This course overviews some new features and functions that Microsoft offers in Excel 2019 and/or Microsoft 365. The eBook has an accompanying workbook that you can work through along with an answer sheet.

The course introduces the concept of dynamic arrays and related formulas such as SORT(), SORTBY() and Filter(). XLOOKUP() is an update and is intended to effectively replace VLOOKUP(). XLOOKUP() is a must-know function and totally improves all the problems of VLOOKUP(). UNIQUE() allows you to identify unique values in a range. The course also covers CONCAT() and TEXTJOIN() which are new text functions that Excel has introduced. CONCAT() is intended to replace the older CONCATENATE().

The course ends with a discussion of some other new functions including IFS(), SWITCH(), and MINIFS().

NOTE: Please make sure that you have the proper Excel version or some or all of these functions will not be available to you. If you are not sure, go to Excel and try typing in an equal sign and then one of the new functions listed here. If the function does not start to display then you probably do not have access to it. Even if you do not have access to the new functions the course is worthwhile as you can use it to determine if you should upgrade to a newer Excel version.

Learning Objectives
  • Discover and define an array.
  • Recognize how a dynamic array works.
  • Identify new Excel functions and how to use them.
Last updated/reviewed: March 11, 2024
9 Reviews (20 ratings)


Member's Profile
Good course content. I liked the layout of the material, it was easy to understand and follow. I also like the examples - I highly recommend following along and doing the workbook examples. They are very helpful in understanding how the functions work. Thank you!

Anonymous Author
Excellent course to introduce you to new formulas in excel. I did not know how these worked until I did this course. Text based helps to go back and reference the formulas when in the real world.

Anonymous Author
There are some really cool things you can do with arrays that I was not aware of; this training was great and I plan to implement some of what learned in the near future.

Member's Profile
Interesting course. I thought that I had the correct version of Excel, however, once going through the examples, I realized that I did not.

Member's Profile
A great review of formulas that I don't always use, though are good to know.

Member's Profile
Thorough review of dynamic array formulas and other new excel functions.

Anonymous Author
Great background on the types of functions - didn't know those existed

Anonymous Author
I am still amazed with all of the new spilling features in Excel.

Anonymous Author
This is a great course with good instructions on new excel formulas

Course Complexity: Foundational

You need Excel 2019 and/or Office365 to use these functions.
Click on Account in Excel and it will show you what version you have.
Please read the last paragraph of the course description.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Dynamic Array Formulas and Other New Excel Functions (Text Based Course)PDF
  Workbook: New FunctionsXLSX