examples to go along with the concepts to help apply in everyday life.

Member's Profile
I thought this course offered interesting strategies to working with difficult people.

Anonymous Author
informative course to help deal with a wide variety of personalities in the workplace.

Anonymous Author
I liked the stories the best because they drove home the point he was trying to make.

Member's Profile
Good material. Could probably be covered in an hour rather than an hour and a half.

Member's Profile
Useful simple advice that is helpful whether you are working with or managing others.

Member's Profile
Lots of helpful tips & insights. Good ideas of different ways to deal with conflicts.

Member's Profile
I really enjoyed this course! I found the instructor engaging and easy to listen to.

Member's Profile
Gave very good information on what actions to take in dealing with difficult people.

Anonymous Author
Good course with solid examples of challenging/difficult people and ways to address.

Member's Profile
Great refresher on tips and tricks to deal with difficult people in the workplace!

Anonymous Author
Provided good food for thought - specifically things I had not thought of before.

Member's Profile
Good coursework and good refresher of data and information, I will be able to use

Member's Profile
This course provided a good general overview of dealing with difficult people.

Anonymous Author
It was very useful to learn strategies on how to deal with difficult people.

Anonymous Author
It was an easy course to listen too and provided a lot of insights on the topic.

Anonymous Author
great class on how to deal with the many difficult people HR can encounter daily

Member's Profile
Very relatable to real life and difficult people, thank you for a great course!

Anonymous Author
interesting course that reaffirms many of the concepts I try and use regularly

Anonymous Author
Some good tips for working with difficult people...starting with me. Thank you,

Anonymous Author
Good strategies on staying positive and how to use deflection to our advantage.

Anonymous Author
interesting topic for a very common challenge within the workplace/environment

Member's Profile
Very interesting course. Some good hints when dealing with difficult people.

Member's Profile
Good common sense ideas to help navigate relationships with difficult people.

Anonymous Author
presenter is experienced and gave plenty of examples to drive concepts home!

Anonymous Author
I really enjoy the practicality of this course and it's presentation format.

Member's Profile
the class provided usefull information on how to deal with difficult people.

Member's Profile
some redundancy but overall good information.

Member's Profile
Offered some new strategies with how to deal with insecure/difficult people

Anonymous Author
this course was well constructed and beneficial to my professional growth.

Anonymous Author
the examples that were give are extremely helpful in making the connection

Member's Profile
Great training session - think all employees should be required to attend.

Member's Profile
Very interesting course which was well researched, written and presented.

Member's Profile
Good, practical course. Appropriate length of time for subject material.

Anonymous Author
Instructor used good examples and covered topic in a meaningful fashion.

Anonymous Author
This is an incredibly practical course that everyone can benefit from.

Anonymous Author
This course had good pointers and the slides provide a helpful review.

Anonymous Author
I enjoy this instructors courses. Great practical tips in this course

Member's Profile
Great course and I learned a lot. Thanks and God bless. Mark Elders

Anonymous Author
Great class! Learned a lot about how to deal with difficult people!

Anonymous Author
As always, this speaker provided great insight and problem solving.

Member's Profile
Excellent, no matter who the difficult person is...! Very helpful.

Anonymous Author
I found this course both beneficial professionally and personally.

Anonymous Author
Good course on dealing with difficult people . highly recommended

Member's Profile
Interesting and very practical aproch to handle difficult people.

Member's Profile
I believe that the information was very helpful and informative.

Anonymous Author
This was very easy to understand and offers useful information

Anonymous Author
Practical and easy to follow and apply to real life situations.

Anonymous Author
The first diagram is so helpful! The presentation is well done.

Member's Profile
Thought-provoking. Translates to work life as well as personal.

Anonymous Author
Love this course. Simple and easy to comprehend and understand.

Member's Profile
Having years of experience, it still helps to get a refresher.

Anonymous Author
Presents some useful ideas to help us manage difficult people.

Member's Profile
Very interesting presentation! I learned a lot of useful tips.

Anonymous Author
The course gave me a unique perspective on people management.

Anonymous Author
Excellent presenter! Kept my attention from start to finish.

Anonymous Author
This course was effective but also entertaining and light :)

Anonymous Author
The instructor presented good stories to present his ideas.

Anonymous Author
I found this course informative in relation to its subject.

Anonymous Author
Course material was interesting and presenter was thorough.

Member's Profile
Good actionable tips - a good reminder /refresher course

Member's Profile
Another great speaker with a lot of valuable information!

Anonymous Author
Soft skills course for improving communication skills.

Member's Profile
Great class. Shared the 5 steps in dealing with people.

Anonymous Author
Lots of situational examples with plenty of suggestions.

Anonymous Author
A nice reminder of how to behave in difficult situations

Member's Profile
This course was illuminating on the particular subject.

Anonymous Author
some of the material was redundant but good information

Member's Profile
Great class in dealing with difficult people. thanks!

Anonymous Author
Good 8 steps on dealing with difficult situations.

Anonymous Author
Good refresher, however, most of it was common sense

Member's Profile
Great course for dealing with life at home and work!

Anonymous Author
interesting topic and insightful into human dynamics

Anonymous Author
Learned alot towards self reflection in this course.

Anonymous Author
Learned a lot on how to deal with difficult people.

Anonymous Author
Good course covering the basics of difficult people

Member's Profile
Great review for managers and team-members alike.

Member's Profile
I thought the course was very informative. Thanks!

Anonymous Author
i like it bring more behavier questions like this

Member's Profile
Very informative. A must have tool for a manager.

Anonymous Author
Great tips for dealing with difficult people!

Member's Profile
very helpful... i like his suggestions

Member's Profile
Good insight. Really appreciate it.

Member's Profile
Thank you for the valuable course.

Member's Profile
I have one in the cube next to me.

Member's Profile
Amazing examples from real life.

Member's Profile
Entertaining and interesting

Anonymous Author
not difficult to deal with!

Member's Profile
Really enjoy this speaker!

Member's Profile
great course!

Anonymous Author
Love this one.

Member's Profile
Easy to follow

Anonymous Author
good advice!

Member's Profile

Member's Profile

Member's Profile

Member's Profile

Course Complexity: Foundational

No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course. 

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Help Me Understand 12:02
  What Do I Do?9:54
  Choose Your Interaction 8:28
  Interaction (Continued) and Course Conclusion 15:29
Continuous Play
  How to Deal with Difficult People 55:56
  Slides: How to Deal with Difficult PeoplePDF
  How to Deal with Difficult People Glossary/IndexPDF