This follow-up course to Business Process Mapping provides an in depth look at the actual performance of system and process GAP Analysis and how the results of this strategy can provide benefits in addition to assisting in laying out the requirements for a new accounting system.

This course series progressed from the 20,000 foot view of the "best" practice steps one should take prior to and during the course of buying a new accounting, ERP or CRM system, to include War Stories that accented the major risks involved in a new system implementation.

Following the War Stories we delved into Business Process Mapping, the pre-cursor to providng an accurate current state view of the company.  The future state was developed during the development of a company's Business Strategy and Functional Requirements.

This final course details how to take the current state and compare it to the future state and develop a plan of action.


Course Series

This course is included in the following series:

4 CoursesBusiness Processes and Systems

  1. Before You Buy That Accounting, ERP, or CRM System...
  2. How To Increase the ROI Of ERP System Implementations
  3. Business Process Mapping: A Prelude to System and Process GAP Analysis
  4. GAP Analysis: A Practical Approach
Learning Objectives
  • Identify of the key aspects to Business Process Mapping.
  • Explore how a simple GAP Analysis can be a useful tool.
  • Explore how a more sophisticated GAP Analysis is performed.
  • Recognize that actual performance of the GAP Analysis should be done by cross-departmental teams.
  • Recognize in the final analysis, the act of performing the GAP Analysis provided a large number of added benefits to the business.
Last updated/reviewed: March 22, 2024
6 Reviews (42 ratings)


Member's Profile
great insight into an essential section of moving it forward in an orderly and correct solution

Anonymous Author
I liked the use of templates for the GAP analysis. It helps to visualize the process.

Anonymous Author
good overview on gap analysis. I will revisit these for my future projects

Member's Profile
good info on the certain elements of the GAP analysis and informative

Anonymous Author
Good system to assess any situation not only new accounting Systems

Member's Profile
Good overview!

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course. However, it is recommended to take the other courses in the series prior to completing this one.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
Introduction and Overview
Business Process Mapping
  GAP Analysis Review15:49
GAP Analysis
  GAP Analysis Part 113:14
  GAP Analysis Part 26:19
  GAP Analysis Conclusion2:34
Continuous Play
  GAP Analysis: A Practical Approach 44:11
  Slides: GAP AnalysisPDF
  GAP Analysis Glossary/IndexPDF
  GAP Analysis Sophisticated Templatexlsx
  Simple GAP Analysis ExamplePDF