In this course we explore the basic elements of how to make your marketing messages resonate with your target audience. We start by helping you define your audience and understand their desired state. By using this customer-centric strategy, we’ll discover which platforms your audience spends the most time on and what content attracts their attention.

Once you have the audience and platforms in place, you can focus on crafting your powerful marketing message using emotional storytelling combined with fact-based proof points. This simple formula of content creation can be used over and over again with almost all your marketing messages.

Learning Objectives
  • Explore ways on how to define your target audience
  • Identify their desired state vs. current state
  • Discover which social media platforms they frequent
  • Explore the formula of creating compelling content
Last updated/reviewed: March 19, 2024
27 Reviews (86 ratings)


Member's Profile
Great course for B2B marketers. Storytelling is very important in developing an emotional connection with customers, and this course clearly lays out basic principles to determine what stories will resonate, how to tell them effectively, and in what media to communicate them.

Member's Profile
I learned quit a bit about the various social platforms and who they appeal to. The idea of creating a Character as your customer was interesting. The duct tape presentation really drove home the story telling approach.

Member's Profile
Good job logically laying this out. The use of video to demonstrate the technique was excellent. The instructor would be easier to listen to if he didn't end every sentance with "right?"

Anonymous Author
The information was informative and well thought out. I thought that the author did a great job describing the pros and cons as they relate to social medial platforms

Member's Profile
Concise and straight to the point course. Very enjoyable and interesting course. Just needs to be updated for 2020 trends to include newer platforms such as TikTok.

Member's Profile
He gave some good tips but some of his content was very outdated (he spoke of when Obama was president). This made the social medial usage section very outdated.

Member's Profile
Engaging teacher that gives good insight into contemporary methods of advertising. One can implement the information immediately without outside help.

Anonymous Author
The content was compelling, and the instructor was effective. The only distraction was the frequent use of “right?” in certain sections.

Member's Profile
marketing is a different animal from my background. this class makes me appreciate how much effort and consideration goes into it.

Member's Profile
Good course. Only drawback is that presenter uses "right?" a lot and can be distracting for some OCD type participants, like me.

Member's Profile
A good intro to the subject. I like the 3 step approach. It makes a lot of sense. Speaker knows a lot about the subject.

Anonymous Author
Content was informative and provided a very practical roadmap relative to customer targeting and message development.

Member's Profile
Good overview and a different perspective that supports other marketing videos that I have watched on Illumeo

Member's Profile
Good social media marketing tips. This should show date of production as this may eventually be obsololete.

Anonymous Author
Great course and very informative! Take this class if you want to learn more about content marketing.

Anonymous Author
Great job. It was very good and informative. Thank you very much. I really appreciate the course.

Anonymous Author
I really loved the character hero/guide story outline, it is such an easy to follow template.

Member's Profile
I found this instructor’s 3 step process very useful and his insights were informative.

Anonymous Author
The use of the storytelling technique is interesting and the course objectives were met.

Anonymous Author
A little dated but still good information, good speaker and good information overall.

Anonymous Author
I did the course at the end of 2021 - some of the examples in the course are outdated.

Anonymous Author
What a great course. I loved the material and the instructor.

Anonymous Author
short and sweet with the right amount of targeted information

Anonymous Author
Very short and interesting, definitely keeps your attention.

Anonymous Author
The delivery was entertaining and exciting. I learned a lot!

Member's Profile
very good approach

Anonymous Author
Fun slides

Course Complexity: Foundational

No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course. 

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to How to Create Compelling Content that will Make your Marketing Messages Memorable3:24
Creating Compelling Content
  3 Part Plan10:04
  Understand Audience's Problem and Motivation to Solve it7:52
  Know Where Audience Spends the most Time and Attention 14:10
  Use Storytelling Techniques 9:26
  The Breakdown and Insights 7:21
  Course Conclusion 2:54
Continuous Play
  How to Create Compelling Content 55:11
  Slides: How to Create Compelling Content PDF
  How to Create Compelling Content Glossary/IndexPDF