In today’s world, email is business writing. Learn to use this essential tool for optimal results.

A single email can cause the end of a long business relationship or the beginning of a profitable new bond. An email can build or break the writer’s credibility. Endless email checking drains productivity and ruins focus. Managing email effectively and writing email sensibly are core competencies, because in today’s economy, email is business writing.

At the end of the program, participants will be able to:

  • Compose captivating subject lines
  • Write emails with fewer proofreading errors
  • Strategize their time so that email does not wreck their productivity

Take this course if you feel overwhelmed by the email in your life and wish you could use the time you spend on email more profitably.

Course Key Concepts: Email, business writing, email etiquette, productivity, communication, marketing, sales, consulting.

Learning Objectives
  • Recognize when email is the best medium for the message.
  • Identify an effective subject line for a specific situation.
Last updated/reviewed: March 8, 2024
62 Reviews (330 ratings)


Member's Profile
Good review of best practices when writing e-mails. Some new insight (brought to you by the letter Y) included. However I disagree that you should spend less time checking e-mails - colleagues would appreciate a quicker response to their e-mails over any work that you're going to submit to your boss that (s)he will never read. Also there should be more emphasis on making your e-mails look cleaner including using line breaks, bullet points and charts.

Anonymous Author
This is an outstanding course. I especially liked the discussions on selecting the right medium, drafting a compelling subject line, implementing a consistent structure, and proofreading an email. Kindly double check the answer to question 8 which conflicts with the training slides. Thank you for a highly valuable course.

Anonymous Author
I recently completed this online course on Eight Principles of Effective Email, and it exceeded my expectations! The content was comprehensive, the instructors was engaging, and the flexibility allowed me to learn at my own pace. Highly recommend it to anyone looking to improve their writing effective email skills!

Anonymous Author
I like the clear delivering of the course message regarding how an email can serve its purpose effectively - there may be some points that are easily forgotten in daily life and it helps remind us of how every seemingly minor area can have a significant impact. Thanks.

Member's Profile
Great advice to avoid embarrassing or misleading business communication via emails. I appreciated the examples shared by the presenter of what not to do and quick suggested corrections. I will definitely spend a few more seconds proofreading my emails before sending.

Anonymous Author
Another great course from Elizabeth Danziger. She provides helpful oversight and great reminders we should all keep in mind. Enjoyed the conversation around only checking emails during natural breaks. I hope to break my habit of constantly checking emails.

Member's Profile
This has been one of the most valuable courses I’ve taken in Illumeo. I learned practical tips for being more effective with email. The handout is a great summary to keep as a reference. I loved her presentation. It was to the point and interesting.

Member's Profile
Initially, I thought this course would be too long. I couldn't imagine it would take 2 hours to explain how to effectively email. The course was excellent. I wish this course was a requirement for my coworkers.

Anonymous Author
This course is well organized, easy to understand, memorable, and useful. Everyone uses email, and most people will find material in this course that will help them better use email.

Anonymous Author
Email is always a difficult topic. It's a great tool, but can be a huge time suck if you let it. The course does a great job showing how you can be more effective with email.

Anonymous Author
This is a course for every professional. The instructor is very engaging and she provides several helpful rules, tools and strategies for workplace communication via email.

Member's Profile
This course could have been titled Pro Tips for Sending Email - or Not. The content is on point, relevant to today's work environment; and, the presenter is excellent.

Anonymous Author
This was a good course. The instructor was very articulate and I learned some valuable insights for writing effective emails. recommend this for every professional.

Anonymous Author
Some great tips overall and it is so easy to fall into some of these traps! Good course for anyone who has to use email on a regular basis in the professional world.

Anonymous Author
Ms. Danziger did an excellent job in organizing and presenting this topic with a lot of different real life examples and applications that can be used immediately.

Anonymous Author
This was a great course with 8 tips on how to create effective email. The instructor was concise and gave good examples. I will be using these tips going forward.

Anonymous Author
Solid tips and ways to make your work emails better. I could identify every single problem in either myself or someone else I email with on a regular basis.

Anonymous Author
Great overview of practices to keep in mind for email communication. Mostly common sense, but I learned specifics about enhancing my Subject Lines.

Anonymous Author
This course provides a lot of valuable tips on handling emails. The speaker was great and the examples provided are helpful and easy to follow.

Anonymous Author
Very effective course, a lot was learned. Minor details that may seem insignificant to some are very significant in the business world.

Member's Profile
why such basic stuff needs to be said, i don't know, but it does.... thanks for laying it out, i will think before opening mouth....

Anonymous Author
This course reminds us all that we need to keep our tone and content in mind when writing email. It was quick and easy to understand.

Member's Profile
Great reminders on how to use email for effective communication, as well as using different methods depending on the circumstances.

Anonymous Author
A helpful course in an overview of email. This was a practical refresher as email is the main communication tool used at my company.

Member's Profile
This was one of the better course on Illumeo. Some of the principles may seem like common sense, but they are are all important.

Anonymous Author
The course provides practical advice in dealing effectively with email. The call to action at the end is a good idea.

Member's Profile
This class was awesome, I definitely recommend. She was engaging, and covered very useful and applicable material.

Anonymous Author
Detailed course on writing effective emails. Nice and clear explanation. Covers major points. Thorough video.

Anonymous Author
effective course for entry level email writing. course could show how to avoid so many emails to start with

Anonymous Author
Thank you for this course. It is very informative and helpful to improve my business email writing skills.

Anonymous Author
Good reminder on how checking emails without a plan can lead to inefficient production in the workplace.

Anonymous Author
Great job, thank you so much, wonderful material, very important learning for the workforce and life!

Anonymous Author
Every course I've taken presented by Elizabeth Danziger is relevant and well done. Highly recommend.

Anonymous Author
Solid 3/5 would recommend to anyone who needs those CPE credits and wants to write rockstar emails.

Anonymous Author
Good presentation. I learned a lot even though I am very familiar with the topic. Good reminders.

Member's Profile
Great information. Simple tips that will help. Appreciated the handout and pdf to download.

Anonymous Author
Email can be time consuming, this course gives practical ways to make using email efficient.

Anonymous Author
I thought that this was a well presented class that gave some good tips on managing email.

Anonymous Author
Points seem obvious but on reflection I have a lot to learn on how to use email properly!

Anonymous Author
This course was excellent, I send a large number of emails and I learned a lot of tips.

Member's Profile
clear and simple message, but introduced new best practices i previously did not know.

Anonymous Author
I consider myself a good communicator, but there were helpful tips included here!

Member's Profile
Great course that explains how to use email professionally in today's context.

Anonymous Author
The handouts were well laid out and the information had practical application

Anonymous Author
Course was very interesting, learned a lot. Definitely learned something new.

Anonymous Author
Great examples of what to do and not do for effective email communications.

Member's Profile
Excellent power point, excellent information and delivery by the instructor.

Member's Profile
The instructor was informative and gave good examples of effective emailing.

Anonymous Author
I thought I was pretty good at email but this was eye opening. Great course!

Anonymous Author
This is a great training on email communication and tips on how to improve.

Member's Profile
Alot of common sense items, but good reminders. Will share with my staff.

Anonymous Author
Interesting topic - important things to consider when composing emails

Member's Profile
very relevant topics to a critical aspect of every working day.

Anonymous Author
Great course - shows our lives should not be dedicated to email

Anonymous Author
Great course. It gave me excellent items to keep in mind.

Anonymous Author
Great course, easy to follow. PDF’s was a great resource

Anonymous Author
Great insights into better ways to manage emails and time

Member's Profile
Good tips about e-mail, I for sure check mine too often.

Anonymous Author
very informative and will use in future e-mail writing

Member's Profile
Important subject nicely explained for understanding.

Member's Profile
Very helpful information and tips on writing emails.

Anonymous Author
Practical and very useful information. Thank you!

Course Complexity: Foundational

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Course Questions and Answers(2 Questions)
Member's Profile

Clear and Effective

User picture

Great tips. I need to keep these in mind. Reading out loud is a wonderful tip and I use the Read Aloud Outlook feature on important emails.

Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Eight Principles of Effective Email4:28
  Email Effectiveness Principle 1- Choose the right medium5:58
  Email Effectiveness Principle 2 - Be a credible sender15:17
  Email Effectiveness Principle 3 - Create a compelling subject line14:14
  Email Effectiveness Principle 4 - Use a consistent email structure9:43
  Email Effectiveness Principle 5 - Maintain an Appropriate Tone13:59
  Email Effectiveness Principle 5 - Maintain an Appropriate Tone Cont'd10:44
  Email Effectiveness Principle 6 - Remember that emails are public Documents7:44
  Email Effectiveness Principle 7 - Proofread carefully13:26
  Email Effectiveness Principle 8 - Have an email strategy12:52
  Course Summary10:25
  Eight Principles of Effective Email1:58:50
  Slides: Eight Principles of Effective EmailPDF
  Eight Principles of Effective Email Glossary/ IndexPDF
  Handout: Eight Principles of Effective EmailPDF