The roles and legal responsibilities of boards of directors are evolving in the for-profit sector. Many boards and board members have faced lawsuits because investors feel the board and its members have not met their fiduciary duty.
This course defines the roles and responsibilities for members of boards of directors in for-profit enterprises. The course covers major pieces of legislation and recent court decisions that shed light on how corporate boards are expected to operate. This course is for people who already serve on corporate boards, people who aspire to become a corporate board member, and consultants in the fields of accounting, management, organizational development, the law, and other professions that advise and work with boards of directors in the for-profit, private sector.
Learning Objectives
- Identify the roles and legal standards that are being applied to boards of directors and individual board members.
- Discover how to provide better consulting services to companies that have active boards of directors.
- Recognize the functions of a board and the qualifications board members should have to be effective board members.
- Explore the role of the independent board member as required by law for larger companies and often used in smaller companies as well.
- Discover the role of various committees on effective boards of directors and strategies that effective boards use to positively impact companies.
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No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.
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