The first rule to success is learning how to understand expectations from those we serve.  Often times, there is a wide gap between our perception of the role we play in finance and the expectation from the corner office. 

Participants learn how to define their personal brand within their organization and understand the differences between the profile of a CFO and that of the CEO.  More importantly, participants gain insight on how to become more effective in their role as a confidant and a valuable asset to the CEO. The course provides actionable and repeatable processes and real-world examples, including best practices and mistakes to avoid.

The completion of this course will close the gap in what the CEO expects from the finance organization and will strengthen the working relationship between CEO and CFO, thus making the CFO position an even more valuable asset to the organization.

Learning Objectives
  • Explore how to define your Brand
  • Explore how to develop a personal human capital Balance Sheet
  • Recognize the differences in the DNA of CFOs and CEOs
  • Recognize the expectations of the CEO for the office of the CFO
  • Explore the 10 tips to bridge the expectations gap
Last updated/reviewed: March 9, 2024
38 Reviews (141 ratings)


Anonymous Author
I am completing my second year in the CFO role, and I appreciated the perspective of this course. I found the exercises very helpful and came away with deeper thoughts about my role within my organization and the need to understand, and articulate, my brand.

Member's Profile
1. An excellent program with focus on career enhancement for CFOs. 2. Some of the Examples in exercise 1 specially about pricing being linked to a conscientious citizen was not understood. 3. Good references for further improvments.

Member's Profile
I really enjoyed Mac Martirossian's "The CFO's Role from the CEO Chair" as I'm a practicing CFO. TMac's instruction really hits home for me and I see this very much as added value knowledge for my career.

Member's Profile
This is a great course that brings awareness to a new CFO of the nuances that exist within the CEO/CFO relationship. Of course, not all relationships are equal, but it's great perspective to provide.

Anonymous Author
The concept of Minding the Gap is right on point. There will be gaps between the CFO and the CEO and the ability to bridge these gaps allows the CFO to become a trusted advisor.

Anonymous Author
Practical overview - great for promoting thought about how to start thinking both strategically and tactically about the relationship with the CEO on an individual level.

Anonymous Author
During the course that activities did not seem to match the stated objective, however, looking back at the end of the course in whole the speaker brought them together.

Member's Profile
I would add some specific tips depending on the type of CEO. Different bosses might have different priorities or preferences. Overall is a very good course.

Member's Profile
This course provides inside information and perspective on the workings and relationship of Sr Mgmt. A great guideline to follow for career advancement.

Member's Profile
Really great presentation - truly challenged and created thought activity. References could have more depth. The exam questions could be reviewed.

Anonymous Author
This course was very personal as it made you think about your own brand and what sets you apart from others in your organization.

Anonymous Author
A very interesting perspective on the CFO's role from the CEO's chair that will provide an opportunity for personal reflection.

Member's Profile
Unique course that deals with industrial psychology and emotional intelligence. Presenter provided good examples and insights.

Anonymous Author
great perspective for early and late career CFOs or for anyone that needs to be in a role as a constructive advisor

Member's Profile
understanding the gap of CFO and CEO. what i dinot like is requesting me to understand the DNA of the CEO.

Member's Profile
Great exercises and examples to think about expectations of a CEO and becoming a trusted advisor to the CEO.

Member's Profile
Appreciated the reminder that we should have differing views at times and stand firm when necessary

Anonymous Author
Great course with really some invaluable insight from someone who has personal real life experience

Anonymous Author
Excellent course. Very well developed, prepared and presented with practical examples and insights.

Anonymous Author
Great ideas on how to evaluate yourself as a CFO and how to consider your role to that of the CEO.

Anonymous Author
Excellent insights and interesting anecdotes. Refreshing concepts coupled with valuable advice.

Member's Profile
Basic ideas. Course seems a bit dated. Nice to see activities for improvement within a course.

Anonymous Author
Great course and thanks for the personal exercises they helped me organize the concepts.

Member's Profile
Was not real clear on points and did not relate stories to subject very well.

Member's Profile
Very good information on understanding the value and expectations of a CFO.

Member's Profile
I am finance controller and would like to know how I should behave as CFO

Anonymous Author
Very good course to understand the expectations of the CEO from a CFO.

Member's Profile
A valuable lesson for finance leaders aspiring to be business leaders.

Member's Profile
this was a pretty boring / silly course. not a lot of meat on the bone

Anonymous Author
Personal branding was a great insight - highly recommend this course

Member's Profile
learned some communication tips. have to keep writing to get cert

Anonymous Author
very good, quick course, great thoughts and ideas about the topic

Anonymous Author
Interesting juxtaposition of viewpoints.

Anonymous Author
Nicely done presentation

Anonymous Author
Good info. Nice exercise

Member's Profile
Excellent presentation.

Member's Profile
loved the presentation!

Anonymous Author
Great insights

Course Complexity: Intermediate

Prerequisite: Finance leadership experience


Advanced Preparation: None


Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Course Questions and Answers(5 Questions)
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how do i get to learn and understand my CEO DNA or perspective. particularly if he thinks you are opinionated or domineering.

Member's Profile

Thank you for your question. It is no easy task to understand the CEO's perspective because their make up is indeed unique to their post and differs from that of a Finance Leader. The best approach is to gain their trust and respect, (particularly if he or she thinks you are opinionated or domineering) by being multi-dimensional and bringing them solutions.

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Many start up high tech companies are pressured by Investors to hire a CFO who will report to a CEO, a Techie who are not well versed with management skills and do not appreciate the high road you have taken in the presentation. How to get ahead in such organizations?

Member's Profile

Thank you for your query. You are correct; I have seen this case often. My best counsel would be to gain the trust of the tech-oriented CEO (often times a young executive) and then help them grow into their leadership position by coaching them in management skills. In order to do so, you must first win their confidence by being a solutions provider in such areas as growing sales (not just cutting or managing costs).

Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
Balancing the Personal
  Personal Inventory8:58
  Personal Balance Sheet4:56
  Yin and Yang6:37
  Expectations of a CEO8:23
Value and Resources
  Adding Value6:37
  The Trusted Advisor8:30
Continuous Play
  The CFO’s Role from the CEO’s Chair53:27
  Slides: The CFO’s Role from the CEO’s ChairPDF
  The CFO’s Role from the CEO’s Chair Glossary/IndexPDF