People are able to be effective in a workplace environment by developing and maintaining different kinds of boundaries.  By creating, maintaining, and communicating clearly around physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual boundaries, everybody is capable of creating healthy, productive relationships.  When boundaries are not acknowledged or well-maintained the result can be poor personal health, increased stress for individuals and teams, blaming and victimization.  Instead of optimizing their performance people begin manipulating others and becoming verbally or even physically aggressive.

This course will in enable you to:

  • Define types of boundaries:  appropriate, loose, or rigid – and whether they are helpful or harmful.
  • Identify ways you can develop healthy personal boundaries.
  • Discover skills that you can develop and call upon at work to enhance a more effective application of boundaries.

In addition, you will learn how to recognize several types of boundary violating behaviors and review scripts you can apply for yourself or use with others to generate more beneficial and clear boundaries.

Learning Objectives
  • Identify 3 kinds of boundaries and recognize how to be more effective when using them
  • Recognize 4 types of boundary violators and specific behaviors they display
  • Identify how to create and maintain your own healthy boundaries at work
  • Identify specific steps to improve boundaries at work
  • Explore ways that improving boundaries can lead to more effective workplace relationships
Last updated/reviewed: March 14, 2024
31 Reviews (107 ratings)


Anonymous Author
A useful, extremely basic and cursory introduction to boundary concepts in workplace environments, with some overlapping applicability in work-life balance. Persons seeking to make the information actionable would be well-served to contact the instructor for a more extensive list of resources.

Anonymous Author
Helpful course to understand boundaries in the workplace. Not only for yourself but also to know how to handle the boundary violators such as the controller, avoider, nonresponsive and compliant. Good course to take if interested in making a positive change in the work environment.

Member's Profile
Easy to follow. I like the flow and videos made sense. It was helpful to be given examples. Straight and to the point. The review and quiz was also good at reinforcing concepts. I liked the analogies. The speaker was honest and trustworthy.

Anonymous Author
It’s a different training , a lot of what was suggested or stated can be used or I can use in other jobs outside of where I am located right now I do appreciate the pdf downloads for extra use of things I didn’t know of

Anonymous Author
I liked the visual description of types of boundaries. I disliked labeling people as "compliants" or "controllers" etc. because everyone can switch roles depending on the context.

Anonymous Author
Course was very well done. Excellent examples and clear definitions of concepts. Learned a lot about how to recognize different types of boundary problems and how to resolve them

Member's Profile
This course was helpful in identifying different ways that people might have unhealthy boundaries, and gave some suggestions and tools for how to approach that in the workplace.

Member's Profile
I found several ideas helpful and learned some things to use to be successful. I also realized to self reflect a bit more and downloaded an app to help with mindfullness..

Member's Profile
I liked how there were PDFs that I can reference from later on down the road. I also liked how each section was split up so its easier to follow.

Member's Profile
Highly recommended to everyone in the workplace. As a practitioner of mindfulness, I also liked the bit about mindful awareness and meditation.

Anonymous Author
The course was basic but very helpful with teaching boundaries in the workplace and providing examples of how to react in certain situations.

Member's Profile
Great work creating a class with concise and intentional information. Nothing I felt was included merely to fill space. Well done.

Anonymous Author
Basic but full of real world application. I found it to be thought provoking and helpful. I would recommend this course to others.

Member's Profile
Very well presented and interesting. I enjoyed the content and the flow of the presentation. I shall listen to this again soon.

Member's Profile
I really enjoyed this course- I would have liked to know more about oversharing- specifically, how to manage oversharing.

Member's Profile
This was a great refresher on keeping healthy boundaries & helps identify types of boundary issues. Great class! Thanks!

Member's Profile
Great course very informative. The course has detailed and great examples of real life issues at the work place.

Anonymous Author
I was insightful, it really showed how easily each person could be overstepping another's person's boundaries!

Anonymous Author
I'm not sure what I would have changed in the course but it wasn't that helpful. It felt like a lot of fluff.

Anonymous Author

Member's Profile
Excellent course in defining what healthy and unhealthy boundaries are and how to change that paradigm.

Anonymous Author
I like the segmented videos instead of the continuous play. It's nice to have an option between the two

Anonymous Author
Very informative, helps me understand co-workers and supervisors. enjoyable and presented well.

Member's Profile
Good course. Very informative and easy to apply!

Member's Profile
Interesting topic, not the sort of thing I would normally think about.

Anonymous Author
Short, concise and to the point. Easy to follow and understand.

Anonymous Author
A good reminder on things to think about as we go about our day

Anonymous Author
I appreciated the real examples and step-by-step instructions.

Anonymous Author
Intriguing and insightful presentation. Excellent instructor.

Member's Profile
Useful course focusing on key issues in a clear manner.

Anonymous Author
Great course

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course. 

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Course Questions and Answers1 Question
Member's Profile

Hi Kara:
I was looking to assign this course to 3 of my employees and thought that purchasing the course would allow for all 3 of them to take it. Do I have to make 3 separate purchases and/or setup separate accounts?

Thanks, Faith

Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Good Fences Make Good Teammates: Defining and Implementing Effective Boundaries In the Workplace?7:37
Defining and Implementing Effective Boundaries
  Recognizing Healthy and Unhealthy Boundaries 9:10
  Boundary Violators 7:34
  Developing and Maintaining Boundaries 14:42
  Developing and Maintaining Boundaries (Continued)12:20
  Course Summary 10:15
Continuous Play
  Good Fences Make Good Teammates: Defining and Implementing Effective Boundaries In the Workplace? 1:01:38
  Slides: Good Fences Make Good TeammatesPDF
  Good Fences Make Good Teammates Glossary/IndexPDF