Often when we hear the term diversity we think of cultural or ethnic differences. Language barriers or even religious beliefs may come to mind. But how often do we think of different generations – generations we most likely work with on a day-to-day basis? Have we stopped to consider the multigenerational workforce that exists today and the challenges we are faced with?

This course discusses the three primary generations present in today’s workforce and what characteristics each generation identifies with. It’s no longer enough to simply acknowledge that there are differences among us – managers and working teams must acknowledge that these differences often lead to intergenerational conflict which ultimately delays or obstructs productivity and can leave workers feeling disengaged. This course reviews generational influencers, sources of conflict, behavioral styles, and offers recommendations to motivate multi-generation colleagues and encourage teamwork.

Understanding the generational melting pot we are immersed in will help teams work together more effectively, improve communication, and help organizations leverage the strengths that each generation offers. This will become increasingly important in terms of the ever-changing socioeconomic factors we are faced with.

Gaining a better understanding of today’s intergenerational workforce will equip learners with the tools they need to be efficient and successful at work and beyond. Learners will find less opportunity to pass judgement or make assumptions that can damage team dynamic, and will be more confident when communicating with people of different generations. There will be fewer opportunities to overlook generational diversity and more opportunities to thrive in the workplace.


Learning Objectives
  • Identify the three primary generations of today’s workforce and define them by their primary characteristics
  • Recognize the three areas in which generational conflict will likely arise as a result of Gen Xers and Millennials pushing for change
  • Discover methods for encouraging employees of different generations to share their knowledge
Last updated/reviewed: March 4, 2024
32 Reviews (99 ratings)


Anonymous Author
This course was very well presented by Victoria and easy to follow. This course was very educational as I can relate to most categories in the Generational Melting Pot. My parents would have fallen into the baby boomer category or just before it. I was born during the Generation X category and can relate to and agree with many of the items discussed during the course. My kids would be considered in the iGens category - up and coming.

Anonymous Author
It is very true that the disconnect between GenX and the millennials concerning technological advances will continue to grow. Whereas the baby boomers are set in their ways and are now moving into retirement, the GenXers are still trying to keep up with the millennials ever expanding technical knowledge and skill set.

Anonymous Author
This short course offers insight to how each generation actually functions in the work place and shows you behaviors and skill sets to recognize with each. It was a great little reminder that we all have our differences, but we're all working toward a common goal.

Member's Profile
In today's ever evolving work environment, this course provides insight into the differences in communication and working styles between Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials. I highly recommend it.

Anonymous Author
Very relevant and interesting topic. Great points made about the conflicts between the generations and speed at which technology is changing. Very helpful to manage teams with multiple generations.

Anonymous Author
good coverage of the 3 generation groups with characteristics that influence work life. Would have like to hear some real life examples in the presentation in addition to the general statements.

Member's Profile
Interesting course which gave me a better understanding of the different generations. Each group has their own strengths that other groups can learn from and apply to succeed in work and life.

Anonymous Author
Generational differences can create real challenges in both work and personal lives. It is very helpful to get an understanding of how these differences can have an impact and be addressed.

Member's Profile
Many Baby Boomers (like me) love and embrace technology and love getting the newest gadgets. You made it seem like Baby Boomers don't like technology and are ignorant about and afraid of it.

Anonymous Author
Good overview of the defining characteristics of each generation. Hard to cover everything in 1 hr, but I would love to hear more concrete solutions to some of the major conflict areas.

Anonymous Author
I liked being educated on the perspectives or each generation and loved the reminder that we can learn just as much from each as we can teach just as much to each other.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed the manner in which the instructor pulled the various concepts together and provided strategies for motivating and encouraging multigenerational teams.

Anonymous Author
Well defined characteristics of each generation. Good examples / illustrations. Good comparisons between generations and helpful ideas on how to bridge gaps.

Anonymous Author
I like that the author broke down the similarity of Pound sign and hashtag, they are the same it just depends on which generation you look at it from.

Anonymous Author
Course was very informational and very easy to follow. Points out different view points of each group that we don't always think of.

Member's Profile
Interesting overview of generational differences. Because of the necessity of providing generalizations, seems a little simplistic.

Member's Profile
This course contains excellent insights into multigenerational differences and how they may effect working relationships.

Member's Profile
Very, very interesting and well done!! I was born in 1961 but feel like I identify as a Gen X except for TV dinners ;-)

Anonymous Author
Presentation was informational but presenter was obviously reading from a script which made it boring to listen to.

Anonymous Author
Interesting course. Would be better as a two hour course with further example a snd applications.

Anonymous Author
Great overview of what we see in workplaces now and broad characteristics of the main generations

Anonymous Author
Great quick explanation of the different generations and work/communication lifestyles.

Anonymous Author
Provided excellent examples of how the influencers affected each generation

Anonymous Author
This should be required training at all companies and at ALL levels.

Anonymous Author
An interesting discord of the discussion of generations.

Member's Profile
Very good speaker. Great information. Very applicable.

Anonymous Author
Enjoyed course, well presented learned a great deal.

Anonymous Author
This course covered the stated learning objectives.

Member's Profile

Member's Profile
we need more like this

Anonymous Author
Fun questions!

Member's Profile
Good overview

Course Complexity: Foundational

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to The Generational Melting Pot: Pound Signs, Hashtags and Everything In Between 5:15
  Today's Working Generations & Identifying Characteristics10:54
  Generational Influencers3:14
  Sources of Conflict & Recognizable Behavior Styles12:46
  How to Motivate & Encourage Intergenerational Teams8:45
  The Generational Melting Pot: Pound Signs, Hashtags, and Everything In Between40:53
  Slides: The Generational Melting Pot: Pound Signs, Hashtags, and Everything In BetweenPDF
  The Generational Melting Pot: Pound Signs, Hashtags, and Everything In Between Hand OutPDF