Every day, busy professionals are getting buried under a continuing stream of both useful and useless e-mail and other office inputs. Without a system for getting “control of the beast”, professionals spend much of their work (and personal) time spinning wheels and feeling highly unsatisfied. If you would like to get control of your e-mail “beast”, you should attend this program led by Randy Dean, MBA, author of the Amazon bestseller, Taming the E-mail Beast.

Randy shares strategies for effective e-mail and input management, organization, and prioritization (featuring live and newly updated demos in for users of Microsoft Outlook and 365) that have helped thousands of business professionals regain control and sanity with their e-mail activities (one university client even found that the average attendee saved more than 2 hours per week by taking this program!). Enhance your productivity and efficiency with e-mail today, reduce your distraction, and walk away with immediately usable tips and techniques!

Course Key Concepts: Microsoft, e-mail, email, Outlook, Microsoft 365, Office, Productivity, Efficiency, Time Management, Software, Technology.

Course Series

This course is included in the following series:

2 CoursesTaming the Email Beast

  1. Taming the E-mail Beast: Key Strategies for Managing E-mail/Input Overload for Microsoft Outlook Users
  2. Taming the E-mail Etiquette Beast: Strategies for Finding Sanity in Your E-mail Communications
Learning Objectives
  • Discover and understand the nature of e-mail & information overload in today's workplace, including using a very simple “rule” for managing all incoming e-mail that allows for both greater speed and prioritization of those messages and embedded tasks.
  • Identify and learn how to convert e-mails quickly into tasks, contacts, and calendar items
  • Explore and use embedded functions inside of your e-mail that allow you to “automate” certain common activities/messages.
  • Discover how to greatly reduce distraction by setting up special notifiers and adjusting internal settings in Microsoft Outlook.
  • Identify how to build a personal file “infrastructure” that can assist in achieving greater organization and efficiency and possibly even “e-mail ZERO”!
Last updated/reviewed: March 25, 2024
146 Reviews (419 ratings)


Anonymous Author
Randy is a great speaker and provided great tips on cleaning up and organizing E-mail. One tip I started using before the class was over. I set up a rule to hear a sound when my manager sends me an E-mail. I don't need a sound for every email but it's nice to know you can set it for specific emails. I receive a lot of emails but not too many from my manager but now when I do I'll know and can check it sooner than later. Thanks Randy!

Member's Profile
Excellent course. Mr. Dean is a good instructor who knows his subject very well. He has practical step-by-step instructions for making our use of e-mail more efficient. One comment--this course does not address the recent growth of Instant Messages (IMs)--another source of frequent distractions in the workplace.

Anonymous Author
The content of the presentation and information shared is useful. Acting on the emails once, generating calendar and tasks and starting the day in calendar/tasks will be helpful. I also learned how to assign tasks which removes the email from the inbox. Good course to a first-time outlook student.

Anonymous Author
Thoroughly enjoyed this course! I can tell that the instructor has a lot of passion around this subject matter. He gave great tips, made the content interesting, concise, and had me laughing a few times too! Definitely recommend taking this course for ANY business professional.

Anonymous Author
The instructor was entertaining he kept your interest during the course. He provided great tips that can be implemented right away. He had good strategies to follow for long term implementation for those of us who need to learn to say good bye to our emails.

Anonymous Author
The instructor provided many useful techniques to more effectively manage the volume of emails and increase productivity in the workplace. I truly the content and will be able to leverage these key learnings to minimize distractions throughout my workday!

Anonymous Author
This online course was very informative. The instructor was very effective and clearly has a passion for what he does. He kept me engaged at all times and even inserted various humorous comments to make the experience entertaining. Highly recommended.

Member's Profile
The course was fun, easy to follow and highly informative! Now I want to take the next level course, Optimizing your Outlook! Randy is fun and engaging and really gave me some great tips for managing that beast we call email!

Member's Profile
This should be core training in all organizations as part of the on boarding process. Well presented and easy to follow. Cleaned out my husband's email as I went through the course following the strategies presented.

Anonymous Author
Email is most professionals biggest time suck. Using these principles can improve everyone's efficiency and enjoyment at work. I already did some of these tricks but I need to do all of them to reap the most benefit.

Member's Profile
This course was chock full of great tips for increasing efficiency. It was also eye-opening how inefficient common practices are. This course was well worth the time and probably should be viewed multiple times.

Anonymous Author
Love the Three-Minute, One-Touch Rule though this is easier to say than do sometimes. Also I used the Signatures/Drafts as “Auto E-mail Tools” and I saved so much time on my commonly used messages.

Anonymous Author
This course is helpful especially for people who are getting hundred of emails a day. A lot of valuable information. Most of the tips are very simple that we tend to overlook but are actually helpful.

Anonymous Author
Good ideas on handling e-mail but Windows-centric. A number of features are not available on Mac versions of Outlook. Better to frame the training on elements that are not system-dependent.

Member's Profile
While LOTS of great information, the course took a long time and I had to keep starting and stopping due to calls, meetings, etc. Shorten it up some would be my recommendation, but GREAT!!

Member's Profile
I liked the ability to pause the presentation to practice the steps given for short cuts. This course gave a new outlook on how to better manage, store and follow up on emails and tasks

Member's Profile
I have been looking for a program like this to help me get my email and daily to do list organized-and this fit the bill. Logical and organized-I can't wait to implement what I learned.

Member's Profile
This course is a game changer. I have already started to use tasks to plan my calendar and stop focusing on emails. I believe this course should be a requirement for many companies.

Anonymous Author
Randy has great ideas for handling e-mail efficiently. Even if you only take a few of his ideas, they can save you a lot of time. Recommend class for folks who get a lot of e-mail.

Anonymous Author
Wonderful course. Great information presented in an intriguing way. Definitely recommend this course; it's educational, entertaining, and interesting, what more could you ask for?

Anonymous Author
The lesson was informative. However I had taken the course *Get the Most From Microsoft Outlook" and their was not that much more new information so it was a bit redundant to me.

Member's Profile
Very good presentation of the information, at a reasonable pace for the volume of info presented. I've been working with Outlook for 17 years and I learned a whole bunch today.

Member's Profile
great course. I have used Outlook since 2003 in many large organizations without ever receiving proper training. My disaster of an inbox will be getting a much needed makeover' !

Member's Profile
Good overview of strategies to effectively manage email. The technology used is a bit dated (Outlook 2010), but the principles and basic functionality required are still relevant.

Member's Profile
Excellent course on structuring files and tasks. Great content for anyone looking to optimize their email approach and getting internally organized without time gauging.

Member's Profile
Wow! This course is loaded with practical tips and time savers, and helps you think about how to really organize this flood of information coming at you all the time.

Anonymous Author
Great course! It made me realize that I only use a fraction of Outlook's capabilities. I learned a number of "tricks" and features that will help me be more productive.

Anonymous Author
I've been in the workforce, bombarded by email for 10 years and never had any idea of all the functionalities of Outlook. Now I do, and I pledge to use them all!

Member's Profile
A lot of useful information for anyone. I learned a lot and hope to use soon. Surprised how often people look at their emails and are interrupted with them.

Member's Profile
This is one of the most useful courses I have ever taken. Thank you for the helpful fixes to so many of the common problems we face in managing our inboxes.

Anonymous Author
Easy learning with many great tips to more effectively manage your email. Definitely recommend this to anyone looking to better manage that email in-box!

Anonymous Author
I learned some Outlook functionality that I was previously unaware of and can implement immediately. Great pace- stayed engaged through entire course.

Member's Profile
I thought this was great information!! I immediately implemented the 3 min rule and the drag and drop. I finally feel like I am in control of my email!

Member's Profile
The course is very focused on Microsoft outlook - so if your company uses it, definitely recommend it..if not, definitely still a lot of useful info

Anonymous Author
This is a great course! Lots of great ideas to improve work productivity and to use Outlook effectively. Needs to be updated for Office 365.

Member's Profile
Randy does not disappoint. He leads you down the path of Outlook mastery like a tour guide at Disney World, full of enthusiasm and excitement.

Anonymous Author
Loved the tips for taking back control of my inbox and time! Can't wait to put this into practice and start saving hours per week. Thanks!

Anonymous Author
There was a lot of things I can do that I was not aware of. I like the Blinger as well as the 3 minute One rule touch. Excellent course.

Anonymous Author
A lot of good tips but could see others (like using rules to automate some triage). May be part of his other courses on e-mail & Outlook.

Anonymous Author
Overall some great tips for maximizing your workday by limiting time dedicated to Email. Some great best practices for email management.

Anonymous Author
Many great tips were presented in this course! I look forward to incorporating some of them and better calming/controlling my Outlook.

Anonymous Author
I liked the positive and slightly humorous tone of the instructor in providing information. His tips are helpful in managing emails.

Anonymous Author
learning available features of Outlook was a great point about this course. This willhelp organizing the incoming e-mails much better

Anonymous Author
This course is very helpful in reducing time unnessary time spent on emails that has been a problem to me. So this is very helpful

Anonymous Author
Wow! This is awesome stuff. I implemented the 3-minute rule before I even completed this course...it is a game changer for me.

Anonymous Author
I find there were too many tips. Can consider to reduce the number of tips. Comprehensive course on a very important subject.

Member's Profile
I like the learning about drag and drop feature. That checking you email constantly can lower your IQ. All of my co-workers.

Anonymous Author
Randy knows how to keep your attention and is very upbeat. Tips and tricks are useful and I will be able to put some to use.

Anonymous Author
Great information, learnt how to permanently delete unwanted emails i like that you can draft your emails ahead to save time

Member's Profile
I have already started using the signature replies and it's a huge timesaver! Still working toward getting my inbox clean.

Anonymous Author
Excellent and very engaging speaker. I enjoyed the course and I learned a lot of helpful tips. Highly recommended.

Anonymous Author
Instructor was engaging - kept a good pace and kept it real. Some great ideas on how to gain control of my email.

Anonymous Author
I love the NRN tip! The amount of "Thank you" emails in my office is extremely wasteful of my time and inbox space.

Anonymous Author
I liked learning about the quick steps tool. I also liked the getting more familiar with the task list tool as well.

Member's Profile
A must for Outlook users. Not as applicable for non-outlook users. Great concepts but more limited applicability

Member's Profile
This was very informative and taught me some very helpful tricks to navigate my high volume work email situation.

Member's Profile
Great course, had lots of good little tips that can be implemented quickly that you don't always think about.

Member's Profile
Very actionable suggestions that I have already started to use before I had even finished the entire course.

Anonymous Author
I find this course very helpful in terms of managing my chaotic emails in an email overuse work culture .

Anonymous Author
I found the content extremely relevant and I am someone who touched an individual email more than once.

Anonymous Author
Randy Dean is a very engaging speaker with practical information that you can start using immediately.

Anonymous Author
Although I may not agree with all of his tips, most seem easy to use and I can put to use immediately.

Member's Profile
When referring to and showing the Outlook slides - much to small need to enlarge the participants view

Anonymous Author
I've been using Outlook for several years and I learned a few new tricks to help make my life easier.

Member's Profile
Great common sense recommendations. Wasn't aware of Outlook features that make things much easier!

Anonymous Author
Good information as long as you use Internet Explore. The ideas are good for other email systems.

Member's Profile
Randy provided some very helpful hints that I never would have thought of to keep my inbox clean.

Anonymous Author
I'm already an organized person so this didn't apply to me. Good course for disorganized people.

Member's Profile
Information is very relevant and will immediately help improve efficiency with email management

Anonymous Author
Received many useful tips to reduce wasted time that can be quickly and easily implemented.

Anonymous Author
it's common sense, except that I'm not even doing it. this training session is awesome.

Anonymous Author
This course helped demonstrate new ways to effectively manage email in an efficient way.

Member's Profile
Very informative course best yet! Will take Randy's optimizing Outlook course as well.

Anonymous Author
Excellent instructor. E-mails can get very overwhelming, this class gives good advise

Anonymous Author
What an inspiring course! I will be using Randy's tips and passing on to others!

Member's Profile
This is such an excellent course on how to manage your email! Thank you very much!

Member's Profile
I love this course. Randy is very entertaining and informative. Lots of good tips .

Anonymous Author
Contained useful ideas to share with staff to remove the ongoing email distractions

Anonymous Author
good course, easy to follow but quiz questions didn't seem to match course work

Member's Profile
Had a hard timing hearing this. It seemed as if the volume went in and out.

Member's Profile
Very useful information. Great instructor. Will go back to this information.

Member's Profile
Great tips to make the standard tool work for YOU vs. the other way around.

Anonymous Author
He is very passionate about Outlook and explains things in a relatable way

Anonymous Author
I found Randy Dean very interesting he held my attention the entire time.

Member's Profile
Very good course. Good points. Highly informative. Effective instructor.

Anonymous Author
Great tips for keeping e-mail manageable! I really enjoyed this course.

Anonymous Author
I found this very helpful. Going to start some of the ideas right away.

Member's Profile
Excellent Course, useful and practical tips on how to manage your inbox

Member's Profile
Great tips, some new to me, and definitely worth sharing with my team!

Member's Profile
Very helpful information from an engaging and entertaining lecturer.

Anonymous Author
Instructor was clear and easy to understand and follow. Great info

Anonymous Author
Great course and very relevant to email / org / management of time

Anonymous Author
The class was very helpful and can really help get you organized.

Anonymous Author
Love all of the ideas! Have already implemented several of them.

Anonymous Author
It was just ok however could've been shared more tips and tricks

Anonymous Author
Learned several new tips I was able to immediately implement

Anonymous Author
Always excellent tips - able to put into action immediately.

Anonymous Author
Highly overrated topic, simplistic and not very insightful.

Anonymous Author
I liked his specific tips and process flow for each email.

Member's Profile
interesting overview of email, kind of a refresher course

Anonymous Author
A great course...the taming e-mail decision tree is gold.

Member's Profile
Very good tips! will put to good use. thanks - Randy

Member's Profile
This was a fantastic class! Everyone should take it!

Member's Profile
Randy provides great tips and tricks to save us time.

Member's Profile
Randy's methods are so helpful and he is so engaging!

Anonymous Author
Note easy oh. i am improving thanks course like this

Member's Profile
Awesome! I feel empowered to become more efficient.

Member's Profile
Helpful information to efficiently manage emails.

Member's Profile
Easy to follow course, and great tips for email!

Anonymous Author
Practical, helpful course with impactful tips.

Anonymous Author
Quick guide to organise and stop distractions

Anonymous Author
Excellent tips for efficient use of email!

Anonymous Author
a few good tips that i didnt already know

Member's Profile
Helpful. Would like to see 2013 version

Anonymous Author
Very informational and easy to follow!

Anonymous Author
Meaty course with lots of great tips!

Anonymous Author
great way to optimize use of e-mail

Member's Profile
Some excellent tips in this course

Member's Profile
Great ideas and illustrations.

Anonymous Author
very informative and easy follow

Member's Profile
Great course. Very useful.

This was a great course!

Member's Profile
Great tips and traps.

Member's Profile
Excellent presentation!

Member's Profile
Great course: Thanks!

Member's Profile
helpful information

Member's Profile
great suggestions

Member's Profile
very informative

Member's Profile
kind of outdated

Member's Profile
awesome course

Anonymous Author
great refresher

Member's Profile
Great course!!

Anonymous Author
3 second rule

Member's Profile
Helpful tips.

Member's Profile
Great Tips!

Anonymous Author
good course

Member's Profile
Good Course

Anonymous Author
Nice review

Member's Profile
good tips.

Member's Profile

Anonymous Author
Good tips

Anonymous Author
good tips

Member's Profile

Member's Profile

Anonymous Author

Anonymous Author

Course Complexity: Foundational

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Course Questions and Answers1 Question
Member's Profile

It has been a month now since I took your Taming the E-mail Beast course, and I just have to say that it has changed my life! I'm amazed how adding an extra step actually saved me time and made me more organized, more reliable and less stressed. Simple but effective. Thanks Randy.

Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
Key Strategies for Managing Your E-mail Overload
  The Two Key Ways E-mail is Owning You10:22
  A Great Outlook Tip for "Tasking" your E-Mails20:23
  The Taming E-mail Decision Tree15:36
  Use Signatures/Draft as "Auto E-Mail Tools"16:37
  The Two Options for Outlook File Management3:38
  A Best Practice and Key Strategy (Conquer and Divide)7:12
  A Bonus Tip and Final Recommendation7:10
  Final Thought1:24
Continuous Play
  Taming the E-mail Beast: Key Strategies for Managing E-mail Overload1:27:02
  Slides: Taming the E-mail Beast: Key Strategies for Managing E-mail/Input Overload for Microsoft Outlook UsersPDF
  Taming the E-mail Beast: Key Strategies for Managing E-mail/Input Overload for Microsoft Outlook Users Glossary/IndexPDF
  The Three Primary Ways You Are Abusing Your Email InboxPDF
  Quick Tips for Outlook and E-mailPDF
  Smarter E-mail Subject LinesPDF
  Randy Dean's Top Ten E-mail Timesavers/Productivity EnhancersPDF
  15 Distraction e-Distraction Reduction StrategiesPDF