One of the first major decisions a startup or emerging business will need to make is regarding choice of entity. Selecting the right corporate framework--corporation, LLC or partnership--is critical to the success of any businesses. How can you determine the best fit for your emerging company?

This course provides general guidance for non-lawyers dealing with the issues which arise in deciding what type of entity form should be used for a budding business. The instructor will introduce a framework to help you analyze the different attributes of business entities, including four key considerations:

  • The lifecycle of the entity: Is this a single purpose entity, or will it grow over time?
  • Realities of death and taxes: How to close a business and manage the associated tax implications
  • Administration: What level of administration is required for your business?
  • Liability: Does your new business require you to carry personal liability insurance?
Learning Objectives
  • Discover a framework for determining which form of entity is suitable for your business
  • Explore the four basic contract types and the advantages and disadvantages of each
  • Understand real world uses of different entity types
Last updated/reviewed: March 26, 2024
64 Reviews (222 ratings)


Anonymous Author
The course is a great overview of business formations and covers a great number of advantages and disadvantage of each class of business. The attorney does a great job in his presentation and gives great examples to reinforce concepts. He even goes into forms that are required in the state of California. I've learned a great bit of information..

Anonymous Author
Some of the editing of the instructor dialog is choppy - for example in the "Corporation" portion you can hear him curse (damn) at about the 3:23 mark and then at around the 7:00 mark he seems to be cut-off mid-thought and so you miss the point being made. All-in-all, good information is provided and there is certainly value in the course.

Anonymous Author
The speaker was a little slow. In all fairness, I may have felt that way because I already knew most of the information, but I would think the general audience of these courses probably do too.

Member's Profile
Course was not thrilling, but definitely provided a solid overview of the different entity structures. Instructor clearly has years of experience and was able to elaborate on key points.

Anonymous Author
This course was awesome. I really learned more in depth about the types of business entities. I would like to take a course under this instructor again; I really enjoy it. Thank you!

Member's Profile
This was a good basic primer on the forms of business organization. It covered the topic well, but was a little dry, as the presenter appeared to be reading off of a script.

Member's Profile
I learned the basics, but am wondering what’s up with slides. The yellow is hard to read and they look about 40% complete. Maybe this wasn’t the final version?

Member's Profile
This was a good basic overview of non-tax considerations when choosing the type of entity. I would recommend for the beginner or refresher for a non-practioner.

Anonymous Author
This is a helpful introductory overview. My only issue was in the editing of the audio recording - the beginnings and endings of some slides were cut off.

Anonymous Author
It seemed dated — LLPs were “new” and no discussion of single member LLCs. Also weird editing left several sentences without complete thoughts.

Anonymous Author
I would have liked to see a matrix table with all entity types with checkmarks flagging differences, pros and cons, etc,difficulty in setting up,etc.

Member's Profile
The course was very informative. However, you had to view the presentation in pieces, it was not a seamless transition from one topic to the other.

Member's Profile
Excellent, straight-forward course if you are considering creating an entity or support a product that is utilized among a variety of entity types.

Anonymous Author
Good overview of the types of legal entities available and some of the advantages and disadvantages of each. A bit monotone, but easily understood.

Member's Profile
This was an excellent overview of the advantages and disadvantages of various entity types. Corporate Paralegals would benefit from this course.

Anonymous Author
Understanding which difference between the S- corp and the C-Corp. It helps me to select which is the best choice in for various circumstances.

Anonymous Author
Great overview of the various types of business entities and the pros/cons of each one. Good refresher for any financial professional.

Anonymous Author
A bit long for the subject matter covered, but overall a good summary of the factors to consider when choosing an entity type

Anonymous Author
Great overview and even a few considerations I have never thought about before. Would take more classes from this presenter.

Anonymous Author
Even though the presentation is clear at the end of each chapter the words get cut out and the sentence is not finished.

Anonymous Author
Informative. Background noise. dull presentation. Clear PowerPoint. Background wording "damn" not very professional.

Anonymous Author
Good basic review of different options. Always good to listen to them so that one has a good idea of what to suggest.

Member's Profile
Concise and easy to listen to but I couldn’t find a continuous play option. Also he didn’t really go into S Corp.

Anonymous Author
It breaks down the differences of each entity type on a broad level without going into specific legal/tax details.

Member's Profile
I am thinking of going into business with another CPA and the course gave me a lot to think about. Thank you!

Member's Profile
Very useful. Would appreciate additional content on tax considerations and annual reporting requirements .

Anonymous Author
Great job, very useful information, thank you so much! Great course and very informative. I appreciate it.

Member's Profile
Great overview of business corporate structure along with legal and tax issues in selecting a structure.

Member's Profile
Good overview of the different entities and advantages/disadvantages of incorporating under each type.

Anonymous Author
Great review of the different entity types for those looking to decided which entity is best for them.

Member's Profile
Excellent, well-prepared overview of entity structure from both a legal and tax perspective.

Member's Profile
This was a good reminder about things to consider when choosing the form of business entity.

Member's Profile
The program provides useful information in distinguishing between legal types of entities.

Anonymous Author
Good overview - would have liked a little more on the tax impacts of the entity decision

Member's Profile
A good overview course. Lots of useful information. Very well organized and presented.

Anonymous Author
Course was ok, had to go back and listen to the lectures. I was not engaged at all.

Member's Profile
Lots of good knowledge a CPA should know about these different types of entities.

Anonymous Author
instructor provided a good overview of the characteristics of each type of entity

Member's Profile
Best course I’ve done on this topic. It was well organized and easy to follow.

Anonymous Author
Editing of video was poor at times, but good basic content about entity options.

Member's Profile
The information was very good but he presentation was a little hard to follow/

Member's Profile
Good course, but didn't explain how an LLC does more/better than an LP

Member's Profile
good quick presentation to prompt the next group of questions/concerns

Anonymous Author
Course is informative, but very basic in its information offering,

Member's Profile
Good basic knowledge of entity structure types. Straight forward.

Anonymous Author
Good discussion of the differences in the types of organizatioins

Member's Profile
course was set up well, and the presentation was easy to follow.

Member's Profile
This course is a review of the basics of company structures.

Member's Profile
great high level overview - good refresher on the basics.

Member's Profile
succinct presentation, useful way to compare the options

Anonymous Author
presenter read very slow, but generally informative

Anonymous Author
boring speaker. Subject is dry but made it worse.

Member's Profile
Excellent refresher. Well laid out presentation.

Member's Profile
Concise overview with clear presentation.

Member's Profile
Good general overview for intro course.

Anonymous Author
Nice/clear presentation of the facts

Member's Profile
Easy explanation and informative

Anonymous Author
Overall it was a solid course.

Anonymous Author
Useful information.

Member's Profile
very basic class

Anonymous Author
Very informative

Anonymous Author
Good refresher

Member's Profile
Good overview.

Anonymous Author
Good summary.

Course Complexity: Foundational

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
Building the Beast
  What You Need12:20
Types of Entities
  Sole Proprietorship 7:49
  Partnership or LLC?14:38
  Corporation 12:08
  Slides: Choice of EntityPDF
  Choice of Entity Glossary/IndexPDF