In the 1970s your resume may have included personal information such as your height and weight. In the 1990s newspapers had multiple pages of job openings in them every day. In the 1990s faxing your resume was considered acceptable, often preferred.

Do you expect to use the same practices for your job search in 2020 and beyond? I hope not.

Finding the best jobs today is done far differently than in the past. Far differently than just 5 years ago.

Change is inevitable, thus we must change our own processes in order to be successful in our quest for that next great job.

Today the benefits of online job boards are diminishing. They are no longer the best place to spend most of your time searching for and applying for jobs.

As more and more jobs show up in what is often called the ‘hidden job market’, we have to find ways to uncover these opportunities.

One of the skill sets we will need to invest more time learning to do, or actually doing is getting into conversations.  This will be the most powerful toolset you’ll need in your career journey today and for the unforeseeable future. The ability to talk with people, ask questions, listen and learn will help you discover new ideas, new opportunities, and new jobs. The best possible job for you is hidden in one of these conversations.

We are told routinely by recruiters, hiring managers and human resource professionals that we need to pay attention to the job openings they list online and apply for these jobs in order to get hired. Yes, this process may be necessary, however, it’s not the starting point. There are many more steps you need to take in order to find your next great job.

We will discuss these steps and introduce you to new ways to perform them so you can be more successful in your own Career Journey.

Learning Objectives
  • Identify and become aware of the significant misconceptions of the old job search processes.
  • Discover who you are and what you truly want to be doing in your career.
  • Identify and introduced to new steps and specific tasks you can use to be more successful in your career journey.
  • Explore and become focused and intentional in the pursuit of your career goals.
Last updated/reviewed: March 12, 2024
1 Review (18 ratings)


Member's Profile
Good and thought provoking ideas about the job/career search process. No sugar coating about how difficult it can and will be.

Course Complexity: Foundational

Each student will need to have basic communication skills, using telephone, email, social media, and even face to face conversations. Each student must be willing to get into open conversations with others in order to use these skills to find their next great job. (If you are not comfortable doing this today, start practicing.)

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Class Introduction2:23
  The Old Processes3:51
  Applicant Tracking Systems and Interviews3:43
  Part of the Problem2:12
New Ideas
  Business Conversations3:39
  Dream into Your Career1:51
  Dream Out Loud2:39
  Dream with Others2:32
  Review What You Learned2:29
  You are not Alone2:18
  Research is Important5:00
  Ask for Introduction2:07
  Bump into People1:34
  Listen Carefully6:36
  Networking and Research4:06
  Marketing Yourself2:24
  Keep Learning as You Apply3:54
  Focus your Business Processes2:26
  The Potential3:43
  The Closing Remarks2:06
  Career Search in 2020 and Beyond1:01:31
  Slides: Career Search in 2020 and BeyondPDF
  Career Search in 2020 and Beyond Glossary/IndexPDF