In this course we discuss the second and third factors of successful change: creating a clear, compelling vision of the change and identifying the call to action.

We begin by discussing the components of a successful vision. We identify how these components are impacted by culture. We discuss how to create an inclusive vision of change without diluting the overall message or making it too complex.

We then move to discussing the call to action. To determine what needs to be done requires considering system implications, and in a global environment underestimating this can result in failure. Once we address these system implications we discuss the specific calls to action needed. Clarifying what first steps you need each group to do across multiple cultures requires special attention to how tasks are delegated and how success measures are established. We identify the common barriers in these phases and the strategies to remove those obstacles.

Course Series

This course is included in the following series:

4 CoursesLeading Global Change

  1. Leading Global Change: Part 1 - Understanding Cultural Implications
  2. Leading Global Change: Part 2 – Creating a Global Vision
  3. Leading Global Change: Part 3 – Connecting Globally
  4. Leading Global Teams – Without Leaving People Out
Learning Objectives
  • Identify the components required to create a clear, compelling vision
  • Identify the key components of vision that require a global perspective
  • Discover how to identify the initial call to action for each group
  • Explore the system implications to creating global change
  • Discover how different cultures impact the delegation of tasks, the measures of success and how to reward and recognize accomplishments
  • Identify if conditions are right to move forward with your change
  • Discover alternative strategies to create readiness for your change



Last updated/reviewed: March 20, 2024
6 Reviews (26 ratings)


Anonymous Author
This course provided a good overview for creating a people-first business strategy, as well as internal and external considerations to ensure a holistic assessment. A good refresher.

Anonymous Author
This course was beneficial for understand the most effective way to implement change on a global level. All management would benefit from the concepts.

Member's Profile
strong content that aligns with objectives, but there were a few concepts in the final exam that were not covered in the content.

Member's Profile
Good review of solid concepts regarding global change management.

Anonymous Author
A good discussion of steps and impediments to implement change.

Anonymous Author
Many missing slides

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course. However, it is recommended to take the other courses in the series prior to completing this one.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Leading Global Change: Part 2 – Creating a Global Vision1:56
Creating a Global Vision
  The Change Equation 5:56
  Components of a Successful Vision 8:51
  Knowing When Your Change is Successful 6:53
  Creating a Global Perspective 8:52
  Identifying The Call to Action 12:52
  Identify System Implications and Course Summary 9:13
Continuous Play
  Leading Global Change: Part 2 – Creating a Global Vision54:33
  Workbook: Creating a Global VisionPDF
  Creating a Global Vision Glossary/IndexPDF