This combined course created by Stanley Epstein covers many aspects of globalization, finance, and the supply chain.

This course begins with a high level view of the FinTech world; the financial services value chain, FinTech’s definition, concept, scope and terminology, before moving to a detailed view of financial service functions and clusters of innovation in six key areas – Payments, Market Provisioning, Investment Management, Insurance, Deposits & Lending and Raising Capital. We examine each of these functions in terms of the current “clusters” of innovation, the key disruptive trends, the main thrust of current developments and the specific implications for financial institutions. We then take a wider view the blockchain, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in terms of what they are and how they work as well as their respective advantages and disadvantages and the risks they could introduce.

Next we work to build a comprehensive foundation for understanding all aspects of International Trade in a global context. We cover the key principles, concepts, infrastructures, practices, issues, and current developments in the world of International Trade Finance. We then explore the key concern in International Trade, which is providing a safe conduit for the transfer of ownership of the shipment in return for payment, as well as a comprehensive examination of the different payment Instruments that may be used to settle International Trade transactions, including the process, the advantages/disadvantages and the risks attached to each. Next we talk about how international payments are made and begin to look at supply chain finance.

Supply Chain Finance refers to a variety of financing and business processes aimed at providing short-term credit to improve the working capital situation throughout the supply chain for both buyers and sellers, and is the next topic we explore.

We then take a step-by-step approach covering the fundamental steps required to identify, manage, and mitigate operational risks, and cover key aspects of operational risk management including critical issues such as risk analysis, risk appetite, probability, impact, risk mitigation process, and prioritization.

Next we examine each of the seven operational risks categories, and explore a detailed explanation on each risk explaining what it is, what type of events are involved, why these activities pose a risk, and provides participants with clear practical examples.

We then explore the current practice in the field of managing operational risk in financial institutions and examine each of these principles and their relative implementation factors – what the principle means and what should be addressed in putting its requirements in place. We also put the principles to the test when examining a detailed banking Case Study.

Finally, we discuss clear definitions and analogies for blockchain technology, as well Bitcoin, Ethereum, blockchain, and initial coin offerings, and highlight promising use cases for the technology as a whole. Our aim is to create an understanding of what the blockchain is and how it works, in as non-technical a manner as is possible, so the language we are going to use is removed from the “techno-speak” that currently surrounds the subject, but sufficiently technical so as not to lose the critical elements and features of the process.

Learning Objectives
  • Discover the financial value chain and how FinTech is affecting it, identify the different functions that FinTech interacts with, and explore the range of innovative new services that FinTech is fostering.
  • Discover the critical issues in each of the different FinTech functional areas and what some of these FinTech innovations are and how they work, and explore the different FinTech functions and innovation clusters and the implications of the different FinTech innovations.
  • Explore the world of the blockchain, Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, discover how Bitcoin (and other cryptocurrencies) works, and identify the advantages and disadvantages of cryptocurrencies.
  • Discover the processes used in international trade finance and the different trade finance instruments, identify the differences between pre- and post-shipment financing, and explore the instruments used in international trade finance.
  • Discover the how international trade finance payment instruments work and identify the advantages and disadvantages of the different international trade finance payment instruments.
  • Discover the characteristics of an international payment and how the US dollar Clearing House Interbank Payment System (CHIPS) operates, identify the risks in correspondent banking, and explore the workings of the Continuous Linked Settlement (CLS) system and the principles behind international payments.
  • Identify the different stages of the supply chain, explore the methods used in supply chain financing, and discover how supply chain financing aids international trade and the financing problems in international trade.
  • Discover what supply chain finance is and how it fits into today’s economic picture and the parties involved in supply chain finance transactions and their roles.
  • Explore the methods used in identifying and evaluating the different operational risks and critical issues such as risk analysis, risk appetite, probability, impact, the risk mitigation process, prioritization and risk management responsibilities.
  • Discover the total risk spectrum, what the individual operational risks are, and what “Black Swan” events are.
  • Explore the three themes involved: governance, risk management and disclosure and their interrelationships, an actual case study and recognize the key operational risk management principles and the issues involved, and the various implementation issues involved in setting each of these principles in place.
  • Discover the underlying principles behind the blockchain and bitcoin, identify the different components of the blockchain process, and explore the blockchain and its processes that make it a key component of bitcoin.
Last updated/reviewed: March 24, 2024
28 Reviews (92 ratings)


Anonymous Author
I wanted to rate this course a 5 star. It was some of the best content I've ever seen and for the first time, I have a strong understanding of cryptocurrency and what is truly behind it/what it means. Fantastic content and explanation of the material without question. However, the exam was extremely frustrating---just too much, with too much detail and confusing alternative answers. I felt like I took a college final, not reinforced what I learned.

Anonymous Author
The name of the book I would like to write about will provoke no instant response in the soul of an average European reader, neither it will be familiar to the majority of Russians, to which nation belongs its author Alexander Sharov, which is undoubtedly sad. “Yozhenka”, as it sounds in Russian, is by all means, one of the most romantic, educating and beautifully written stories ever.

Member's Profile
I thought that the course was very comprehensive and topics were explained in ways that I was easily able to understand. I think the course is relevant to anyone working in finance especially for those wanting to understand how the industry is evolving.

Member's Profile
A good dive into the world of fintech and international trade and finance. I enjoyed it for the most part. The final exam of 102 questions is a slog, no doubt, but it's to be expected for the amount of credits awarded. I felt it was well worth my time.

Anonymous Author
The speaker pace was a bit too slow and there was a lot of good information thar was not on the handouts/slides. Given the amount of content covered, it would have been good to have some additional notes to refer back to.

Member's Profile
One of the greatest courses that's available on this platform and I would recommend any one with interests in international trades and payment systems to take it and you will enjoy it very much.

Anonymous Author
Good range of important topics however not all of them seemed directly related. Overall the information is interesting but could be broken into smaller more digestible courses vs a large one.

Anonymous Author
This course was very long but worth it, the information was very interesting and useful. The videos are a bit hard to sit through, but the decks have a lot of information in them.

Anonymous Author
This course should be splitted into several smaller ones. It's a challenge, to find the time for final test of 102 questions. In other respects, the course is interesting.

Member's Profile
The course was great! The only challenge was the materials were difficult to download and access, some weren't able to be opened because of the naming convention.

Member's Profile
Although a little tedious in some of the presentations, overall an excellent primer on the world of Fintech and the supply chain finance in particular.

Anonymous Author
Comprehensive course with good balance, glad there was more focus on blockchain and cryptocurrencies -- making the course relevant to present times.

Member's Profile
This was a very thorough and broad course. Both the course and the review materials adequately prepared me for the final exam.

Member's Profile
Content is well organized and goes beyond the surface level information to provide a detailed level of understanding.

Member's Profile
Excellent course. Easy to follow. Well laid out. Instructor is very good at explaining difficult concepts

Anonymous Author
Good overview, I would recommend this to all accounting majors looking for a good overview of globalization

Member's Profile
The videos were very informative and the pdf support files helped to further learn about the subject.

Anonymous Author
The course covers a wide range of interesting topics impacting international trade and finance.

Member's Profile
stan the man epstein...great course...thanks for the great work in compiling the materials.

Member's Profile
The subjects within the course were a bit far-flung and not entirely related to one another

Anonymous Author
Fantastic course covering a wide range of topics with great details for each! Thank you!

Member's Profile
I thoroughly enjoyed this course. I found it to be very informative and learned a lot.

Anonymous Author
Course provided a good overview of global finance and supply chain topics.

Member's Profile
relevant and detailed course, applicable for current business environments

Anonymous Author
Very complex concepts broken down into understandable segments.

Anonymous Author
Useful content and excellent course layout. Great course.

Anonymous Author
a LOT of material to digest, this is a complicated subject

Anonymous Author
Easy to understand, time was correct, test was relevant

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
Understanding FinTech-Part1 (The Basics)
  Understanding FinTech-Part1 (The Basics)1:03:21
  REVIEW QUESTIONS:Understanding FinTech - Part 1 (The Basics)quiz
Understanding FinTech – Part 2 (Financial ...
  Understanding FinTech – Part 2 (Financial Service Functions & Innovation Clusters)1:25:42
  REVIEW QUESTIONS:Understanding FinTech – Part 2 (Financial Service Functions & Innovation Clusters)quiz
Understanding FinTech – Part 3 (Blockchain ...
  Understanding FinTech – Part 3 (Blockchain Bitcoin & Other Cryptocurrencies)54:14
  REVIEW QUESTIONS:Understanding FinTech – Part 3 (Blockchain Bitcoin & Other Cryptocurrencies)quiz
International Trade - Part 1 - Trade Finance ...
  International Trade - Part 1 - Trade Finance Instruments50:24
  REVIEW QUESTIONS:International Trade - Part 1 - Trade Finance Instrumentsquiz
International Trade - Part 2 - Payment Instruments
  International Trade - Part 2 - Payment Instruments1:08:38
  REVIEW QUESTIONS:International Trade - Part 2 - Payment Instrumentsquiz
International Trade - Part 3 – International ...
  International Trade - Part 3 – International Payment Systems1:01:13
  REVIEW QUESTIONS:International Trade - Part 3 – International Payment Systemsquiz
International Trade - Part 4 – Supply Chain ...
  International Trade - Part 4 – Supply Chain Finance1:15:23
  REVIEW QUESTIONS:International Trade - Part 4 – Supply Chain Financequiz
Understanding Supply Chain Finance
  Understanding Supply Chain Finance57:45
  REVIEW QUESTIONS:Understanding Supply Chain Financequiz
Key Elements in Managing Operational Risk
  Key Elements in Managing Operational Risk1:19:16
  REVIEW QUESTIONS:Key Elements in Managing Operational Riskquiz
Understanding Operational Risk in Financial ...
  Understanding Operational Risk in Financial Institutions1:24:14
  REVIEW QUESTIONS:Understanding Operational Risk in Financial Institutionsquiz
Principles for the Management of Operational ...
  Principles for the Management of Operational Risk in the Financial Industry1:49:04
  REVIEW QUESTIONS:Principles for the Management of Operational Risk in the Financial Industryquiz
Understanding the Blockchain
  Understanding the Blockchain2:11:11
  REVIEW QUESTIONS:Understanding the Blockchainquiz
  Globalization, Finance and the Supply ChainZIP