Those in charge of the day-to-day supervision of engagements need to consciously embrace and demonstrate characteristics that will enable him/her to transition to a firm leader. This includes a focus on three key pillars: financial success, retaining clients through superior client service, and developing other professionals. This course will provide tips and best practices for stretching experienced auditors past the basics in each of the three pillars of success.

Major Topics:

  • Improving a firm’s financial results be improving effective and efficient audits
  • Transforming the audit through creative thinking
  • Managing change for positive outcomes
  • Retaining client through ensuring exceptional service
  • Developing other professionals through mentoring, counseling, and delegation


Learning Objectives
  • Discover and describe critical elements of effective and efficient audits.
  • Explore and explain how to use creative problem solving to enhance engagement management and client service.
  • Identify and discuss client service and business development roles.
  • Discover and describe important traits to demonstrate when transitioning to being a firm leader.
Last updated/reviewed: March 17, 2024

Included In Certifications

This course is included in the following Certification Programs:

13 CoursesAudit Training Certification - Level 3 - In-Charge/ Senior

  1. Fraud Trends - Applying Real-life Lessons to Small and Mid-Size Entities
  2. Reviewing Workpapers - Embracing Responsibilities for Quality Control
  3. Advanced Audit Planning Concepts - Ensuring an Effective and Efficient Audit
  4. Internal Controls to Mitigate Financial Reporting Risk - Designing Stronger Internal Controls for Small or Mid-Size Entities
  5. Auditing Revenue Recognition - Grasping the Higher Risks and Special Audit Considerations
  6. Auditing Contingencies and Going Concern Uncertainty - Testing for Completeness and Proper Disclosure
  7. Audit Reporting Advanced Concepts - Understanding the Impact of General Audit Procedures on Disclosures and Audit Report Modifications
  8. Critical Traits of a Thinking Auditor - Stretching Experienced Auditors Beyond the Basics
  9. Client and Engagement Management - Managing the Black Holes that Erode Profitability
  10. Supervisor Skills - Coaching Staff to Stay on the Right Track
  11. Professional Ethical Considerations for CPAs
  12. Accounting Update - Hot Topics for Preparing Current Period Financial Statements
  13. Auditing & Attest Update - Hot Topics for Current Period Audits and Other Attest Services
5 Reviews (30 ratings)


Member's Profile
Jennifer has a lot of great courses! She brings up all the things I try to remember when going into an audit, and presents them in an organized fashion to help keep them no the top of my mind. Great refresher

Member's Profile
The class was informative with many key points! It was worthwhile, providing you with a better perspective on conducting engagements effectively.

Anonymous Author
As we move through planning, there are good reminders in here about why we change/adjust audit procedures year over year.

Member's Profile
Excellent videos, very easy to follow and understand. Very concise and straight to the subject matter.

Member's Profile
I like the creative thinking techniques part of the course. Useful tips to deploy. Thanks

Course Complexity: Intermediate

Prerequisite: Experience on audit engagements.
Designed For: Experienced accountants who need to transition to be a firm leader.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Learning Objectives for Critical Traits of a Thinking Auditor0:45
  Focus on Effective and Efficient Audits20:04
  Focus on Effective and Efficient Audits Cont'd23:08
  Creative Thinking Best Practices11:20
  Focus on Client Service15:43
  Providing an Exceptional Engagement Experience3:45
  Exercise in Thinking Creatively to Set Personal Performance Goals9:36
  Critical Traits of a Thinking Auditor1:40:31
  Slides: Critical Traits of a Thinking Auditor - Stretching Experienced Auditors Beyond the BasicsPDF
  Critical Traits of a Thinking Auditor - Stretching Experienced Auditors Beyond the Basics Glossary/ IndexPDF