This course teaches you three main things:

1. Meaning of Business Intelligence and process of developing business intelligence system
We will lead you through the process of making business decisions, the process of analysis, how to develop Dashboards, how to identify KPIs, and align with business needs.

2. Meaning of Data and basics of database management and design
In this section we will learn what data is included (it’s much more than text and tables), how we store the data and analyze the data through data warehouse process.

3. Understand what data mining is and how data mining can be used in business
We will take you through basis process of data mining. THIS COURSE IS NOT FOR YOU IF YOU ARE LOOKING TO LEARN ALGORITHMS OR REAL PROGRAMMING. In this course we focus on how you can use data mining techniques in understanding and resolving business problems.

Business Intelligence is necessary at every step of business whether planning, growing, scaling, and day-to-day decision making. We will learn how we can create intelligent systems.

We also learn how to design and create a dashboard by choosing the right KPIs balancing all key prospects of the business. The cornerstone of business intelligence is data and its storage. We will learn what are different types of data and how it is stored in a database. We will earn the essentials of data ware.

Data mining is important due to the large data volumes generated by society. We will learn how we can use this vast data in business applications.

Course Key Concepts: Business Intelligence, Data Mining practical use, Data warehouse, Database design, Use of data analysis.

Learning Objectives
  • Identify and understand the meaning of Meaning of Business Intelligence and how we make decisions.
  • Explore different types of Data and methods of Data Analysis.
  • Recognize how to develop Business Intelligence and Performance Dash Boards.
  • Discover and learn how to KPIs and development process.
  • Explore fundamentals of Data Mining, Data Warehouse and Database Structures.
Last updated/reviewed: March 15, 2024
6 Reviews (48 ratings)


Anonymous Author
I liked the examples of bad dashboards, as well as the slides on data mining techniques and applications. BI Dashboarding is another very interesting concept to me.

Anonymous Author
This course is great. Teaches the basics of Business Intelligence and Data concepts. Would recommend more information on the slides for reference going forward.

Member's Profile
Great introduction to the fundamentals of business intelligence and data mining. Worth the time for people interested in those areas.

Anonymous Author
Informative, but fairly confusing. Poorly written exam/quiz questions that include typos and ambiguous questions.

Anonymous Author
The material was good, but the quiz had a lot of tricky questions. I wouldn't take this again.

Anonymous Author
Test questions are poorly written, ambiguous, and frankly kind of ridiculous.

Course Complexity: Foundational

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to What is Business Intelligence4:22
  Starting Case in Understanding BI 5:30
  Decision Making Process and Need of IT systems18:28
  Problem Structure and Decision Support Framework10:16
Business Intelligence Applications
  BI Applications-Data Analysis15:16
  BI Applications: Dashboard presentation systems6:42
  Different Types of Charts used in BI Dashboards21:44
  Good Dashboard and Balance Score Card11:56
  Examples of Bad Dashboards1:03
  Process of KPI Development19:30
  Overview of Datawarehouse6:58
  Data Warehouse Processing Steps8:16
  Data Warehouse Architecture - Tiers16:14
  Data Warehouse - Components13:12
  Approach to Develop Data Structure and Models of Database14:26
  Basics of Data Mining18:24
  Stages of Data Mining21:46
  Data Mining Technique - Classification6:28
  Data Mining Technique- Clustering1:36
  Data Mining - Association Rules4:18
  Data Mining Applications - Banking2:34
  Data Mining Applications - CRM2:24
  Data Mining Applications - Other Industries4:02
  Fundamentals Business Intelligence and Introduction to Data Mining3:55:24
  Slides: Fundamentals Business Intelligence and Introduction to Data MiningPDF
  Fundamentals Business Intelligence and Introduction to Data Mining Glossary/IndexPDF