In this course we discuss steps to better Human Resources (HR) outcomes when communicating with C-Level Management.  We discuss communication concepts and think in terms of what C-Level Management needs to know to make confident and timely decisions. We also look at how C-Level Managers like to be communicated with and what they find of value. 

After completing this course, you will better understand how to communicate with C-Level Managers within your organization - it’s your job to address the issues you’re bringing up and  explain why particular subjects are valuable and and why it’s important they work with you.  This is essential for better business outcomes.  C-Level Management focuses on protecting the business. Your job is to communicate HR’s impact on the business.

Later we discuss communication transactions that are likely to occur between HR and C-Level Management and how we can apply communication concepts to these types of interactions.  An organization’s HR staff requires support and involvement from its top management in order to be effective.  HR has the responsibility of gaining C-level commitment, securing their involvement, and maintaining open communications.   C-level executives need to understand HR’s functions, goals, and why they are important to the businesses’ bottom line.

This course will serve as review for HR professionals who want to sharpen their understanding of communication with the C-Suite and how they can increase support and involvement for HR to meet the strategic goals and operational plans of the organization.

Learning Objectives
  • Identify communication concepts that improve success on the job with C-Level Managers
  • Explore communication strategies that increase the value of Human Resources (HR) functions with executives
  • Discover how being direct and showing business impact of HR is valuable to C-Level Managers
  • Explore how to be better prepared to help executives make quick, confident decisions based on available information and data with an emphasis on Human Resources
  • Explore how to improve communication so that C-Level Managers needs are met, in their language, and in clear, concise, and actionable ways
  • Explore how to improve support and involvement for reaching strategic goals and executing operational plans
Last updated/reviewed: March 20, 2024
5 Reviews (11 ratings)


Anonymous Author
This course provided a thorough and comprehensive overview of considerations when interacting with executive leaders. I really enjoyed the instructor's presentation as well as supporting materials - nicely done!

Member's Profile
The presentation was helpful but was very repetitive. It took quite a few trys to pass the test since several of the questions had multiple answers (if you took her slides word for word.)

Anonymous Author
The content was good, as well as the flow. I would have liked to have seen specific examples and scenarios of how to communicate for better outcomes.

Member's Profile
This course was helpful and thought-provoking, but could be shorter. I think the subject material could be consolidated.

Anonymous Author
A good presentation, but form me the information presented was kind of repetitive.

Course Complexity: Advanced

No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course. 

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Communicating with C-Level Management: Steps to Better HR Outcomes3:15
  Communication Concepts 6:55
  Addressing Issues and Outcomes 10:26
  Human Resources Impact on the Business 5:14
Communication Transactions
  Communication Transactions 3:50
  Communication Transactions Example 25:37
  Communication Transactions Example 34:57
  Communication Transactions Example 46:14
  Communication Transactions (Continued)2:03
The C - Suite
  Human Resources Value to the C-Suite 4:04
  Transformative HR Technologies 4:44
  Communications at C Level5:28
  Review and Conclusion 3:53
Continuous Play
  Communicating with C-Level Management: Steps to Better HR Outcomes 1:06:40
  Slides: Communicating with C-Level ManagementPDF
  Communicating with C-Level Management Glossary/IndexPDF