Corporate governance has been transformed from simply a routine set of compliance requirements to a strategic business imperative. The integrity, reliability, and transparency of financial reports is a function of corporate governance effectiveness. In the post-Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) of 2002 world, this transformation has assumed new importance. Effective and sound corporate governance measures and practices have become a mandate for both public and private firms regardless of their size, type, or location. No longer is corporate governance just seen as one of many compliance requirements.

Today, good corporate governance measures and procedures are being actively integrated into the corporate culture, business model, and the environment of companies across the country and around the world to ensure accountability and sustainability. Corporate gatekeepers are the focal point of these efforts and the conduits of company information to shareholders, management, customers, suppliers, financiers, government, and the community. The expectation globally is that the information coming from finance portrays an accurate picture of what’s going on “inside” the company. 

This course examines the role, responsibility, and accountability of all corporate gatekeepers in promoting effective corporate governance to achieve the organization’s goals. As corporate governance is emerging and advancing, some financial officers may not have a complete understanding of all the corporate governance requirements and how they affect their actions on the job.  

Please join Dr. Zabihollah (Zabi) Rezaee, noted teacher, industry consultant, and author, as he offers guidance on understanding the requirements for, and best practices of, good corporate governance. 

Course Series

This course is included in the following series:

2 CoursesCorporate Governance

  1. Corporate Governance: Responsibilities of Corporate Gate Keepers
  2. Preventing and Detecting Financial Reporting Fraud
Learning Objectives
  • Explore the guiding principles of corporate governance
  • Identify the functions of corporate governance
  • Explore the derivers of corporate governance, including: state and federal statutes, listing standards, and best practices
  • Explore Corporate governance mechanisms and measures
  • Recognize PCAOB, SEC, and SOX requirements and protections
  • Explore the Impact of the recent regulatory reforms including the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 on corporate governance, financial reporting, and audit functions
  • Explore the role of corporate governance, social responsibility, and ethics education in training the most competent and ethical future business leaders
Last updated/reviewed: March 9, 2024
19 Reviews (82 ratings)


Member's Profile
The course was useful in providing information about Corporate Governance.It covered all aspects of Corporate Governance in sufficient detail.Some practical examples of the challenges faced in ensuring sound corporate governance could have been useful including some case scenarios of instances where governance has been found inadequate or wanting, and the reasons for such shortcoming.

Anonymous Author
Professor Rezaee did a great job of laying out the requirements and the desirability of good governance. I think it would be a good course for any decision maker at a company both financial and non-financial.

Member's Profile
Great. Very detailed. No surprises. All employees at the supervisory level or above and benefit from this course as it clarifies corporate governance with real examples.

Member's Profile
Good information presented from the perspective of corporate governance for publicly traded companies. Slide presentation could use some work.

Anonymous Author
Good reminder of Corporate governance concepts. Ineffective BOD can be a real problem to a lot of companies.

Anonymous Author
Very interesting topic and great presentation. Lots of information covered but did not feel rushed.

Member's Profile
Lots of great information presented in this course. I think it was longer than it needed to be.

Member's Profile
Interesting topic and good coverage of key issues. Learning Material was of good quality.

Anonymous Author
Recommend this course corporate governance: responsibilities of corporate gate keepers.

Anonymous Author
Provides great insight on Corporate Governance and challenges in it's implementation

Anonymous Author
nice overview of corporate governance responsibilities of corporate gatekeepers

Anonymous Author
Good course covering major aspects of corporate governance in the world today.

Anonymous Author
I really enjoyed this training! This will be beneficial to everyone.

Anonymous Author
The course information was interesting and well-presented.

Anonymous Author
well thought out and acceptable for cpe review purposes

Anonymous Author
Very detailed overview of SOX, PCAOB, Dodd Frank ect.

Member's Profile
Prof. Zabi is an extremely knowledegable resource.

Anonymous Author
Common sense portrayal of corporate gatekeeping

Anonymous Author
Very concise.

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Defining Corporate Governance14:18
  Principles of Corporate Governance14:55
Corporate Governance Measures and Functions
  Corporate Governance Measures 12:52
  Corporate Governance Measures (Continued)14:40
  Audit Provisions of SOX8:00
  Dodd - Frank Act of 201011:12
  Corporate Governance Functions 14:31
The Board
  Board Characteristics 9:15
  Board Committees 12:00
Challenges, Convergence, and CONCLUSION
  Challenges in Corporate Governance13:42
  Convergence in Corporate Governance9:41
Continuous Play
  Corporate Governance: Responsibilities of Corporate Gate Keepers2:17:07
  Slides: Corporate Governance: Responsibilities of Corporate Gate KeepersPDF
  Corporate Governance: Responsibilities of Corporate Gate Keepers Glossary/IndexPDF