Cryptocurrencies and other digital assets are receiving increased amounts of interest. Consumers are adding exposure to their personal investment portfolios. Major payment processors are facilitating digital asset payments at scale. Private and public companies are exploring and increasing investments into digital assets. Cryptocurrency holdings are becoming increasingly material.

There are numerous types of cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin which is the most popular. Cryptocurrency and the associated Blockchain technology is a look into the digital future.

This is the initial course in a series of courses that will focus on Cryptocurrency, its impact in our economy and accounting concepts.

Learning Objectives
  • Explore the value or currencies including digital currencies.
  • Identify the definition of cryptocurrency.
  • Identify and understanding cryptocurrency.
  • Discover the history of digital currency.
  • Identify and understanding the Bitcoin.
  • Discover and defining Peer-to-Peer mining.
  • Explore and examining how to track and record digital currencies.
  • Identify the key features and take-aways from digital currencies.
Last updated/reviewed: March 4, 2024
65 Reviews (338 ratings)


Member's Profile
Lynn, thank you for this course. I am my wits end trying to understand the crypto thing and the 101 course was very helpful. I am going to take your next course in the series to help solidify what I have learned. I am still confused about who comes up with the math equations for the miners to solve. Any thoughts on that please share. Larry

Anonymous Author
This was a good basic overview and intro to cryptocurrency. It seemed that the presentation jumped around a bit and was repetitive at times. Some of the examples weren't that helpful as they were too high level and didn't provide any other insight other than just reading the bullet points.

Anonymous Author
Just Ok for introductory material, was hoping for fresh update on 2022 FTX developments and how it affects the crypto world and regulation, also an update on CBDC developments in 2022-23 would be useful.

Anonymous Author
Crypto is becoming such an important part of trading, and has huge accounting implications. This lesson does a good overview on basics of cypto versus other gold/fiat currencies, as well as on Bitcoin.

Member's Profile
Litecoin is pronounced as "Lightcoin" for future reference. Agree with others I would have liked to have some accounting information related on treatment of crypto on financial statements.

Member's Profile
I enjoyed hearing about the history and the structure of Bitcoin. I have never made a Bitcoin transaction and I feel I have a better understanding of some of the risks. Thank you.

Anonymous Author
This was a good survey course in understanding cryptocurrency and its background and structure. The course was more informational which is what I was looking for in the class.

Anonymous Author
Excellent introduction to the topic of Cryptocurrency. Helps with the understanding of all the terms and concepts behind digital assets. Highly recommend this course.

Member's Profile
This was fascinating! Cryptocurrency always was a confusing concept to me, but Lynn did a great job of breaking it down in a way that was easily understandable.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed this course. The material was easy to understand. The presenter was thorough yet concise in her presentation. The final exam was very reasonable.

Anonymous Author
These concepts are difficult to understand. While the stated objectives were met, I was hoping to get more into the balance sheet impact of cryptocurrency.

Anonymous Author
I thought this course was very interesting and helpful. I thought the instructor explained the topic very well. I would recommend this course to others.

Member's Profile
Course was very informative especially to someone like myself that has very little understanding of cryptocurrency. Look forward to the follow up course.

Member's Profile
This was a very introductory topic for cryptocurrency. It was easy to follow and understand. The instructor was clear and the materials were great.

Anonymous Author
I really appreciate this information on such a new technology. Very insightful and also explained very well to someone that is not a tech savvy mind.

Anonymous Author
Lynn provided material to get the "basics" of digital currency. Some of the material repetitive but beneficial to the overall presentation.

Member's Profile
Great basic overview of the cryptocurrency. Was able to understand the challenges of categorizing the currency for accounting purposes.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed the course getting me familiar with terms and the theory of how digital currencies operate. Will take further classes on it.

Anonymous Author
Interesting dive into bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. Would be interesting to do a more specific course on bitcoin and accounting.

Anonymous Author
Nice job of making a simple presentation. Some information outdated, but we get a basis to understand the underlying concepts.

Anonymous Author
Surprisingly interesting form of presentation and pretty thoughtprovoking exam. Surprisingly, I repeat, considering the theme.

Member's Profile
I appreciated the basic discussion on Cryptocurrency and concepts. I feel more comfortable having a discussion on the topic.

Anonymous Author
A good course overall. However, it is outdated a bit. Also, there are some common fallacies on scarcity in the presentation.

Anonymous Author
Great introduction to Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency. Looking forward to taking other courses from Lynn regarding this topic.

Anonymous Author
Very informative session on a complex topic. Presenter did a good job of simplifying the concepts for easy consumption.

Member's Profile
Good overview as usual, but material could stand an update. For example there could be more about how exchanges work.

Anonymous Author
Perhaps a little too basic. For the length of the course, I would have expected to get at least touch on accounting.

Anonymous Author
I found this course very interesting and informative. The presentation was clear, concise and easy to understand.

Anonymous Author
I would think more animation will be a good idea. I think the history and definitions shoulf be on first slides.

Member's Profile
This is a great introduction to cryptocurrency which is becoming an important component of our Digital economy

Anonymous Author
This is a good course on cryptocurrency, especially since the topic is new to so many of us. Enjoyed the course.

Anonymous Author
I never really understood bitcoin, so this was a great introduction. Thanks for the content of this course.

Member's Profile
The introductory course was very informative and enlightening. It was most definitely an eye opener for me.

Anonymous Author
This was a very good and easy to understand overview of cryptocurrencies. Lynn is an excellent instructor.

Anonymous Author
Nice introduction to crypto. Just the tip of the iceberg of what CPAs will have to get educated about.

Member's Profile
This is very useful to understand the basic of crypto currency, and the materials are easy to follow.

Anonymous Author
first course on Illumeo .. and liked the author very much, super informative and interesting content

Anonymous Author
You may want to take this class prior to investing in crypto. That way you'll know more about it.

Anonymous Author
I thought that this was a good introduction to crypto currency and how it has evolved over time.

Anonymous Author
Good overview and history of bitcoin but would be good to have accounting perspective

Anonymous Author
Great introduction to cryptocurrency & bitcoin for someone that has no background.

Member's Profile
This was by far the most understandable introduction I've had to Cryptocurrency.

Member's Profile
Excellent introduction to cryptocurrencies, but a little soft on the accounting.

Anonymous Author
good overview for cpe, very high level, definitely need more training to master

Member's Profile
I enjoyed this course. It has very easy to follow and understand the concept.

Member's Profile
A lot of good background knowledge, which will be helpful for me in my work.

Anonymous Author
Good high level review. Solid foundation for understanding crypto currency

Anonymous Author

Member's Profile
Good overview of how digital currency compares to fiat and gold systems

Member's Profile
Good basic information presented in a way that is easy to understand

Anonymous Author
This course is great for Cryptocurrency 101 Understanding Concepts.

Anonymous Author
Good basic explanation of cryptocurrency and its major currencies.

Anonymous Author
Great outline course of the basics that everyone should take.

Member's Profile
Very insightful introduction to cryptocurrency. Thanks, Lynn.

Anonymous Author
Awesome Course, I learned a lot on this very complex subject!

Anonymous Author
Excellent source of information describing how crypto works

Member's Profile
Great introduction of Crypto. Overall, the lecturer is nice

Anonymous Author
Presentation and supporting material were very informative.

Anonymous Author
Very interesting courseā€¦ looking forward to viewing more

Member's Profile
A great introductory course into a complicated subject.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed this course, and I found it very informative.

Anonymous Author
The course was informative, even though it was short.

Anonymous Author
This was a good high-level overview of crytocurrency.

Member's Profile
Very good overview and background on the industry.

Anonymous Author
Good material supported by excellent presentation.

Course Complexity: Foundational

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Cryptocurrency 101 and Understanding the Concepts4:18
  Value of currency14:25
  Defining Cryptocurrency16:11
  Article Reference5:20
  Understanding Bitcoin11:44
  Tracking and Recording3:29
  Key Features and Summary6:42
  Cryptocurrency 101 and Understanding the Concepts1:12:07
  Slides: Cryptocurrency 101 - Understanding the ConceptsPDF
  Cryptocurrency 101 - Understanding the Concepts Glossary/ IndexPDF